Tag Archives: Roman Empire

Antiquity & Eschatology of Freemasonic, Jesuit & Zionist Orders as Vector of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Античность и эсхатология масонских, иезуитских и сионистских орденов как вектор израильско-палестинского конфликта – I

One of World History’s most important texts: the Malediction of Akkad; 18th c. BCE copy of an earlier original, found in Babylon. The text details the calamitous results of human contact with the unclean nation Guti and the subsequent collapse of Akkad, i.e. the world’s first empire, which brought about the Flood.


In a first article titled ‘Palestinians vs. Israelis: 11 Hidden Historical Truths about a Futile War’, I expanded briefly on crucial historical points that the Palestinians and the entire world do not know concerning first the History of the kingdoms of Ancient Israel and Judah and second the identity of today’s so-called Jews whose outright majority (85-90%), namely the Ashkenazi Khazarians, by all means are not Jews ethnically, linguistically, culturally and religiously. I also pointed out that even the Sephardic Jews, who make ca. 10-15% of the so-called World Jewry, are not entitled to the Promised Land (i.e. Palestine) as per historical evidence; furthermore, I made it clear that the Sephardim do not constitute part of the Chosen People (i.e. the ten lost tribes of Ancient Israel) whose ‘return’ was indeed prophesied in the Old Testament. The article can be found here: https://www.academia.edu/107952726/Palestinians_vs_Israelis_11_Hidden_Historical_Truths_about_a_Futile_War

In a second article titled ‘Israelis vs. Palestinians: 6 Concealed Historical Truths about the Lost Wars’, I first explored the diverse, spiritual and moral conditions of national resistance and then presented critical historical and socio-political issues that impact the Palestinians and affect their struggle for national independence. I demonstrated that the Palestinian Islamists are the best accomplices of the Israeli Zionists in the sense that, by plunging their persecuted nation into ignorance, colonial falsehood, and lack of self-criticism, they turn the entirely deracinated nation of Palestinians into expendable material for the agendas of several Western governments and secret organizations. The article can be found here:




I. Why Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion

II. Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism

III. The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons

IV. The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order

V. The Zionists before Judaism

VI. The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists

VII. The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh

VIII. The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism 

IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great

X. Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus

XI. Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans 

XII. Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism 



I. Почему иезуиты, масоны и сионисты не могут иметь религию или верить в нее

II. Иезуиты, масоны и сионисты против ислама, христианства и иудаизма

III. Восточная древность масонов

IV. Восточная древность ордена иезуитов

V. Сионисты до иудаизма

VI. Месопотамское касситское происхождение сионистов

VII. Касситы и мерзость Мардука-Яхве

VIII. Гути, касситы, Потоп и сионизм

IX. Гути, касситы, Гог и Магог, Нечистые народы и Александр Македонский

X. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, Александр Македонский, династия Селевкидов и Иосиф Флавий.

XI. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, фарисеи, саддукеи, ессеи и римляне

XII. Гог, хазары и ашкеназский сионизм


In the present article, I will expand on issues pertaining to the divergent Western agendas about Jerusalem and the ‘Promised Land’; it is essential to keep in mind that these secret plans and projects, which have been implemented already over the past centuries, are not ‘political’, ‘ideological’ or ‘philosophical’ of nature, but spiritual, religious and more particularly eschatological-messianic-soteriological. However, they cannot be truly comprehended without a deep understanding of the antiquity of the secret orders, which fight against one another in order to implement their eschatological schedules that are at the very antipodes of one another. 

For a more effective comprehension of the nature of the three secret orders and of the clash of their respective agendas, an earlier article published in 2017 would help:

Zionist – Freemasonic – Jesuit Agendas in Conflict or Superposition: End Times’ Sequence & Trajectories; https://megalommatis.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/zionist-freemasonic-jesuit-agendas-in-conflict-or-superposition-end-times-sequence-trajectories/ https://www.academia.edu/33381068/Zionist_Freemasonic_Jesuit_Agendas_in_Conflict_or_Superposition_End_Times_Sequence_and_Trajectories

Because of the aforementioned statement, several clarifications are needed. When I speak of ‘religious’ agendas, I do not -by all means- suggest that these schemes are Islamic, Christian (all denominations included) and Jewish (or Judaic). Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists can invariably be Jews, Christians and Muslims, pretty much like they may appear in public as Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, agnostics, irreligious or atheists; these details depend exclusively on the assignment entrusted to the initiate by his venerable.

Are Societas Jesu, the diverse Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the different Zionist synagogues religious organizations that preach independent religions and systems of faith among their adepts and initiates?

I. Why Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion

The response to this question is very intricate; it hinges on the differences between spirituality, religion, moral, cult, popular religion, and theology. In fact, all three secret societies abhor moral, cult, popular religion and folk traditions; in addition, they don’t need theology. As they function as secret societies, they initiate their members and they extract most of the spiritual and material energy and dynamism that are inherent in them while assigning them tasks to carry out; they also promote them according to their spiritual skills. Spiritual potency is their top secret that they keep sealed off; to avoid infiltration, they incessantly work closely with different spiritual hierarchies and they initiate their members, taking them from lies to lies and sharing with them the portion of spiritual truth that corresponds to their respective grades.

Of the existing, publicly known religions, all three secret societies have a very low opinion that they hide by expressing recognition and respect in public, although in the case of Zionism these feelings are rather pale. One should not confuse between Jewish religion and the Zionist synagogue; the latter has developed a truly profane reading of the Hebrew Bible.

That’s why those among the members of the three secret societies, who reject the assumption that each of the said organizations preaches a religion, are in right. If we take into consideration the succinct and very analytical definition of ‘religion’ that I presented in my article ‘Anatolia and Turkey: Spirituality, Moral, Culture, Legend, Popular Religion, Governance, Religion, Theology & Politics’ (p. 27/64 of the PDF; https://www.academia.edu/89267447/Anatolia_and_Turkey_Spirituality_Moral_Culture_Legend_Popular_Religion_Governance_Religion_Theology_and_Politics), then certainly Societas Jesu, the Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the Zionist synagogues do not preach a ‘religion’, and they are not religious organizations.

In fact, these organizations are not compatible with any religion; the reason is simple: every religion is for a people, whereas these segregations can only exist as a direct denial of the notion of ‘people’, because in every case of a people or nation, the non-members (of the secret societies) are the outcasts who are labeled as ‘profane’, ‘vulgar’ and ‘indecent’. These secretive orders believe that they constitute the ‘elite’; this is an evil, viciously anti-Godly notion that did not exist in the History of Mankind.

As ahistorical concept, the ‘elite’ is the ultimate corruption generator, as it consists in the most solemn introduction of Injustice among humans. Prior to the formation of these groups, there was absolutely no notion of ‘elite’ in any nation and in any language worldwide, because every emperor or king was a brave combatant who used to fight along with all the other soldiers to defend or expand their realm. All royal rulers were fraternal with their respective fighters and people in general.

In Ancient Egypt, the initiation of apprentice priests and mystics did not bring about any social disconnection and differentiation from the rest. As spiritual process, it took the form of impersonation of aspects of the divine from the initiate, who had to imitate the divine trait, radiate it in his life, and explore its endless forms. In striking contrast to modern practices, the fear of God instilled a feeling of expansion, not contraction in the souls of the novice.

The idea of ‘elite’ is direct rejection of the concept of Creation, because it suggests that God made a mistake and He should have created two Adams instead, one being the forefather of the elite (or superior race), and another belonging to the average people. By accepting the existence of elites, every faithful becomes instantaneously infidel, because such an approach is tantamount to blasphemy, irrespective of the religion of the person.

How can we then accurately and succinctly define these secretive orders?

II. Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Societas Jesu, the Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the Zionist synagogues are forces that contend to break the unity of soul, mind and body in every human in order to enslave all the people of every country where they extend their activities. The nature of their endeavors is primarily spiritual, and their target is to achieve spiritual potency, acquire knowledge, and garner material force in order to effectuate their agendas. They therefore function as pyramidal hierarchies, which is spiritually and morally intolerable, and -even worse- export their sick and evil pattern to the societies where they exist, inevitably turning them to hierarchical pyramids. In doing so, they incessantly distort the historical past of all nations in order to effectively adjust it to their anomaly.

If the three orders do not preach any but revile all the religions, this is due to their traumatic spirituality that they inevitably, incessantly and irreversibly attempt to vindicate, being unable to perceive reality sentimentally. The traumatic experience that their members undergo at the spiritual level is at the origin of their absolute inadaptability to religion. This is their ‘initiation’, which is entirely different from historically attested cases of sacerdotal initiation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Viewing things differently, one could offer an invariable definition; the religion of the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists is imperfect and incomplete. This is so because their initiation(s) is(are) always a case of spiritual dispossession followed by mystical inhabitation, which is more commonly known as demonic enslavement. This process terminates their sentimental life, inevitably engulfing them in incessant biases which are all due to the demoniacal nature of their spiritual protectors who inhabit them.

However, quite unfortunately for them, all three secret orders are inextricably related to two religions; i.e. Ancient Hebrew religion (including the derivative form of Judaism) and Christianity (notably the Catholic and Protestant versions of this faith). That is why in the countries where these organizations prevailed, there is much discussion about, propaganda for, and pride in the false concept of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’. This is part of the falsehood that they ‘teach’ and diffuse worldwide.

For some of their earlier forms of religious order that the Freemasons had created, one can ascertain that those organizations were also related to Orthodox Christianity, notably the nuclei of several Eastern Roman Constantinopolitan chariot racing factions: the Russati/Ρούσσοι and the Albati/Λευκοί). The same can be concluded about Islam with respect to the early Mutazilla or Mu’tazilites (المعتزلة), the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa; إخوان‌ الصفا), and some branches of Isma’ilis (الإسماعيلية) or Isma’ilites.

Double-leaf frontispiece from the “Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity”; from Baghdad, 1287 (today in Süleymaniye Library)

The relation that the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists have had with these two religions hinges mainly on the associated sacred texts, namely the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the Talmud, and the New Testament. It goes without saying that all modern conflicts and polarizations about the numerous translations (to modern languages) which were produced, and in particular those of the Old Testament, hinge on the quarrel among these three orders about the correct and authentic interpretation of the ancient text. KJV (King James Version) is a particularly biased translation that involves thousands of distortions and misinterpretations; it cannot possibly be used as a fair point of reference by anyone except the Freemasons.

As a matter of fact, one of the best and most accurate definitions that one can create about each of the three secret societies is that they are “an often biased but publicly unknown, purposefully different reading of the sacred texts”. Actually, these are not theoretical but practical differences that emanate from the contrasts which exist in the respective eschatological, soteriological and messianic agendas; it is evident that those preconceived agendas dictate actually the reading and the ensuing translations.

This explains both, the eschatological-messianic-soteriological nature of their respective agendas (the sacred texts comprise similar notions indeed) and the systematic and enduring infiltration into the related religious organizations and ecclesiastical bodies that the three orders have methodically undertaken; in the process, they attempted to impose their ‘reading of the sacred texts’ onto the unsuspicious, naïve and innocent faithful.

Catacombs of Saints Marcellinus and Peter (3 km southeast of Rome and the ancient Via Labicana); from top: Orants, Jonah and the Whale; Moses striking the rock (left); Noah praying in the ark; Adoration of the Magi; ca. 200–250 CE

It therefore goes without saying that the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity were not comprehended by both, the sacerdotal class and the laymen, in the way they have been interpreted and believed after the infiltration of the aforementioned three secret organizations and their ancestral forms. There is certainly a distinction that we have to make. The Zionists did not attempt to infiltrate Christianity; only recently (over the past 200 years), they created pro-Zionist churches and groups of people who impersonated the Christians. On the contrary, Jesuits and Freemasons, in their earlier, ancestral forms, infiltrated Christianity since the very initial stages of the formation of this religion. In fact, the emergence of Roman Christianity, the many Christological disputes, the different ‘heresies’, and many internecine clashes in Western European Christianity were the result of the incessant strives between the previous forms that the two secret orders had taken; they were trying to pull the religion under formation to their side, to control it spiritually and intellectually, and to adjust it to their secret concepts and agendas.

The Oriental origin of the three secret societies antedates the establishment of the Early Christian groups; both, the Freemasons and the Jesuits, originate from different Gnostic sects, and from earlier sacerdotal colleges of Mesopotamia and Egypt whose roots can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BCE. By saying so, I don’t suggest that the Jesuits and the Freemasons believe in any of the Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian religions, although several concepts have certainly been maintained and therefore survived. As I already said, for their members it is technically impossible to worship any religion due to the harmful rituals of initiation that they have gradually adopted.

III. The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons

Basic cosmological, eschatological and messianic concepts of the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan religion, seminal notions of Amarna Atenism (or Atonism), and the fundamental elements of the Sargonid Assyrian monotheism, involving notably the conceptualization of topics like the ‘Chosen People’, the ‘Promised Land’, the ‘Righteous Suffering’, the ‘Universal Empire’, the ‘Emperor of the Universe’, the ‘Return of the Chosen People’, the ‘End of Times’, etc. have been transferred within the Ancient Hebrew Bible, and thanks to them, the Freemasonic nebula was easily able during the Late Antiquity to dissimulate its spiritual-intellectual identity and posture as Biblical and Christian, though often heretic (Montanism, Arianism, etc.), although they wasted enormous spiritual and intellectual resources in Gnosticisms and pagan philosophies.

Wall painting from the Tomb of Nefertari, royal consort of Ramses II, at the Valley of the Queens, Luxor West: Nefertari (left) and the ram-headed god Khnum (divine inspector of the sources of the Nile), surrounded by Isis (right) and Nephthys (left) with their respective symbols atop of their heads; in Ancient Egypt, Isis symbolized the sacerdotal college of the Ancient Freemasons and Nephthys represented the ancestral priesthood of the Jesuits.

IV. The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order

Basic parts of the Ancient Egyptian Memphitic polytheistic dogma and cosmology (ab ovo creation by Ptah), notions of the Theban Trinity (Amun, Mut and Khonsu), the theory of Theogamy (promulgated as imperial dogma by Pharaoh Hatshepsut), fundamental Babylonian polytheistic concepts, notably the dying-and-reborn-‘god’ Dumuzid (Tammuz) and Nergalism, i.e. the Cuthean Vallis lacrimarum (Vale of tears), selected themes of Mithraic Iranian background, and the Manichaean school of thought were all anathema to the Ancient Hebrew religion and to Judaism, but they managed to make their way into the Christian cult and narratives, duly adapted and appended to the stories of the early Gospels. Due to this slow process that lasted several centuries, the Memphitic sacerdotal class -through the biases of Origenism, thanks to St John Cassian’s Institutes and Conferences, and due to the Benedictine Order, and later the Jesuits- seized power in Rome and turned it to the center of the most instinctively Anti-Christian force (or, if you prefer the terminology of John’s Revelation, ‘Babylon the Great’).

V. The Zionists before Judaism

The relationship of the Zionist order with Judaism was different; whereas the ancestral forms of the Freemasons and the Jesuits emanate from the sacerdotal environment of 4th and 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Zionist institution was totally unrelated to the early stages of the faith of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah and Jonah. Either in Mesopotamia, Canaan or Egypt, the Ancient Hebrews were Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian monotheists, who had to abandon their lands and emigrate in order to preserve their monotheistic faith and survive.

Above: Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh, containing the Flood myth; below: clay tablet from Babylon, praising Nebuchadnezzar as ‘king of justice’.

Pretty much like Abraham opposed Nimrud (mythologized as Gilgamesh) in Mesopotamia, Moses stood up to the Pharaoh of Egypt; subsequently, they both had to leave and settle elsewhere. Later, the spiritual, intellectual, cultural and linguistic Canaanization of the Ancient Hebrews, although strongly opposed by the prophets, was overwhelming. Finally, it led to the Assyrian conquest of Samaria (722 BCE), the transportation of the entire population of the Northern kingdom (Israel) to the NE provinces of Assyria, and the subsequent loss of the ten tribes, which have been later called ‘the ten lost tribes’; these developments were tantamount to salvation and they were prophesied as heralding their return (along with that of the Assyrians) at the End of Time. As it can be understood, these prophetic events have nothing to do with the Jews. The destruction of the smaller Southern kingdom (Judah) by Nebuchadnezzar (587 BCE) and the exile of the two tribes (: the Jews) to Babylonia brought about the end of the Ancient Hebrew religion of which minimal traces have been left down to our times.

Above: Abraham cast into fire by Nimrod, from Zubdat-al Tawarikh, a 1583 Ottoman manuscript; below: Nebuchadnezzar’s forces at the siege of Jerusalem, as depicted in a 10th-century Catalan manuscript

There was no Zionism in Ancient Israel; on the contrary, there was constant criticism of the Canaanization process by the prophets. All the liars and propagandists, who believe today that the Torah (Pentateuch) and the other books of the Tanakh {: the Modern Hebrew appellation of the Old Testament, consisting of three initials from Torah, Nevi’im (prophets), and the Ketuvim (‘writings’; i.e. all the other books, namely the ‘Sifrei Kodesh’/ ספרי קודש)} may have been preserved down to our times in the form in which they were initially written before the fall of Jerusalem (587 BCE), either foolishly forget or deliberately conceal the extent of the disaster and the dire conditions under which the exiled Jews had to move, cross a distance of about 1000 km, and reach the whereabouts of the Babylonian capital.

First, they were dispossessed of almost everything; second, they had minimal and primitive means of transportation; third, it is not certain (or even mentioned in any historical source) that they managed to transport with them at least one copy of the Old Testament; in addition, we still do not know the type of support on which it was written (tablets, papyri, etc.). The most plausible interpretation is that, since the Ark of the Covenant was not transported to Babylon (but lost), no significant monuments were taken by the departing Jews, who had to cross on foot a harsh and long terrain before reaching Mesopotamia.

Tablet containing part of the Neo-Babylonian Chronicle which covers the years 605-594 BCE of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign (605-562 BCE); the cuneiform text describes in brief the first conquest of Jerusalem and the surrender of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, in 597 BCE. It is a copy of the original tablet; approximate date: ca. 500 BCE; origin: Babylon, currently in the British Museum

VI. The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists

It is in 6th c. BCE Babylonia where the early manifestation of the Zionist organization can be attested as being in contact with the exiled Jews; as a matter of fact, the then Zionists were Babylonian polytheistic priests, who read the parts of the sacred texts that the Jews may have managed to bring with them (most probably in fragmentary form), heard their oral traditions, and assessed their broken spirituality and its high origin.

By selecting exiled Jewish laymen and by helping them write down their texts and oral traditions, the Babylonian Zionists first introduced several Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual, religious, intellectual and literary concepts in those texts, always adapting them to the Judaic/Jewish context, and second conditioned the value of the origin Biblical texts, as they appended them to secondary texts that were not due to divine inspiration but merely to explanatory intention. When the limits between divinely inspired text and human explanation were confused, the original religion (Ancient Hebrew religion) was altered and corrupted. Subsequently, a new religion (Judaism) emerged based on different books (and this case, the Old Testament, the Talmud, etc.). More importantly, extra texts and stories have been added, like the Table of Nations, which reflected already a clear Zionist (not Hebrew) purpose.

With the earlier Jewish rabbis executed and eliminated, a segment of the Babylonian polytheistic sacerdotal class converted to ‘Judaism’, as soon as it became obvious that they could dissimulate their origin and identity, while posturing as monotheists and having available the texts that would empower them to lay claim to Jerusalem. Their persistence in the importance of a selected soil had already been attested historically in Ancient Mesopotamia. One must see these developments within the wider spiritual, religious, intellectual and cultural context of the Neo-Sumerian, Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian, and Middle Assyrian-Babylonian times.

Several Ancient Assyrian monotheistic notions, concepts and worldviews, which had earlier caused incessant wars and long conflicts between the monotheist Assyrians and the polytheist Babylonians, were transferred in the extensively re-written ‘holy scriptures’ of the Jews by this Babylonian-‘Jewish’ polytheistic sacerdotal class. This was necessary because these evil spiritual-religious authorities would use them in a gravely altered, duly adapted and counterfeit form for the benefit of their worldview and eschatological attempt (due to the absence of the Ancient Assyrians and the ten tribes of Israel). This is how ancient Mesopotamian spiritual sciences, practices, techniques and exercises made their way into this totally anti-Hebrew, ‘Jewish’ religion, involving divination, magic, astronomy-astrology, the olfactory science and the sonar science (including mystical sonar formulas that are nowadays called ‘Kabbalah’).

The origin of these Babylonian-‘Jewish’ priests, mystics and wise elders should not be considered as necessarily Semitic, in striking contrast to the ancestry of the majority of the Babylonians. Mesopotamia had already had a very long past when the king Nebuchadnezzar brought the exiled population of Judah to Mesopotamia. Several non-Semitic nations had settled and at times ruled Babylon; notably, the Kassites (Kashu in Assyrian-Babylonian; Galzu in Kassite) descended from Zagros Mountains and took control of ‘Gate of God’ (Bab-Ili), after the Hittite conquest of Central Mesopotamia led by Mursili I (1596).

In fact, according to the 1st millennium BCE Babylonian king lists, the Kassite dynasty reigned (with capital at Dur-Kurigalzu; today’s Aqar Quf) for no less than 576 years; their effective rule started in 1595 BCE and ended ca. 1155 BCE, with the Elamite invasion and sack of Babylon by Shutruk Nakhunte. The fact that the Babylonian king lists included a period of reign much longer means that they included a period of tribal rule (before 1595 BCE) limited in South Zagros that the list authors considered as opposed to the Amorite (usually known as the First) dynasty of Babylon. This demonstrates a fully separate, tribal-national identity and self-consciousness; it means that the Kassites lived as an independent sect among the Babylonians, during and after the fall of the Kassite dynasty.  About:





Unfinished kudurru (border stele) from the end of the Kassite period, attributed to the reign of Melishipak (1186–1172 BCE); it was unearthed in Susa, where it had been taken as war booty by the invading Elamite army in the 12th c. BCE (Louvre, Paris)


Written by a Kassite Babylonian scribe in the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BCE, the Chronicle P (named after its first editor, the English Assyriologist T. G. Pinches) offers a very biased interpretation of the incessant conflicts between the Kassite Babylonian rulers and the Assyrian kings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronicle_P

Kudurru dated to the reign of Marduk-apla-iddina I (1171-1159 BCE)

Reverse of clay cuneiform tablet, EA (el Amarna) 9, letter from Kassite Babylonian king Burna-Buriaš II of Karduniash (the Kassite name of Babylon) to Nibḫurrereya (the Assyrian-Babylonian version of the Pharaonic name of Tutankhamun) today in the British Museum; el Amarna is the modern Egyptian name of the location of Akhetaton, the new Pharaonic capital founded by the monotheist Akhenaten in the 14th c. BCE. Vast documentation (named ‘Tel Amarna Letters’) was found in the Pharaonic archives there, including more than 380 letters exchanged between the then world’s major emperors and kings and the Egyptian pharaohs Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV (renamed Akhenaten after the inauguration of the new religion), and his successors. All the letters were written in cuneiform Assyrian-Babylonian, which was the World History’s first international language. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarna_letters




Seal of the Kassite Babylonian king Burna-Buriash II (1359–1333 BCE)

Molded baked-brick bas-relief of the temple of Ishtar, which was rebuilt by the Kassite Babylonian king Karaindaš in Uruk; ca. 1410 BCE

The zikkurat of Dur Kurigalzu, original Kassite capital in Babylonia (in today’s Aqar Quf)

Cylinder seal of the Kassite Babylonian king Kurigalzu II (1332–1308 BCE)

VII. The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh

The monotheist Assyrians considered the Kassites as an execrable abomination and they viewed their rule as an abhorrent desecration of Babylon, the holiest city of Mesopotamia; after the collapse of Kassite Babylonia, the Assyrians incessantly interfered in, and repeatedly invaded, Babylon in order to purify the land, re-sanctify the local elements, and eliminate the Kassite priests. As the Kassite and post-Kassite rise of ‘Marduk’ was a blasphemy and an outrage, the Assyrians made of Assur the universal and only God, whose emanations were all the other divinities; for the monotheist Assyrians, the Marduk could only be the Babylonian copy of Assur. It was therefore normal for them to attempt to eliminate the Kassite polytheistic priesthood whose blasphemous interpretation of the Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual heritage demanded terminal solution and physical annihilation.

As the subsequent alliance between Babylon and Elam strengthened the anti-Assyrian, anti-monotheist front, the Sargonids (722-609 BCE), empowered by Prophet Jonah’s preaching in Nineveh, managed to vanquish Elam and exterminate all the Elamites who did not early escape far to the East. But they could not do the same in the most ancient and most venerable, yet corrupted city of Babylon; they could only eliminate the evil Kassite priests. This was what they did continuously for no less than 500 years.

An extensive comparative religious study would reveal that the fundamental traits of Kassite and post-Kassite Marduk (and notably the anthropomorphic traits) have been passed onto Yahweh of the J (Jahwist) source of the Pentateuch. But the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses was «ilu» (the Assyrian-Babylonian word for «God»), which was rendered as Elohim in Ancient Hebrew, and that is why the E (Elohist) source of the Torah prevails in the earlier stages of the text.   

Above: Marduk depicted on a 9th c. BCE cylinder seal of the post-Kassite Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I; the god of the Kassite Babylonian polytheists appears mounted on his permanent companion, the fierce snake Mush-khushu (Mušḫuššu). Below: 8th c. BCE Neo-Assyrian seal showing a worshipper between Nabu and Marduk, standing on their servant dragons

The zikkurat Etemenanki (lit. ‘Temple of the foundation of Heaven and Earth’) and, further south, the temple Esagila (: ‘temple with the lofty top’); by placing the statue of Marduk in the temple, the Kassites desecrated Babylon.

Air view






It is easy now to reconstruct what truly took place among the exiled Jews in Babylonia; the old Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood decided to hijack the Biblical heritage by

– sacrilegiously introducing their abomination under another divine name of Egyptian origin (Iah), lunar ascendancy, and Theban trinitarian association (many traits of Khonsu are apparent in both, Iah and Yahweh),

– systematically instituting their favorite stories as ‘Biblical’ narratives (notably their vicious hatred against Ut Napishtim / Noah, their overt predilection for the Giants / Nephilim, their worthless account of Cain’s descendants, which is totally useless for anyone to know, and their deliberate forgery which became known under the name of Table of Nations), and

– expressly demonstrating a very vivid interest for, and obdurate persistence in, certain locations, local presence, and control of land.

For the Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood’s eschatological projections, the importance of the location was paramount, and for this purpose, they introduced the Zion fanaticism among the exiled Jews; however, this process did not impact them all, and we know very well that, after the Achaemenid Iranian conquest of Babylon (539 BCE), few Jews returned to their ancestral land. The same concerned also the Jews who had fled to, and settled in, Egypt at the times of Psamtik II (595-589 BCE) and Wahibre/Apries (589-570 BCE), because they continued living in Aswan and Elephantine Island (in the South) as well as in the Delta region, without any apparent interest in the ‘Promised Land’.

I have here to markedly underscore that this is very reasonable, because as I already stated, the ‘Return to the Promised Land’, as a constituent element of the Assyrian Cosmology-Eschatology and therefore of the Biblical prophecy, concerns only the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel – not the Jews.  

More importantly, we have full proof that, in later periods, the non-Zionist Jews attempted even to attract other Jews from Jerusalem and Judaea to Egypt; there were no sacred prophecy, no religious need, and no national imperative for the Jews to further stay in Judaea/Palestine. This becomes evident thanks to the story of the land and the temple of Onias (Honiyyo) IV, the Zadokite high priest, who had a Jewish temple built in his name (ca. 170-150 BCE), near Iwnw (Heliopolis), Egypt’s most sacred site and most venerable temple–center of the Ennead, i.e. the Ancient Egyptian monotheism. He found it sensible to invite Jews from Judaea to settle there. It is not therefore strange that the Talmud and the Zionist Roman Jew Flavius Josephus contain many insults against Onias IV.

An important document of the Jewish community at the Elephantine Island, in Aswan, written in Imperial Aramaic; it is dated in the 17th year of reign of Darius II (407 BCE). Yedoniah and other priests dispatched this letter to Bagavahya (Bagoas), the Achaemenid Iranian governor of Judah, in order to demand his permission to rebuild the Jewish temple at the island, because it was destroyed by the Egyptians.

The southern end of the Elephantine Island where the Jewish temple was located

Marriage contract between Ananiah and Tamut (449 BCE); another document from the Elephantine Aramaic papyri (today in the Brooklyn Museum)

Zionism spread gradually among all Jewish communities as early as the Achaemenid times (550-330 BCE); the Maccabees (family of Mattathias ben Johanan) and the Pharisees (Prusim; priests) were controlled by the Zionist group that tried to infiltrate all the Jews in Palestine, Syria, Anatolia, Egypt and elsewhere. It is quite interesting that, following the Zionist-Jahwist infiltration, the Jews of Elephantine built a temple to Yahweh, also attaching to his cult that of his consort, the goddess Anat. About:




John Merlin Powis Smith, The Jewish Temple at Elephantine

The Biblical World, Vol. 31, No. 6 (Jun., 1908), pp. 448-459 (12 pages)









VIII. The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism  

Pretty much like the Kassites were a different ethnicity from the Semitic Babylonians, the Zionists who entered into mixed marriages with the exiled Jews formed a totally separate ethnic group. The few Kassite nouns and words that have been saved in cuneiform Babylonian texts do not allow us to form a conclusive opinion as regards the linguistic family and the ethnic group to which they belonged; selected Kassite nouns seem to be of Indo-European origin, but other words appear to have affinities with Turanian languages. The early settlements of the Kassites in the region of Zagros Mountains make it probable for them to have maintained contacts with other, closely related tribes and clans in Central Asia from where they seem to have originated.  

In their type of relationship with the land of their ancestors in Central Asia, the Kassites seem to have had predecessors and successors, namely tribal populations, which -despite their partly settlement in Mesopotamia- maintained contact with their relatives in their land of origin. Forerunners of the Kassites were certainly the Guti (known as Gutium in Sumerian), who played in 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia exactly the same role that the Kassites carried out during the 2nd millennium BCE: the blasphemous, ominous and sacrilegious non-humans who corrupt and destroy the principles, concepts and structures of civilization.

Inscription of Lugal-Anne-Mundu, king of Adab (a major Sumerian city near the modern town of Bismaya in Wasit, Iraq), who reigned for ca. 90 years in the 25th c. BCE; the text is a later copy from the reign of Ammi-Saduqa of Babylonia (17th c. BCE). Stating that he conquered the “four quarters of the world”, the Sumerian king enumerates the kingdoms and the peoples he subdued, mentioning the Guti among them. Their location was between Subartu (the Mesopotamian North) and Marhashe and Elam (in the Southeast), so clearly somewhere in the Middle-South Zagros Mountains.

Sar-e Pol-e Zohab, Western Iran near the Iraqi border: rock relief of Anubanini, king of the tribal realm of Lullubi in the 23rd c. BCE (at the time of Naram Sin of Akkad); Lullubi was part of the wider world of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization. The inscription (partly damaged during the Iran-Iraq war), written in Akkadian (: the earliest form of Assyrian-Babylonian), details the victory of the tribal ruler over a series of enemies in the Zagros Mountains. Anubanini evokes his faith to Inanna (: Sumerian equivalent of the Assyrian-Babylonian Ishtar) and to many other Sumerian-Akkadian aspects of divinity. The rock relief shows Anubanini trampling an enemy, most probably a Guti. A later (18th – 17th c. BCE) epic, known today as Cuthean Legend of Naram-Sin, which was named ‘tupshenna pitema’ (ṭupšenna pitēma; ‘Open the tablet box’) at the time, mentions the wars undertaken by Anubanini against the barbarian and unclean Guti,

Anubanini rock relief (photo taken by Ernst Herzfeld in 1913

The inscription of the Anubanini rock relief; about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuthean_Legend_of_Naram-Sin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubanini




Votive mace head of the Guti king La-erabum (ca. 2150 BCE) from Sippar, South Iraq; the inscription reads “La-eraab, great King of Guti” (la-e-ra-ab da-num lugal gutiim).

The Guti are mentioned also in the tablet of Lugalannatum (ca. 2130 BCE), who was the local ruler (‘patesi’) of the city-state of Umma (today’s Tell Jokha in the province Dhi Qar, in South Iraq). About: https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/articles/cdlb/2015-2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lugalannatum


The parallels are incredible; in the same manner the sinful and impious Kassites contaminated Babylon in the early 16th c. BCE, the wicked Guti desecrated Akkad (‘Agade’ in Assyrian-Babylonian), the world’s first universal and imperial capital of Sargon (Sharrukin) of Akkad at the end of the 23rd c. BCE. The Guti infiltration caused the ‘malediction of Akkad’ by Ishtar, the fall of the universal Akkadian Empire, and the Flood. This ‘curse’ is not only a spiritual fact, but also a critical historical text that details the collapse of the earliest Semitic rule at the end of the reign of Naram Sin (2254-2218 BCE), son of Rimush and grandson of Sargon of Akkad.

In the Malediction of Akkad (Old Babylonian edition, verses 140-155), it is stated that «the good sense left Agade», «Agade’s intelligence was removed», and «Enlil, the roaring storm that subjugates the entire land, the rising deluge that cannot be confronted, was considering what should be destroyed», whereas the Guti are described as «an unbridled people, with human intelligence but canine instincts and monkeys’ features». About:













For the time being and on the basis of hitherto found, studied and published texts, we cannot affirm that there is an ethnic connection between the Guti and the Kassites; their respective languages are scarcely known and only some nouns and words survived from both of them, written in cuneiform Akkadian (: Assyrian-Babylonian) texts. But on account of their vice, profanity, and barbarism, we can deduce that their behavioral resemblance may be possibly due to a tribal affinity that can be traced back to their land of origin somewhere in Central Asia or even Mongolia, Central and Eastern Siberia.

Similarly with the Kassites, the Guti had targeted the Mesopotamian civilization, descending from Middle Zagros (where they had first settled), raiding cities, and profaning whatever they touched; their control of Mesopotamia lasted almost a century (2141 – ca. 2050 BCE). As it happened following the collapse of Kassite Babylonia, after the fall of their rule, the Guti left bad memories that the Neo-Sumerians, notably Ur-Nammu (2112-2094 BCE) and the rulers of the Third Dynasty of Ur, as well as the Assyrians-Babylonians never forgot. About:



The association of the Guti with the Flood, which was first prophesied in Sumerian and Akkadian texts, then came to pass as an overwhelming event, and later was amply narrated in Assyrian-Babylonian historical, cosmological, and mythological texts, is of cardinal importance; in fact, the abominable deeds of the Guti were the true reason for the Flood. The limits of the present article do not allow me to expand further, but I have to point out that the narrative differences between the Sumerian and the Assyrian-Babylonian sacred texts about the Flood (notably Atrahasis, the Eridu Genesis, Gilgamesh, the Instructions of Shuruppak, etc.) and the Biblical story are in reality due to the perversion of the Kassite Babylonian-‘Jewish’ polytheistic sacerdotal class that we can describe as ‘Zionist priesthood’.

Above: cylinder seal of Ur-Nammu, founder of the Third Dynasty of Ur (Neo-Sumerian period), bearing an inscription part of which reads: “Ur-Nammu, the Great man, King of Ur”; below: stele of Ur-Nammu found in Ur in 1927 (currently in Penn Museum): only the lower part of the Sumerian king’s body is seen, as he is depicted standing in front of Nanna (Sumerian equivalent of Sin, who was symbolized by the Moon) and the Holy Tree.

Ur-Nammu’s Code of Laws: the oldest in World History About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Ur-Nammu and https://cdli-gh.github.io/year-names/HTML/T6K1.htm

Fully adjusted to their interests, the Biblical account is composed in a way to obscure the truth that the Guti did indeed survive during the Flood due to the full support offered to them by their masters, namely the Giants. This explains the force of the words that the Assyrians and the Babylonians used in order to describe the Guti so negatively, so badly and so pejoratively. The only reason for which the Assyrian and Babylonian monotheists, namely the high priests, the spiritual mystics and the wise scholars of Nineveh, Babylon and so many other high places, reviled the Guti, the Kassites and the Elamites so strongly is related to the sacrilege, the uncleanness, and the inhumanity that they discerned in those evil races. It is obvious that, in this context, ‘unclean’ refers to blood and semen; the use of the term involves the foremost transgression, therefore implying sexual intercourse with non-humans.

IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great   

Located in Central Asia, the forefathers of the Guti and the Kassites seem to have had an affinity with the clan of Gog which was mentioned few times in the Bible (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 5:4; Ezekiel 38:1-23; 39:1-29). The Old Testament has indeed only brief references to this clan; the bulk of them are to be found in the Book of Ezekiel, in the description of a clearly eschatological event. However, the ancient wickedness perpetrated by Gog, which may/might have been included in the original Biblical text, was duly erased from the text.

The Book of Ezekiel, which was composed and circulated in an early form in the 6th c. BCE, is the only Old Testament text that offers an insight into the end times’ clash between Israel (namely the ten lost tribes/ not the Jews) and the alliance set up by (the offspring of) Gog. This eschatological narrative may have played a role in the Kassite Babylonian polytheistic priests’ decision to convert to Judaism, impersonate the Jews, and thus effectively ‘transform’ themselves (and their scattered and unclean nation) into ‘Jews’, i.e. a ‘Chosen People’ supposedly predestined to ‘return’ to their ‘Promised Land’; this evildoing would and actually did function as the perfect smokescreen throughout ages. In this manner, the viciously anti-Semitic, Zionist priesthood of the unclean tribes or nations would posture as a Semitic, pious, and clean people that was chosen by God.  

It is however in the literary-epic-eschatological masterpiece that is conventionally known under the name ‘Alexander Romance’, and more particularly in the Syriac version (which is denoted rather as the ‘Syriac Alexander Legend’), as well as in a great multitude of valuable Islamic sources, that we first come across with the true identification of Gog (and ‘Magog’; in Arabic Yajuj and Majuj; يأجوج ومأجوج) and the characterization of this ‘ethnic group’ as an abhorrently ‘unclean nation’. With this enormous amount of textual narratives we reach the third historical stage of the impious, inhuman and sacrilegious populations (in Greek: ρυπαρά γένη); Gog is the apparent spiritual-intellectual-behavioral continuity of the Guti and the Kassites whose origin was, as I already said, in Central Asia. Due to the aforementioned abundant sources, we have a remarkable insight into what prevented the unclean nations from advancing their evildoing prior to the End of Times. I have however to add at this point that all the existing references to Gog are not historical, but either mythological or eschatological. About:









The profane pattern, the cultural rejection, and the civilizational abjuration of the Guti and the Kassites had become a constant parameter of the Assyrian-Babylonian History; irrespective of the monotheist opposition that these impious and inhuman populations generated, the faithful followers of monotheism and the numerous pious emperors encountered always great difficulty to prevent the infiltration in their state, the amalgamation with other nations, and the dissimulation undertaken by the evil and impious nations. This situation lasted from the end of the 3rd millennium BCE to the end of the 4th c. BCE, during the Neo-Sumerian times (2112-2004 BCE), the Old Assyrian times (2025-1701 BCE), the Old Babylonian times (2003-1595 BCE), the Middle Assyrian times (1700-1364 BCE), the Neo-Assyrian times (1363-722), the Sargonid Empire (722-609 BCE) and the Achaemenid Iranian Empire (550-330 BCE).

Representation of the monster of Gog and Magog from a miniature of the Walters manuscript W659190B: copy of the famous geographer and cosmographer Zakariya al-Qazwini’s masterpiece ‘Wonders of the Creation and Oddities of the Existence’ (Aja’ib al-makhluqat wa-ghara’ib al-mawjudat; عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات) that was composed in the middle of the 13th c. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aja%27ib_al-Makhluqat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakariya_al-Qazwini

Alexander builds the wall against Gog and Magog; miniature of a manuscript of Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa (Quintet), ca. 1580-1590

The erection of the wall against Gog and Magog

Led by their Master, namely Satan, the unclean nations Gog and Magog attack and finally take hold of the Holy City: Miniature from the Russian book «Апокалипсис трехтолковый» (Apokalipsis trekhtolkoviy/The Apocalypse of Three Senses; chapter 63: ‘About Goz and Magoz’) that was printed in the Moscow Printing House of the Old Believers 1909; the miniature was taken from a manuscript of the first half of the 17th c. This Russian miniature reminds us that, according to several Christian Orthodox traditions, the unclean nations were expected to occupy Jerusalem for the span of one generation prior to the End of Times. The recurrent theme of the naked or quasi-naked appearance of the unclean nations in representations produced in different cultural, religious and artistic environments is not due to a certain artistic invention but to a historical hint; it reveals that the origin of their uncleanness was a lawless intercourse. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Believers

Emperor Theophilos of the Eastern Roman Empire (Θεόφιλος; reigned 829-842) as portrayed in the miniature of a manuscript of John Skylitzes’ Chronicle (Σύνοψις Ἱστοριῶν), which was written 200 years later. The basileus is meaningfully depicted as protected by two Varangian soldiers, who were rumored to be representatives of Gog and Magog. The rumors reveal however how falsehood is diffused by secret societies; evildoers project onto others what they inherently are, thus exempting themselves from the evil that inhabits them.

Gog and Magog today as per the intuition of a Russian artist; from: https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=4979

Details from the Catalan Atlas (1375), which is currently in the Bibliothèque Nationale, in Paris; this part of the map shows the land named ‘Gog i Magog’; there, we see the local king riding his horse while the people of the land follow in a procession. Quite interestingly, the map also includes a representation of Alexander’s Gate, Alexander himself, and the Antichrist (upside down), whereas the mechanical trumpeters herald the forthcoming ages. The eschatological dimension of the topic is ostensible.

Gog and Magog eating people; miniature from a 14th c. manuscript, fol. 60v, 63v, 65, leaves containing recension of Thomas de Kent, Roman de toute chevalerie (1308-1312), Bibliothèque nationale de France (24364); the recurrent theme of nakedness of the unclean nations is attested here as well.

The Alexander Romance is deliberately a most disrespected, most disregarded, and most evaded historical text that offers expansive description of how the Macedonian king Alexander the Great invaded Achaemenid Iran and substituted himself to the Achaemenid Shah in order to carry out the work that Cyrus I, Cambyses, Darius I and Xerxes I had failed to implement. The marvelous work involved the erection of a wall to separate the impious nations from Iran and the rest of the world. Around this narrative nucleus revolve many other mythical topics that reflect historical events in symbolic manner. It goes without saying that Alexander’s wall against Gog and Magog was a formidable spiritual obstacle that the impious nations would be unable to overcome until the End of Time.

The mystical wall of Alexander the Great has nothing to do with what centuries later proved to be the World History’s greatest monument after the Great Wall of China, namely the Great Wall of Gorgan; the majestic Sassanid imperial defense system, which is more than 200 km long, was built in the 5th and 6th c. CE, but during the Islamic times, it was often confused with Alexander’s wall against Gog and Magog because the location of the impious nations was thought to be in parts of Central Asia beyond Gorgan and more specifically around the northern coastlands of the Caspian Sea. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_Gorgan

The confusion of the Sassanid imperial wall with the mystical wall erected by the Macedonian King and Iranian Emperor Alexander the Great was overwhelming in the Islamic literature and art; however, this fact does not change in anything the functionality of the spiritual wall, which was erected in order to obstruct the Zionist scheme and to prevent the Kassite Babylonian polytheistic priests from achieving the targets of the secret plan that started with their conversion to Judaism, the formation of the class of the Prusim/Pharisees priests, and the elaboration of the paradoxical (as per the Ancient Hebrew religion’s criteria) books of Judaism (Talmud, Mishnah, etc.).

X. Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus  

At this point, I have to make it clear that one must never confuse the sacrilegious priesthood with the impious nation; the Kassite Babylonian polytheists, who impersonated the Jewish priests and carried out an extensive amalgamation -and therefore corruption- project due to intermarriages between the exiled Jews and the Guti and Kassite residents in 6th c. BCE Babylonia, were the evil ruling class that consciously implemented an eschatological plan to desecrate the Mankind and in the process destroy the Earth; the hijacked and corrupted nation was a mere tool in the priesthood’s hands.

As they intended to turn selected individuals from other nations into impious humans and corrupt beings, they ordered the mass conversion of the Kassite Babylonians to Judaism and they undertook the establishment of a network of small communities made up by amalgamated Babylonian Jews (i.e. fake Jews). After the formation of regular contact with their nucleus that had remained in the ancestral land (in Central Asia), the Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood started customarily dispatching numerous representatives (disguised as merchants) to faraway locations (Anatolia, Black Sea coastlands, Carthage, Western Mediterranean, etc.). The leading role played by the Aramaeans in the network of commercial roads within and beyond the Achaemenid Iran facilitated this process, because Aramaic, which has linguistic affinities with Babylonian and Ancient Hebrew, had already become a lingua franca from Western Anatolia to India to Central Asia. 

Within the vast Achaemenid Empire and, thanks to the emergence of the trade routes between China, India, East Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea, it became very easy and considerably safe for the amalgamated Babylonian ‘Jews’ to move across great distances. As many Jews had already relocated to different countries (notably to Egypt, but also in Media, as the Book of Tobit credibly informs us), the amalgamated Babylonian Jews were not easily accepted as genuine by the true Jews, and these developments generated divisions, strives, conflicts and killings.  

Diverse sources document these quarrels that lasted for hundreds of years and can be attested within Jewish or Christian religious environments. A typical example is offered by the Book of Revelation, in which (chapter 3) the Early Christian Church of Philadelphia (modern city of Alaşehir, near Magnesia/Manisa, Western Turkey) is mentioned (3:9; New International Version/NIV) as it follows: “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you”.

The Cave of the Apocalypse where John the Apostle, according to the Fathers of the Christian Church, wrote the Book of the Revelation

The composition of the Talmud and the other ‘sacred’ books of the so-called Talmudic-Rabbinic Judaism had basically one target, namely to ‘de-Hebraicize’ and ‘de-Semitize’ (and therefore Zionize) the religion of the genuine Jews, i.e. to totally eliminate the Semitic, Ancient Hebrew, monotheist nature of their religion and to greatly minimize the value and the validity of the Mosaic Law among them. Subsequently, the original Biblical spirituality, faith, and religion were indeed replaced by an endless talk about them; this was indeed a drastic and most calamitous change of religion, because the religious event itself lost its spiritual importance in the minds and the hearts of the believers, as it was supplanted by the rational, explanatory talk about it.

Representation of the “magnificent Persian-style villa” in Nehardea (Central Mesopotamia, then part of the Sassanid Empire of Iran) where the leading Talmudist and exilarch Rav Huna (216-297 CE) of the Pumbedita Talmudic Academy used to receive “the elders of the community”, teach Halakha, Aggadah, etc., and write further parts of the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli). Only in the first half of the 4th c., during the days of Abba ben Joseph bar Hama (known as Rava), the Talmudic Academy was transferred to Mahoze, as it was the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic name of Tesifun/Ctesiphon (today’s Al Mada’in), the second Sassanid imperial capital. From the Diaspora Museum (formerly known as Beit Hatfutsot; בית התפוצות) in Tel Aviv. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehardea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumbedita

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumbedita_Academy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmudic_academies_in_Babylonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rav_Huna





In this manner, due to their ethnic amalgamation with the Kassite Babylonian Zionists and following their religious alteration, the Jews turned out to be real ‘Goyim’ (Gentiles). For this reason, from that period (late Achaemenid and early Seleucid times), the Zionist Jews and their priesthood started an enormous effort in order to establish, propagate, and convince the other nations about the supposedly great, dramatic differentiation between them (self-styled as the ‘Chosen People’) and all the rest (goyim). It goes without saying that the supposed differentiation involved tons of arrogance, self-praise, and absurdity about those fake Jews’ supposed ‘superiority’.

The effort was entirely nonsensical and spiritually irrelevant; when the true Mosaic Law and the monotheist faith in Elohim prevailed among the Ancient Hebrews, they rightfully boasted about their acts, deeds and cult that made them different from the other nations. When post-exilic Jews lost their ethnic and religious identity, integrity, piety and purity, their supposed difference from the other nations was an outrageous lie and an evident expression of vicious hatred of the others. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy

That is why Flavius Josephus had to expand on the hypothetical (?) meeting between Alexander the Great and the (post-exilic Kassite Babylonian Zionist Jewish) high priest in Jerusalem; writing after a long period of clashes, uprising, rivalry and enmity between the Seleucids and the Maccabees, the Roman-Jewish military leader, renegade and historian was a consummate Zionist. By presenting Alexander the Great as expressing respect to the Zionist Pharisee, who was in charge of the edifice founded by Zerubbabel (זְרֻבָּבֶל‏‎) at the end of the 6th c. BCE, Josephus attempted to discredit the illustrious Seleucid imperial tradition and the staunch Seleucid Anti-Zionism, which in reality was a form of esteem and approbation of the Assyrian and Hebrew Biblical monotheism. About:







Zerubbabel rebuilds the temple; from 15th c. manuscript miniature of the Secreta secretorum (ff. 1-43)

It is interesting that the person of Zerubbabel gave birth to a 7th c. CE Rabbinical Apocalyptic literature of extreme anti-Christian and anti-Constantinopolitan rage. In the Book of Zerubbabel (ספר זרובבל/Sefer Zerubavel; also known as Apocalypse of Zerubbabel), Virgin Mary is explicitly insulted, the Christian Church slandered, and Emperor Heraclius is presented (by means of the anagram ‘Armilus’) as the true precursor of the Talmudic Antichrist. In this regard, Heraclius’ prophecy about the return of the Eastern Romans to Syria at the End of Time, as it is preserved in Tabari’s History, becomes highly meaningful. As you can easily understand in the light of the above mentioned, Armilus is associated with Gog by the author of the Sefer Zerubavel! About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_of_Zerubbabel https://pages.charlotte.edu/john-reeves/research-projects/trajectories-in-near-eastern-apocalyptic/sefer-zerubbabel/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armilus

All the same, the author of the Jewish Antiquities (Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία) needed apparently to portray (in the 11th book) the outstanding Anti-Zionist emperor as respectful of the anti-Hebrew and anti-Biblical cleric. This need may have been due to the early diffusion of mythological-eschatological narratives and oral traditions about the grand opus of Alexander the Great (namely the Alexander Romance). Many modern scholars and researchers date the earliest existing manuscripts back to the 3rd c. CE, but this date appears to be very late. The earliest traditions must go back to the early Seleucid times; these eschatological traditions must have made of Seleucid Antioch a most loathed capital for the Zionist Pharisees and the Kassite Babylonian Jewish converts. Contrary to what most historians believe, the rivalry was not religious, ethnic, cultural or imperial of nature; it was eschatological.

In addition, Josephus tried to depict Alexander the Great as the authenticator (or validator) of the Jewish Talmudic tradition; by stating that the respect was not personal but due to Jaddua’s tradition, heritage and religion, Josephus’ Alexander, as an ahistorical construct, gives substantive credit to 4th c. BCE Judaism, by offering to the distorted religion’s clerics an antiquity and an authenticity that were not theirs. 

XI. Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans  

The Romans proved to be fools by thinking that the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the kingdom of Judah would solve the problem; actually, the ‘problem’ was not the existence of the Jews in the Roman Empire, but the iniquitous presence of the Kassite Babylonian converts among the Jews. Without taking into account the increasing number of intermarriages between Jews and fake Jews (Guti-Kassite-Gog) and without uprooting the Talmudic Zionist priesthood of Pharisees, no one could put an end to all the troubles caused by that secret society. Unfortunately, only Jesus was shrewd enough and able to denounce the Pharisees in public; in parallel, he rejected any attitude similar that of the Sicarii (Zealots).

These facts fully demonstrate what happened at the time; the acts of the Sicarii triggered the Roman conquest and destruction of Jerusalem. Then, Jesus’ stance reveals that the Talmudic Zionist Pharisees had always the tendency to aptly utilize terrorists for their benefit; this mentality is inherent to them. One can be sure that by all means there was no parallel between Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest (587 BCE) and Titus’ invasion (70 CE) of Judah and Jerusalem. Important manuscripts, valuable books, and numerous cult items must have been taken out of the besieged city and transported to safe locations either within the Roman Empire or in Parthian Mesopotamia where the bulk of the fake Jews and the Kassite Babylonian Talmudic rabbis lived in peace and prospered.

Above: the so-called ‘Tower of Babel stele’, excavated by the German Assyriologist Robert Koldewey in 1911, shows Nebuchadnezzar standing in front of a miniature of the great zikkurat Etemenanki of Babylon. Below: fired mudbrick bearing cuneiform inscription with the name and titles of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon

Titus (Titus Caesar Vespasianus; reigned 79-81 CE); Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem was commemorated in Rome, and the booty was depicted in reliefs on the Arch of Titus.

As a matter of fact, the Roman military action played into the Pharisees’ game. The generalization of the anti-Jewish oppression throughout the Roman Empire put an end to the cosmopolitan Jews and the Sadducee priesthood that was the only real rival of the Pharisees, the repository of the Ancient Hebrew spiritual, religious and cultural tradition, and the major institution representing the clean, non-Zionist, Jews. A major spiritual and intellectual figure of the Sadducees was Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE – 50 CE; known as Yedidiyah ha-Alexandri in Hebrew); his teachings, doctrine and worldview stood at the very antipodes of those of the Zionist Pharisees, going rather in the same direction as the concepts, tenets, and deeds of several Gnostic mystics, and of all those who could be then described as spiritual ancestors of Modern Freemasonry.

Another catastrophic consequence of the Roman military action was the extinction of the Essenes, a sect of repentant Jews, who apparently understood much of what had been done to their hapless ancestors when they were exiled in Babylonia. For this very reason, rituals of purification were incessantly performed among them; the Essenes (אִסִּיִים‎; Isiyim) concluded that it was crucial and vital for all Jews to perform purification rituals and to thus break with the unclean amalgamation, counterfeit spirituality, and blasphemous tradition that had appeared among their ancestors at the time of the Babylonian exile. As one could easily expect, the Zionist rage and hatred of the Essenes was always unrestrainable; it so remains today. Example:


Consequently, to eliminate the real problem, a Roman Emperor would have to invade Mesopotamia where the Babylonian Talmud was being composed. This military target was achieved by Trajan (113-116 CE), but apparently this great ruler (who also fought against the ‘Jews’) did not have a clue about the long-term threat originating from that seemingly small and powerless college of Zionist priests.

In fact, the destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE) by the Romans, which is absolutely unrelated to the eschatological prophecy uttered by Jesus and recorded in the Gospels, helped both, the Zionist Pharisee priests to completely prevail among the Jews and the Kassite Babylonian converts to further infiltrate into the remaining clean communities of the Jewish Diaspora.

More: https://www.parthava.org/2023/04/23/roman-parthian-wars/

This means that, until the emergence of Roman Christianity and the rise of Islam, the bulk of the Zionist fake Jewish priests were active mainly in Asia, revolving around the Silk Road, and interacting with various elites in Iran, Mesopotamia, and Central Asia; however, they were never able to substantially advance their scheme. In other words, like the predecessors of the Freemasons and the Jesuits, the forerunners of the Zionists were located in the Orient – or, if you prefer, in the East.

XII. Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism  

During the successive Turanian migrations and invasions of Europe, which occurred throughout the Late Antiquity (539 BCE – 622 CE), we notice the beginning of what can be described as the major Zionist leap to the West; after the dissolution of the First Turkic Khaganate, the unclean tribes (already known as Gog and Magog among the then Christians) intermingled with the Khazars, entering into mixed marriages and becoming integral part of the nomad nation. This development enabled them to improve their position in Mesopotamia, namely the central province of the Islamic Caliphate (where they had lived for thousands of years), to impact the developments in the Islamic World, to infiltrate the Eastern Roman Empire, and to present themselves as potential allies of various rulers. About:





The narrative about the Khazar conversion to Islam (around 800 CE) reflects only the resolute intention of the old Guti-Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood to usher their unclean populations and communities to the next stage of eschatological scheme and to start moving to the west, settle in Europe, and further intermingle with the remaining clean Jews. It is therefore not strange that the ethnonym ‘Ashkenazim’ was given to the descendants of the Khazars; in Hebrew, it means ‘Scythian’. The Gog had already been associated to ‘Scythians’ in many sources, and the same occurred in the case of the Khazars.

Following this brief presentation, one understands clearly that when we, today, make the distinction between Ashkenazim Khazarians and Sephardic Jews, we rather approach the topic in an apparently conventional manner. In reality, the forefathers of the Ashkenazim, namely the Guti-Kassite Babylonian priests, had already implemented a vast amalgamation plan, arranging intermarriages of the exiled Jews in Babylonia with their unclean tribes that had settled there one millennium earlier; the plan was carried out incessantly ever since.

Western Turkic Khaganate (603-742 CE) and Eastern Turkic Khaganate (603-645 CE) as they emanated from the First Turkic Khaganate (552–603 CE)

The plan for contamination and desecration of the Jews and the extraordinary attachment to the ‘Promised Land’, Jerusalem and Zion are eschatologically crucial because, contrarily to all other nations, the Guti were not the descendants of Ut Napishtim / Noah. By impersonating the Jews (and therefore the ‘Chosen People’), the Zionists intend to occupy Palestine (that they called ‘Israel’, not ‘Judah’) and the wider Middle East (which is now called ‘Greater Israel’) in order to oppose the prophesied return of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel. As per the directives of their eschatological plans, they have nowhere else to go.

Khazar-Ashkenazi monument with representation of the menorah, unearthed in Sarkel, a fortress built (ca. 830-840 CE) with the help of the Eastern Romans on the left bank of the lower Don River in today’s Rostov Oblast, Russia. About: http://www.hagahan-lib.ru/library/hazariya-v-krosskulturnom-prostranstve-istoricheskaya-geografiya-krepostnaya-arhitektura-vibor-veri25.html




https://www.dasanderemittelalter.net/news/a-jewish-empire/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulan_(Khazar)

The clash between the three secret societies (Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists) is not a confrontation of interests, but a conflict among three eschatological strategies (or schemes); it takes the form of covert war between the unclean nations (namely Gog and Magog, controlled by the Zionists), and the descendants of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel, who are fooled and subdued by the Freemasons and the Jesuits. The modalities of the conflict involve also reciprocal infiltration among these organizations, splits of the three secret societies, and superposition of agendas.  

However, the essence of the confrontation is not only about the outcome of the end times; it is also the reflection of ages-old disputes that shaped World History. In fact, everything that happens today and more particularly the plans that are being now worked out, all are parameterized to events that took place in Mesopotamia and Egypt before 5000 years; for this reason, the slightest details of the past can matter greatly. For this reason, the overwhelming focus on, and the fallacious propaganda about, the so-called Greco-Roman world and the Judeo-Christian civilization, function merely as the smokescreen, preventing average people to understand the true origin of the conflict. In this regard, the diverse surprises comprised in the Book of Daniel may only confirm first, the importance of Alexander’s mystical deed, which was deliberately discredited as a ‘myth’ or even banned from our world, and second, the evocation of the Seleucid omen. That is why the ‘burden of Damascus’ will surely remain unfathomable for today’s fake Jews, as long as Syria is not in the right hands.

In a forthcoming article, I will reveal how important the Seleucid heritage will prove to be in the forthcoming, inevitable termination of the present world order and of the postdiluvian life that the true humans were forced to implacably experience due to their earlier inexcusable sins.


Download the article (text only) as PDF:

Download the article (pictures and legends) as PDF:

Cursed Constantinople – Istanbul. Part I: the Burden of the Past, the Ominous Location, and the Original Name as Explicit Imprecation

In an 8-page article, which was initially published in a Greek monthly magazine back in 1988 and more recently republished online (in Greek) in several sites as both, text and video, I unequivocally described Constantinople – Istanbul as ‘the Lunar City’ (https://www.academia.edu/23392671/Κωνσταντινούπολη_η_Σεληνιακή_Πολιτεία_του_καθ_Μουχάμαντ_Σαμσαντίν_πρώην_Κοσμά_Μεγαλομμάτη). And in article published last year (29 May 2021), I determined that Sultan Mehmet II Fatih’s conquest of Constantinople (29 May 1453) was the most useless Ottoman victory, extensively analyzing the reasons, which should imperatively make the brainless and easily suggestible sultan abstain from such meaningless attempt at the time.

Quite unfortunately for him and his ignorant and unsuspicious successors, they made their capital of a city that was bearing an enormous historical burden, also involving a very perplex and extremely conflicting relationship with Rome, the real capital of Western European Christianity. Inanely enough the Ottoman sultans thought at the time that it would be possible to exorcize an unknown (to them) past with some incomprehensible (to them) verses of the Quran, and they therefore fell victims of few Satanic theologians (currently named ‘Sunni’, although the term is a neologism lacking any historicity), who falsely represented, viciously introduced, and abjectly misinterpreted Islam as a task of conquering, thus drawing Prophet Muhammad’s curse on them, their evil deeds and unfathomable idiocy. Here: https://www.academia.edu/43199538/29_May_1453_The_most_Useless_Ottoman_Victory

This article was translated into Greek and then republished in several Greek sites and blogs due to the interest that many Greeks showed for a very unusual, non-sectarian, non-conventional, and genuinely objective, historical scholarly analysis that did not start from an idiotically preconceived standpoint in order to try to defend a Christian thesis if the author is Christian, a Muslim thesis if the author is Muslim or an atheist thesis if the author is an atheist. Such a stance is genuinely ludicrous and quasi-automatically self-discredited – anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever. The Greek translation was also republished here:



I. Today’s Fake Religions and Fake Sciences: Obstacles on our Way to find the Truth

II. No Imperial Capital can be located on the Seaside

III. Troy: Constantinople’s Real Predecessor

IV. Hittite-Achaean Alliance against Accursed Troy

V. Sea Peoples’ Invasions: Reaction to the Hittite-Achaean Alliance and the Trojan War

VI. Constantinople: as Troy’s Descendants, the Romans return …

VII. Iranians and Macedonians in the Turkish Straits, and the pro-Roman Stance of the Attalids 

VIII. Constitutio Antoniniana: Death Certificate of the Ancient Greeks

IX. The Rise of Sassanid Iran, Roman Defeats in the East, and the Roman Administrative Divisions

X. Praefectus Urbi; at the very Origin of the World’s most Perverse Theocracy: Papoceasarism

XI. Constantine I, the Slow Rise of Christianity, and the Events Preceding the Construction of Constantinople

XII. Constantine I, New Rome (Constantinople), and the Reasons for it

XIII. New Rome (Constantinople): a Disadvantaged Location as per the Principles of Geographical Determinism

XIV. New Rome (Constantinople): a Christian Empire’s Capital lacking Christian Credentials  

I. Today’s Fake Religions and Fake Sciences: Obstacles on our Way to find the Truth

Historical truth does not ‘justify’ any sectarianism and does not comply with the silly religious pseudo-beliefs of modern times. Today, there are no religions left, except for few systems of spirituality and faith shared by the indigenous inhabitants of remote societies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that live far from the modern technological world and the political regimes that tyrannize the Mankind. Today’s so-called official dogmas of the world’s major religions have been monstrously distorted and their spiritual – metaphysical essence disfigured. Their cosmogonic, cosmological, eschatological and soteriological dimensions were forged, and their moral doctrine was corrupted and conditioned on the modern world’s inhuman evilness. Their terms have been altered, the connotation of their key words and codes perverted, their cults falsified (‘reformed’ is the anodyne description of the fact), and their practice reduced to ludicrous and meaningless caricatures. That’s why today’s fake religions function as political ideological systems and ignorant, uneducated, uncultured and thoughtless ‘believers’ accept the monstrous lies that today’s pseudo-religious ‘leaders’ shamelessly propagate before joining Satan, their god, at the bottom of the Hell.

On the other hand, the modern historical science, as part of the wider circle of Humanities, has been founded on biased Renaissance times’ aberrations and peremptory assumptions, on the racist myths and arbitrary maxims of Classicism, on the inhuman aphorism of the Enlightenment, and on all useless and paranoid axioms of modern Western colonial political ideological systems (the infinite contamination of Jacobinism, Marxism-Leninism, parliamentarianism, conservatism, liberalism, Leftism, socialism, communism, Euro-centrism, neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism, evolutionism, rationalism, Hegelianism, modernism, materialism, postmodernism,  de-constructivism, etc.). Any scholarly research, which is parameterized on any of the aforementioned and other minor systems, represents a deliberate distortion and an ignominious fallacy.

To discover the historical truth in any field of research one must go beyond all fake religions of our times, all philosophical systems, all political ideologies, all academic schools, all preconceived aberrations, all sorts of subjectivism and ego-centrism, and every inherent inclination to project today’s ‘values’, ‘principles’, criteria and measures on the historical times that one may wish to examine.

II. No Imperial Capital can be located on the Seaside

I am afraid that, for Christians and Muslims alike, for Turks and Greeks equally, historical truth is far bitterer, far direr, and far darker than they can even imagine. And when it comes to the Mediterranean Sea’s incomparably greater city today, quite unfortunately, its true greatness is specified in terms of sinister failure, ominous calamity, and obnoxious destruction.

In brief, Constantinople – Istanbul should have never existed. And, if by an erratic coincidence and abominable misfortune, few demented people constructed a town in that location, this agglomeration of edifices should always remain a sly passageway, a furtive station, and a basis for further expeditions or eventually a fated porthmus (strait; https://logeion.uchicago.edu/porthmos).

Either in the Mediterranean or worldwide, there was never a coastal city that became the capital of an empire in historical, pre-Renaissance times, except that city was the metropolis of a maritime realm (like Carthage) or the headquarters of a commercial network (like Alexandria). It is quite indicative: Alexandria’s importance in the trade routes between East and West (i.e. the silk, spice and frankincense trade routes across lands, deserts and seas) increased when Octavian invaded the Ptolemaic capital (30 BCE) and Alexandria ceased to be the capital of a kingdom; even then, Alexandria ad Aegyptum was somewhat eclipsed by the arch-rival city of Gerrha in the Persian Gulf, at least until the end of the Arsacid Parthian times (250 BCE – 224 CE). About: https://www.academia.edu/23214313/Meluhha_Gerrha_and_the_Emirates_by_Muhammad_Shamsaddin_Megalommatis

Quite contrarily, Rome, which lies on the Italian Peninsula, is located at a distance of no less than 34 km from Coccia di Morto, which is the nearest coastal point (https://www.tripadvisor.it/Attraction_Review-g656615-d15755215-Reviews-Spiaggia_Coccia_di_Morto-Fiumicino_Province_of_Rome_Lazio.html).

III. Troy: Constantinople’s Real Predecessor

There had however been -long before Constantinople, long before Byzantium (the 1st millennium BCE city which was located on the same geographical spot, being first called ‘Lygos’: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Istanbul#Lygos / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantium)- another, very ancient, coastal city in the wider region, which comprises the Bosporus (İstanbul Boğazı), the Marmara Sea (Marmara Denizi), and the Dardanelles (Çanakkale Boğazı); this very ancient city was an exceptionally wealthy commercial center and the capital of a confederation, but not an imperial capital: Troy.

If we carefully observe and effectively contemplate the outline of the wider region, which separates the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea, we understand very well that 3rd–2nd millennium BCE Troy (Taruisha or Wilusa in Hittite; Truva or Troya in Turkish) was Constantinople’s real predecessor in a broader sense. As a wealthy rival of the Hittite Empire, Taruisha had the power to mobilize the Lukka (also known as Assuwa) Confederacy and generate serious troubles to the imperial capital Hattusha (Boğazköy), particularly when the Hittite army was fighting against the Babylonians, the Mitanni Hurrians, and the Egyptians in the vast empire’s S-SE borders.

From the highly informative Hittite archives, we learn that the Hittite Empire’s western confines were constantly in turmoil; the reason for this was the fact that the Balkan Peninsula was not part of the then civilized world, which involved Mesopotamia, SW Iran (Elam), Anatolia, Canaan (Phoenicia and Syro-Palestine), Egypt and Cush (Ancient Ethiopia, i.e. today’s Sudan). Crete, the Aegean Sea, the Balkan Peninsula and the rest of 2nd millennium BCE Europe were an unimportant, barbaric and consequently chaotic fringe that did not matter at all for the then centers of World Civilization.

In Western Anatolia, even now and then, disorderly elements among the Lukka, the Arzawa, the Hapalla, the Mira, the Wilusa, and the Assuwa (which stretch across the north-western confines of Anatolia) forced the Hittite army to forthwith cancel military operations in Mesopotamia and Canaan (then known as Amurru) and undertake expeditions to the West in order to pacify the chaotic periphery.


Download Joachim Latacz’s interesting viewpoint on Wilusa (Wilios/Troia) as Center of Hittite Confederate in North-West Asia Minor:


IV. Hittite-Achaean Alliance against Accursed Troy

At a certain moment, the Hittites found it proper to strike a formal alliance with their relatives and subordinates in the Balkan Peninsula’s southernmost extremities, namely the Ahhijawa, who are identified by all Hittitologists with the tribe of the Achaeans (later considered as the earliest tribe of the Ancient Greeks). Hittite sources reveal that the tiny and marginal Achaean kingdoms were duly utilized by the imperial court at Hattusha in order to ensure safety in the empire’s western confines, when the bulk of the Hittite military force was engaged against the other great empires of the then known world in the S-SE borders, i.e. in territories of today’s Northern Iraq, Northern Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.

One cannot have any doubt about the force, the wealth and the size of the rivals:

– Hattusha, the imperial Hittite capital, stretched over an area of ca. 270 ha, without counting the Hittite sacred land and religious capital at nearby Yazilikaya.

– However, the 13th c. BCE walled city of Troy (so, at its culminating point) did not cover an area larger than 74 acres (: 30 ha).

– And the tiny Achaean kingdom’s capital Mycenae had an area of 32 ha (including however the citadel and the lower town). Details and bibliography:













What was later mythologized in Homer’s epics as Trojan War was nothing more than an expedition in support of the Hittite Empire and an attack of the South Balkans’ Achaeans, the relatives and allies of the Hittites, against the wealthy commercial center (Taruisha) that instigated all the anti-Hittite activities in Western Anatolia. The Achaean success, which satisfied the imperial Hittite needs in the empire’s western confines, proved however to be short-lived and ultimately calamitous for both allies, the Hittites and the Achaeans.

V. Sea Peoples’ Invasions: Reaction to the Hittite-Achaean Alliance and the Trojan War

Exasperated with the destruction of Troy, all elements of the anti-Hittite and anti-Achaean alliance, known as ‘Sea Peoples’ in the Ancient Egyptian historical sources, fomented a rebellion in South Balkans, Western Anatolia, the Aegean Sea, and Crete, destroyed the Mycenaean and other friendly kingdoms, burned all Achaean citadels, attacked and destroyed the Hittite capital Hattusa, spread throughout Canaan and Amurru (today’s Syria), and attacked Egypt where only after three land and sea battles was Ramses III able at last to disperse and annihilate them. The Annals of Ramses III, inscribed amongst others on the walls of his mortuary temple at Madinat Habu in Thebes West (today’s Luxor) describe in extreme details the events.

General background:





Scholarly publications:




The conclusion that we can safely draw from this briefly mentioned major event of the History of Ancient Orient during the 2nd millennium BCE is that

a) the Turkish straits (the Bosporus, the Marmara Sea, and the Dardanelles) region cannot be the region of a major imperial capital; and

b) the Turkish straits region stands instinctively in opposition to Anatolia, and more particularly, the central Anatolian plateau can be the region of a major imperial capital.

In other words, the Pre-History of Constantinople-Istanbul proved to be nefarious, already 1500 years before Constantinople was first built in 324-330 CE (solemnly inaugurated on 11th May 330) and 2650 years before the Ottoman sultan Mehmet II invaded it on 29th May 1453.

Ramesses III’s mortuary temple at Medinet Habu, Thebes of Egypt (Luxor West): on the temple’s walls the most accurate depictions of the Sea Peoples and the longest narratives of the Egyptian victory over them can be found.

VI. Constantinople: as Troy’s Descendants, the Romans return …

It goes without saying that for no less than one and half millennia after Troy’s siege and destruction (1200 BCE – 330 CE) the Turkish straits region remained a largely unimportant periphery in the History of the Mankind; to be exact, the region was good enough for the role that the geomorphological environment determined it, namely that of a passageway – not that of an imperial center. No major city or state was developed in this region between the fall of Troy and the exquisite, monumental construction of the city that Constantine I wanted to function as an Eastern Rome or New Rome.

It is however noteworthy that it took 100 years for the new city to be endowed with an official description of its parts and monuments, namely the illustrious and lengthy Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae. Today’s stupid Greeks and idiotic Turks, who –both- so much claim that the accursed city is “theirs”, have failed to come up with a Modern Turkish or a Modern Greek translation of the fundamental text, which was elaborated in Latin, the then official language of the Eastern Roman Empire (the old Roman Empire was divided into two parts after Theodosius I’s death in 395 CE).






This fact concludes the case of the two peoples, who incessantly prefer to live in darkness, ignorance, disbelief and falsehood, choosing the fallacy of their elites instead of the truth of their common historical documentation. This situation can only herald an ominous destruction for both peoples.


Download the Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae in Latin:


The historical reality that Romans (and not Phrygians, Assyrians, Iranians or Macedonians) were the first to imagine it possible for a major imperial city to be constructed and function in that location only confirms Rome’s greatest poet Virgil and all the ancient Roman traditions, as per which the Romans were the descendants of the legendary Aeneas, one of the few Trojans who escaped the destruction of Troy, being of noble origin, since his father was the first cousin of Troy’s last king Priam.

These legends reflect a historical connection between the Romans and the NW confines of Anatolia and the wider region of the Turkish straits. Of course, the Ancient Greek and Romans myths are unreliable and we cannot afford to take them as historical texts, but the decipherment of Luwian hieroglyphic script and the study of contemporaneous, 2nd millennium BCE historical sources help us reveal the Luwian origin of that name: Pa-ri-a-mu-a (‘unusually brave). This name has been historically attested in several cases. In any case, the language of the Trojans was a Luwian dialect. About:







The Phaistos Disk Seems to Be Trojan




Colosseum, Rome
The Hippodrome of New Rome – Constantinople (now transformed into Sultan Ahmet Square / Sultanahmet Meydanı)

VII. Iranians and Macedonians in the Turkish Straits, and the pro-Roman Stance of the Attalids 

As one can easily surmise, many great historical developments took place worldwide during the period that starts with the departure of the last Trojans from their ill-fated and destroyed capital and ends with the construction of Constantinople. As a matter of fact, after many centuries of migrations, instability, divisions, and constant wars, in the late 5th and early 4th c. BCE, the wider region of the Turkish straits and almost the entire Balkan Peninsula became integral part and administrative units (‘satrapies’: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achaemenid_Empire) of the Achaemenid Empire of Iran (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Districts_of_the_Achaemenid_Empire: 550-330 BCE).

The worldwide unprecedentedly immense empire controlled all lands, seas, gulfs and lakes between the mountains of Transylvania beyond the northernmost confines of the Balkan Peninsula (https://www.livius.org/articles/person/darius-the-great/sources/the-gherla-inscription/), Macedonia and the eastern coast land of the Black Sea (https://kpfu.ru/staff_files/F_1398648344/IA54004.pdf), and further beyond, to the Old Suez Canal (Darius the Great’s Suez Inscriptions: Birth Certificate of the Silk Roads / https://silkroadtexts.wordpress.com/), the Red Sea and the empire’s eastern borders, which stretched from the Indus River Delta to Central Asia. Darius I’s Royal Road (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Road) linked Susa to Sardis (the former capital of Lydia), thus greatly minimizing the distance between the Turkish straits and the Persian Gulf.  

Both, Xerxes I the Great (in 480 BCE) and Alexander the Great (in 334 BCE) passed by the re-inhabited city of Troy and made sacrifices in the local temples’ altars. The latter invaded the chaotic periphery of the Ancient Greek cities and used Greek soldiers to prevail over the Iranian armies at a particular conjuncture: the imperial Achaemenid force was in decline and the Egyptians had revolted against Iran. As Alexander felt no enmity but admiration for the magnificence of the Iranian (not ‘Persian’) Empire, his otherwise misinterpreted campaigns’ sole result was the continuation of the Iranian Empire with another capital, namely Babylon. One must however add that it is very interesting that, although Alexander the Great founded many cities named after him, he did not find it opportune to found one city in the wider region of the Turkish straits. 



His divided successors’ inability to maintain unity and stability in the vast empire led to the so-called Partition of Babylon (323 BCE), which in fact was the partition of the Iranian Empire among the numerous and incompetent pretenders to the throne. With the Asiatic and European coastlands of the Turkish straits divided between the remnant of the Macedonian kingdoms and the Attalids of Pergamon, it was only a matter of time for the Romans to secure a successful return to Anatolia. Quite revelatory of several intriguing trends, the Pergamon-based Attalid dynasty, which controlled the old territory of Troy, became the best ally of the Romans against the Macedonians, the Seleucids and the Ptolemies. And Augustus rebuilt Troy to its past glory, naming the city Ilium.







Achaemenid Empire of Iran
The Royal Road from Susa to Sardis
Xerxes I the Great
The magnificence of Parsa (Persepolis): an unprecedented grandeur that never existed in the Mediterranean world.
Reliefs from the Achaemenid palace at Susa
The state of Alexander the Great divided among his quarrelling successors – 300 BCE
Res Publica Romana 146 BCE
Res Publica Romana ca. 85 BCE

VIII. Constitutio Antoniniana: Death Certificate of the Ancient Greeks

A major development that preceded the construction of Constantinople was the disappearance of the various ‘ethnicities’ (: nations) within the Roman Empire. Due to the groundbreaking Constitutio Antoniniana (which is also known as the Edict of Caracalla; 212 CE), every free inhabitant of the empire was given full Roman citizenship. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutio_Antoniniana

Because of the edict of Caracalla, the Greeks, the Cappadocians, the Phoenicians, the Syrians (Aramaeans), the Egyptians, the Gauls, and all the other nations of the vast empire were reduced to mere linguistic particularities around an overwhelming Orientalization – Latinization process of nation building. Following the extensive diffusion of Oriental religions, cults, mysticisms, worldviews, trends and ways of life throughout the empire, the old and obsolete pantheons of the Greeks, the Romans, the Celts and the other European nations were erased, and all the nations of the Roman Empire shared one common, typically Oriental, culture encompassing various religions, spiritual initiations, wisdom, cosmologies, cosmogonies, eschatology, soteriology, cults, and mysticisms of Iranian, Egyptian, Anatolian, Aramaean and Phoenician origin.

Progressively, the traditional cultural identities of the Greeks, the Romans and the other Europeans were thus totally altered and fully Orientalized. And when all the old nations that had been conquered by the Romans became Roman citizens within the Roman Empire, they were all amalgamated and transformed into a genuinely Oriental nation, the Roman nation, thus reducing their linguistic particularities and their literary narratives about the past into meaningless reminiscences. It was an unprecedented overwhelming victory of the people over the elite, of the collectivity over the individuality, and of the spiritual over the material.

Thus, when Constantinople was constructed, there were no more ‘Greeks’ (Achaeans, Ionians, Aeolians and Dorians) throughout the South Balkans and Western Anatolia; following the Roman occupation (146 BCE), the Greeks, like many other nations, namely the Illyrians, the Macedonians, the Thracians, the Phrygians, the Lydians, the Carians, the Lycians, the Cappadocians, became a subject nation of the Roman Republic. With the progressive cultural Orientalization (1st c. CE – 3rd c. CE), the Greeks became a culturally Oriental nation worshipping Mithra and Isis, while obliterating Athena and Zeus. Accepting the edict of Caracalla (212 CE), the Greeks admitted that there was no genuine Greek nation anymore, because they had no royal or other concept and system of governance that they would eventually prefer, cherish and opt for. With the imposition of the Roman imperial ideology, the Ancient Greek politics were irrevocably dead.

Caracalla’s public baths in Rome – Terme di Caracalla

This means that, before the descendants of the Ancient Greeks went physically extinct in South Balkans, following a) the extensive and merciless persecution of the pagans in the Christianized Roman Empire (4th – 6th c. CE) and b) the excessive depopulation process that followed the so-called ‘Barbarian invasions’ (4th – 7th c. CE), there were no descendants of Ancient Greeks, who valued their ancestry and defunct traditions.

Not one Greek-speaking inhabitant of Roman Greece (during the 1st – 3rd c. CE), let alone a local authority, bothered to

1- commemorate the ridiculous factoids and insignificant events of the so-called ‘victories’ of Marathon and Salamis (the 5th c. BCE fights against the invading Iranian armies, which became however of paramount importance only in the 19th c. (!!??) for the ludicrous modern pseudo-Greek state, which is merely an Anglo-French colonial fabrication),

2- pay tribute to the various worthless Ancient Greek kings, tyrants, authors or statesmen of the past (the likes of Agis, Cleomenes, Peisistratus, Pericles, Thucydides, Sophocles Aristotle, Euripides, Demosthenes, etc.), and

3- honor the memory of the otherwise disreputable Delian League.

That ludicrous past was not anymore theirs; so trivial it was that they left it in oblivion.

Anatolian Greeks survived however in Ionia and Pontus, being spiritually Iranized and Egyptianized (after adopting Mithraism and Isidism), culturally Orientalized, nationally Romanized, and linguistically Latinized. Still today, they represent a historical continuity of three millennia after having been Christianized (Eastern Romans, Ρωμιοί/Romii, Rumlar) and Islamized (Turks, Τούρκοι, Türkler). Basics:










Gothic invasions of the 3rd c. CE
3rd c. Invasions
A priest of Jupiter Dolichenus (Aramaean hypostasis of Mithra in Roman Syria) makes a dedication to Mithra for the Salvation of the Roman Emperors
Ceiling mosaic from the necropolis under St. Peter’s Cathedral in Vatican (Grotte Vaticane/vault mosaic in the Mausoleum of the Julii): Jesus identified with Mithra. Date: middle of the 3rd century

When it comes to the various Greek-speaking nations (i.e. the various descendants of the Phrygians, the Lydians, the Carians, the Lycians, the Cappadocians, the Thracians, the Macedonians, the Illyrians and the Pelasgians), during the first centuries of the Christian era they were not ethnically Greek, they were not culturally Greek, and they were heavily Latinized. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civis_romanus_sum

IX. The Rise of Sassanid Iran, Roman Defeats in the East, and the Roman Administrative Divisions

It is on this historical background that Constantine I decided to construct the new city. It was a period of upheaval for the entire empire; in the eastern borders, the wars with Iran, which started with the rise of the Sassanid dynasty (224 CE), caused disastrous defeats at the hands of Shapur I (240-270), one of the World History’s greatest conquerors and harsher combatants. Between 242 and 252, despite many wars in almost all of his frontiers, Shapur I defeated Timesitheus, Gordian III, and Philip the Arab, who had to sign a humiliating peace treaty after the Battle of Meshik (Mesiche/Μεσιχή; 244).

Following the subjugation of Armenia and Georgia, Shapur I won over Roman armies at the battle of Barbalissos (today’s Qala’at Balis) near Euphrates in 252, invaded Syria and Antioch, forcing the Romans to focus on the Eastern front. Valerian recaptured Antioch only to be defeated in 260 CE at the Battle of Urhoy (Edessa of Osrhoene, today’s Urfa in SE Turkey), which is the permanent nadir of Roman History, because Valerian was also held captive and grossly humiliated by the Iranians.

Cameo with representation of the victory of Shapur I (right) over Valerian (left) at Urhoy / Urfa (Edessa of Osrhoene) in 260 CE
Naqsh-e Rustam (7 km west of Persepolis): Bas-relief representing the victory of Shapur I over the Roman Emperors Philip the Arabe and Valerian (who was held captive in 260 CE). Behind Shapur I, stands Kartir, the high priest and religious reformer, who formulated Mazdeism, i.e. the Sassanid times’ version of Zoroastrianism.
Shapur I using the defeated and captive Roman emperor Valerian as a foot-stool to mount his horse
The colossal statue of Shapur I in the cave of Bishapur, near Kazerun (Fars, Iran)

The serious challenges in the East were not the Roman Empire’s sole problem in the middle of the 3rd c. CE; in the northern borders, the wars with the Germans, the Goths and the various invaders produced an alarming situation too. Furthermore, financial difficulties caused because of various irregularities in the internal and external trade, the ensuing internal unrest, various natural disasters, the problems related to the succession, and the difficulty to efficiently rule the vast empire ended up in a system of administrative division as per which the empire would be governed by two senior emperors (titled ‘augusti’) and their deputies (named ‘caesar’), so four distinct rulers, each controlling one part of the empire.

The administrative novelty lasted for four decades from Diocletian to Constantine I (284-324). As system, it was effective because it helped the imperial class of Rome to reinstate public order, military discipline, urban safety, institutional functionality and operability. However, this development generated four operational capitals, thus reducing Rome to merely a nominal capital under a praefectus urbanus (or praefectus urbi), who was not anymore under the direct supervision of the emperor.





During this period, the four capitals of the respective administrative divisions were:

– Mediolanum (today’s Milan) for Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, and Northern Africa west of Cyrenaica;

– Augusta Treverorum (today’s Trier) for the territories of today’s France, England, Western Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands;

– Sirmium (today’s  Sremska Mitrovica in Serbia’s Voivodina) for the empire’s Balkan territories; and

– Nicomedia (today’s Ismit in Turkey), for the Roman territories in Anatolia, North Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine, Egypt, and Cyrenaica.  

The aforementioned system is now called ‘Tetrarchy’, but this is a modern scholarly term, and it does not have any historicity; the analogies with the Judean Tetrarchy (after the death of Herod I) and the infamous persons involved in the coinage of the term (notably the Social Darwinist German historian Otto Karl Seeck) render its use absolutely unnecessary.

However, Diocletian’s administrative reform was a must; to some extent, it reflected a Roman reaction to another earlier and very obnoxious development, which did not last long, but rang a warning bell for the imperial Roman elite; in 271 CE, the imperial territory was dramatically shrunk due to the secession of the Palmyrene (Tadmur) kingdom (270-273 CE) in the East and the Gallic state (260-274 CE) in the West. Basics:



The Roman Empire in extreme danger, as the Aramaean kingdom of Tadmur (Palmyra) and the Gallic kingdom seceded around 270 CE.
Diocletian’s administrative reform and division of the Roman Empire into four parts (284 CE)

X. Praefectus Urbi; at the very Origin of the World’s most Perverse Theocracy: Papoceasarism

It is however noteworthy that Diocletian’s reform

a) familiarized Romans with operational capitals located far from Rome and at times on the very borderlines (notably Augusta Treverorum and Sirmium);

b) revealed that the empire’s main weakness was in the East, and this was due to the rise of the powerful Sassanid dynasty in Iran. The eastern Roman capital was located in the wider region of the Turkish straits and not in one of the two major cities in the East, namely Antioch and Alexandria, which were evidently viewed as very exposed to the Iranian armies and to other unpredictable challenges, notably various wealthy Aramaean ‘buffer kingdoms’ and caravan cities located between the Romans and the Iranians, such as Tadmur (Palmyra), Osrhoene (Edessa/Urhoy/Urfa), Adiabene, Hatra, Characene); and

c) generated as side-effect the concept of Rome being self-ruled and preserved in peace, while the operational capitals are far.

This reality, embodied in the status and the tenure of praefectus urbi, is the earliest form of Papocaesarism, i.e. the concept and practice of the Anti-Constantinopolitan popes of Rome. This concept stands at the antipodes of Caesaropapism, which was practiced in Constantinople and was imposed on Rome by Justinian I.

However, the opposition between Palace and Temple was the real historical background out of which the both, Caesaropapism and Papocaesarism, emanated as forms of spiritual, religious, theological and imperial juxtaposition and polarization; and this enormous background antedates the appearance of Constantinopolitan Caesaropapism and Roman Papocaesarism by at least 3500 years, as it is first attested in Sumer (South Mesopotamia) at the very middle of the 4th millennium BCE, even in period when no writing system had been introduced, but the archaeological material record is quite revelatory.

Without further expanding on the topic, which is vast and vastly documented either in the History of the Ancient Oriental empires or in the case of the ill-fated Roman Empire, I have however to admit that this contrasting issue (Caesaropapism vs. Papocaesarism) has played a determinant role in the permanent, fierce opposition between Rome and New Rome (Constantinople), extensively interacting also with the equally vast topic of the Sibylline Oracles and Books. The fact that the ominous contrast was carefully and systematically forsworn during no less than 3.5 centuries of pre-Christian imperial Roman rule demonstrates and confirms the absolutely sinister nature of Rome’s Christianization, which is something that very few people today are able to dissociate (as one always should) from the widespread diffusion of the early Christian faith and the rise of the Christian theology, namely the schools of Antioch, Alexandria, Caesarea of Cappadocia, Nisibis, Edessa of Osrhoene, and Seleucia-Ctesiphon (the Fathers of the Christian Church). Basics:


N. R. Khan, Papocaesarism and Caesaropapism as Action Mechanisms of Christian Theocracy


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It is quite interesting that the last holder of the title of praefectus urbi, after Rome’s fall (476 CE) and evidently much after the term had lost its entire importance, was none other than Pope Gregory I (590-604), one of the most anti-Constantinopolitan popes of the fallen Rome.

Texts, translations and further readings about the Sbylline Oracles and Books:






Download this PDF with list of resources (iconography and bibliography):


https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/future-of-rome/sibylline-oracles-and-resistance-to-rome/9DBB01548C7A221001B53F597298B44E (biased)

https://www.judaism-and-rome.org/sibylline-oracles-iii46-62 (biased)





Roman Empire 316 CE

XI. Constantine I, the Slow Rise of Christianity, and the Events Preceding the Construction of Constantinople

Constantine I advanced through the ranks during the times of Diocletian’s reform, which means that he understood the functionality of the system, its strengths and its weaknesses. His father, Constantius (also known as Constantius I; in later periods, he was usually called Chlorus), served as Caesar under Maximian. His capital was Augusta Treverorum (Trier, Germany). In 305, he was proclaimed Augustus with Mediolanum (Milan) as capital, while Galerius became Augustus in the East with capital at Laodicea (Izmit, Turkey). However, campaigning against the Picts in Scotland, he died in 306, thus opening the way for his son, Constantine (Flavius Valerius Constantinus), to be proclaimed Augustus by the Roman armies at Eboracum (York, North England). Constantine had spent many years in the courts first of Diocletian and then of Galerius, and during that period, he fought against barbarian invaders in the Balkan North and against the Iranians in Syria and Mesopotamia. Having asked permission to leave, Constantine joined his father in England few months before Constantius died.

Constantine’s territory comprised Gaul, Spain and England, but he was soon (end 306) challenged by Maxentius, who rebelled against him; a compromise was achieved between Maxentius’ father Maximian and Constantine, involving an imperial marriage between the latter and Maximian’s daughter Fausta. However, this solution did not last long, and the western half of the Roman Empire lived in absolute instability during 307-308. Since Galerius’ effort to pacify the rivals did not endure, Maximian revolted against Constantine in 310, but was defeated and forced to commit suicide. Constantine’s position was however very weak in the empire, as he was lacking a significant support; he therefore tried to get some religious backing, by replacing Ancient Roman gods with Sol Invictus Mithra as the supreme imperial deity and his own patron.

The period 310-324 CE represents a time of unrest and upheaval, not only at the administrative but also at the spiritual, cultural, and religious levels. The rivalry, fights, compromises, alliances and plots of several pretenders to the four imperial positions of the administratively divided empire produced a total chaos, which is not properly and impartially known to us, because many historical sources were deliberately destroyed (example: Constantine imposed damnatio memoriae on Maximian), various authors contradict one another, and even worse, the main Christian sources are highly untrustworthy, due to the extensively distortive effort, which was involved in writing a revisionist, pro-Constantine, biased narrative and a highly subjective and partial version of the facts.

A typical example of the degree of event falsification, which is commonly attested in these sources, is what we now call the Edict of Milan (Edictum Mediolanense; 313 CE). This was not a proper, solemn ‘edict’, but just an imperial letter dispatched by Licinius to the Roman administrative heads of his domain, namely the East; and it was sent from Nicomedia (only the meeting between Licinius and Constantine took place in Milan). This is how Lactantius, writing in Latin, describes it in his De Mortibus Persecutorum (On the Deaths of the Persecutors); however, Eusebius of Caesarea (Caesarea Maritima in Palestine), in his Ἐκκλησιαστικὴ ἱστορία (Latin: Historia Ecclesiastica/ English: Church History), presents the fact in a most solemn manner. About:







https://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0265-0339,_Eusebius_Caesariensis,_Historia_Ecclesiastica,_GR.pdf (page 174/180 of the PDF)

https://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0265-0339,_Eusebius_Caesariensis,_Historia_ecclesiastica_%5BSchaff%5D,_EN.pdf (page 793/838 of the PDF)

https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/lactantius/demort.shtml (scroll down: chapter 48)

https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0705.htm (scroll down: chapter 48)

Tyche-New Rome-Constantinople and Constantine in the 330s; the slow progress of Christianization is evident.

Of course, preposterous accusations of Eusebius for anti-Semitism are baseless and nonsensical, but one must admit that the Father of the Christian Church History presented his topics in very contrasting manner on a black and white background, eulogizing Constantine and vilifying Licinius in very subjective and peremptory way.

Following Galerius’ death, Constantine and Licinius had to strike an alliance to oppose their respective contenders, who made a strong bond against the two augusti. Constantine won Maxentius in the battle of Turin (Augusta Taurinorum) in 312 and little time later, in the battle of the Milvian Bridge (28 October 312), which has been highly mythologized by contemporaneous and posterior Christian historiographers, involving narratives about epiphany, dream revelations, supernatural phenomena, and spectacular solar halos. Basics:








Following Maxentius’ death and post-mortem dismemberment, systematic elimination of his public monuments and dismantlement of his guards, a real anti-Roman purge took place in Rome; the army of the imperial capital was totally disbanded. The Constantinian pogrom bore typical characteristics of a military coup. Numerous edifices were demolished and new structures built, while an enormous imperial propaganda was orchestrated to depict Constantine as ‘liberator’ in an effort to evidently break ground and depart from earlier Roman practices and traditions. Few people understand correctly what happened at those days; as a matter of fact, it had nothing to do with the rise of Christianity, as many erroneously assume, but it was rather the installation of an Anti-Christian regime in the semi-destroyed capital of the Roman Empire.

The disastrous developments brought Licinius back to the West, and it is on this background that the critical meeting between Licinius and Constantine took place in Milan (313). This event was later popularized as the beginning of the acceptance of Christianity in the Roman Empire, whereas in reality the then established force was determined to break down the imperial cult of Ancient Rome, i.e. the quintessence of the Roman identity, while progressively introducing doctrinal elements that had nothing in common with what the great theological schools of Christianity could ever accept (notably the temporal power of the so-called ‘holy see’).

Of course, as a military man with elementary education and insubstantial intellectual faculties, Constantine had absolutely no idea of what was going on around him. His supporters’, allies’ and advisers’ back thoughts, evil ideas, and sophisticated schemes would outlive him by millennia. That is why he unintentionally but easily fell victim of the flattering descriptions and comments, which still today constitute the major elements of what is called ‘Constantinian shift’ or ‘Constantinianism’. Basics:







However, the aforementioned developments did not ensure peace in the divided Roman Empire; Licinius had to fight against Maximinus Daza in the battle of Tzirallum (in today’s Tekirdağ province of Turkey near the shore of the Sea of Marmara) and then to chase him up to Cilicia (Tarsus) where the unfortunate pretender died. Centrifugal forces were pulling the two augusti apart from one another, and the first battle between Licinius and Constantine took place in Cibalae (currently Vinkovci in Croatia) in late 316. Licinius lost also the battle in Mardia (presently Harmanli in Bulgaria’s Haskovo province), but Constantine’s subsequent miscalculations exposed him to risks and obliged him to make a peace deal at Serdica (Sofia) in early 317. It was clear that this would not last long and finally, after an early naval battle in 323, the battle of Adrianople (Edirne) in July 324, the naval battle of Hellespont (Dardanelles) in July 324, and the battle of Chrysopolis {Üsküdar on Istanbul’s Asiatic seaside, near Chalcedon ( Kadıköy)}, Licinius was finally defeated, imprisoned and then killed.

New Rome as it may have looked in the middle of the 4th c. CE

XII. Constantine I, New Rome (Constantinople), and the Reasons for it

Taking into consideration the fact that, few years before his final defeat, Licinius had restarted the persecutions against the Christians, Constantine I’s victory did not have only a personal but also an imperial dimension, underscoring the slow but solid process of Christianization that was already underway. There were several reasons that imposed the selection or construction of a new imperial capital. The Roman Quadrumvirate (or ‘tetrarchy’), which was initiated by Diocletian, proved to be as troublesome as the Roman Triumvirates, 400 years earlier, because it generated an inevitable antagonism. However, it also showed that critical changes had to be implemented and more importantly, there was an evident need of at least another capital closer to the northern and eastern borders. On the other hand, Diocletian’s capital (Nicomedia/Ismit), ca. 100 km east of the Bosporus straits, was known as the headquarters of the worst persecution against the Christians. Subsequently, the numerous, unprecedented developments that had taken place during the previous 40 years ruled out the selection of that city as new capital.

The apparent reasons that led Constantine I to the decision of founding a new capital in the location of today’s Istanbul are:

A- the need to better defend the eastern and the northern borders of the empire;

B- the urgency to often dispatch armies and fleets to the east within shorter time;

C- the demand for an impregnable capital;

In this regard, it is essential to note that the Bosporus and the Dardanelles constitute superb natural defenses against attacking fleets sailing from either the Black Sea or the Mediterranean. Furthermore, the Bosporus constitutes a formidable defense line against attacking armies coming from the East (Iran). In such occasions, Nicomedia would be far more exposed to the enemy.

D- the necessity to rupture with the earlier forms of spirituality, mysticism, religious traditions, eschatology, soteriology, and initiation rites that existed throughout the empire;

E- the exigency to strengthen the region (Roman civil diocese) of Macedonia where Christians were fewer than in the Italian Peninsula; here it has to be clarified that the Roman civil diocese of Macedonia encompassed all the southern confines of the Balkans, because the geographical / administrative term ‘Greece’ had already been abolished (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_diocese); and

F- the requirement to accommodate the desire to progressively transform Rome into a distant, yet authoritarian, religious capital for the entire Oecumene, which meant that either no emperor would have the city as capital or every local ruler would be subordinated to Rome’s urban and worldwide religious authority.

The comprehensive construction of the new city leaves no doubt that the earlier settlement (Byzantium) was -to its greatest extent- leveled to the ground and the entire site expanded after a new, entirely genuine and rather grandiose plan. The term ‘Byzantium’ was then obliterated and the city was proclaimed as capital on 11th May 330 CE under the name Nova Roma (‘New Rome’). Other names were also used, namely ‘Second Rome’ and ‘Eastern Rome’. We know that Constantine I did not name the city after himself; contrarily, he named a city in Palestine after his mother. This is actually the city’s worst point in its almost 1700-year long history. New Rome was also named Κωνσταντίνου Πόλις (‘Constantinou Polis’; Latin: Constantinopolis, i.e. Constantine’s city) later, but this was rather an adjectival use or a descriptive reference – and not an official name (Nova Roma Constantinopolitana).

This means that ‘Constantinople’ was not a name given to the city by its founder. It is therefore very wrong to make a parallelism between Alexander the Great and Constantine I, and imagine that ‘Constantinople’ is a name similar to ‘Alexandria’. The difference is not just the fact that the former is a composite name with two components, namely the emperor’s name and the Greek word for ‘city’ (polis); if Constantine I named after him the city that he founded, the name would be ‘Constantinia’. If that were the case, then most probably, Constantine I would also found other cities after him; but we know quite well that he did not do anything of the sort, although his architectural work is enormous in terms of urban expansion, military fortification, and sacral architectonics.

Several historical sources are missing due to successive destructions and at times because of premeditated acts; that is why our information is based on slightly later and often conflicting sources as per which in the official decree the city was called ‘Roma secunda’/’secunda Roma’ (Second Rome) or ‘Nova Roma’ (New Rome). The latter appellation is confirmed by Socrates of Constantinople, a 5th c. historian who is also known as Σωκράτης Σχολαστικός/Socrates Scholasticus; the former name is mentioned by Cassiodorus, a mainly 6th c. historian, who amongst others translated excerpts from Socrates Scholasticus’ works into Latin.

New Rome, the Forum of Constantine

This is what Socrates of Constantinople states:

he enlarged, surrounded with massive walls, and adorned  with various edifices; and having rendered it equal to imperial Rome, he named it Constantinople, establishing by law that it should be designated New Rome. This law was engraven on a pillar of stone erected in public view in the Strategium, near the emperor’s equestrian statue“.

(edited and revised with notes by the Rev. A. C. Zenos, D.D.), book I, chapter XVI, p. 53/325

Basics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates_of_Constantinople

This is what Cassiodorus relates, translating Socrates Scholasticus’ text into Latin:

Quae cum primitus Byzantium vocaretur, auxit, et maximo eam muro circumdedit, et diversis ornatum fabricis aequam Imperiali Romae constituit; et denominatam Constantinopolim appellari secundam Romam lege firmavit, sicut lex ipsa in marmoreal platona noscitur esse conscripta, et in Strategio juxta equestrem statuam eius est constituta“.

https://books.google.ru/books?id=qzs_AAAAcAAJ&pg=PP5&hl=bg&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false (p. 113)

Basics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassiodorus

Constantine I presenting New Rome and Justinian I presenting Sancta Sophia church to Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus as depicted on Ayasofya Museum mosaics.

XIII. New Rome (Constantinople): a Disadvantaged Location as per the Principles of Geographical Determinism

The imperial capital name issue was indeed a time bomb, which played a critically determinant role in the History of Christianity, in the History of the Roman Empire, in the History of the Mediterranean, in the History of Europe, and consequently in the History of the World. However, few people today know, let alone understand, the nature of this ferocious rivalry, which was due to many different factors.  

A very crucial factor was the location of the new capital, if viewed through the viewpoint and the perspective of the ancient science of Geographical Determinism, which was greatly elaborated, continually studied, and effectively relied upon in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hittite Anatolia, Canaan-Phoenicia, Iran, Turan and China, before being further diffused among other nations and further developed down to Renaissance, when the rise of modern sciences overshadowed it. As per the principles of Geographical Determinism, the geomorphological location of New Rome (Constantinople) has several privileges, but in no way does it endow the city with traits of imperial capital. There cannot be capital of an empire that is located on the seashore, except for the case this empire is a counterfeit, devilish and ominous or eventually a cursed and maledicted state.

Successful capitals of empires can only be located nearby (or crossed by) rivers, at the confluence of two rivers, by the shores of a lake, at the foothills of mountains, and in vast plains or high plateaus. In other words, New Rome (Constantinople) would never make a Nineveh, a Babylon, an Assyria, a Hattusha, a Persepolis, an Istakhr or a Baghdad. Constantine’s city would never be the equivalent of Thebes of Egypt, Susa (the Ancient Elamite capital that the Achaemenids and Alexander made also theirs), Afrasiab – Samarqand, Xi’an {西安, i.e. the historical capital Chang’an (長安) of China} and Delhi. And it could not be a match for Rome.

Even worse, and despite its several undoubted privileges, New Rome was located in the maritime passageway between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea (namely the region of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara, and the Bosporus strait), which is not a recommendable location for cities, let alone capitals. It is interesting to note that, throughout World History and with the sole exception of Troy, there have not been major cities built in the maritime passageways. This concerns the Red Sea straits, the Persian Gulf straits, the Gibraltar straits, which are the most notable maritime passageways that have been historically documented and described.

To add insult to injury, New Rome (or Second Rome or Constantinople), constructed on European soil, contrarily to Diocletian’s capital Nicomedia, was the first imperial capital ever built in the Balkan Peninsula. This unprecedented fact highlights the urgency with which Constantine I was forced to act after his victory over Licinius. Back in the beginning of the 4th c. CE, it was very well known that no empire had ever existed on the Balkans. Alexander the Great abandoned his insignificant capital of Pella, and after conquering the Iranian Empire, selected the millennia long, holy Mesopotamian city of Babylon as his imperial capital.

When the Macedonian king arrived at the legendary city as a suppliant, the ‘Gate of God’ (this is the real name of Babylon: Bab-ili in Assyrian-Babylonian and KA-DINGIR-RAKI in Sumerian) had already a two millennia long historicity. No other city in the world, not even Thebes of Egypt, could at that time raise such a claim. As a pious and faithful emperor, Alexander zestfully renovated and resolutely rebuilt temples, altars, walls and palaces, therefore embellishing and expanding the only city in the History of the Mankind that was believed to be the center of the universe. This concept was later copied and reproduced by the Ancient Hebrews, the Jews, and the Muslims but in a rather trivial and extraneous manner.

As a matter of fact, the Balkan Peninsula was never home to great empires, even if we take into consideration the small kingdom of Macedonia, which was enormously despised and hated by the Greeks of the Balkans’ southern regions, if we are not ignorant, oblivious or mendacious enough to forget Demosthenes and his incessant diatribes and insults against the non-Greek Macedonians. When the empire of Alexander the Great was divided among the Epigones, the island of Crete was considered as Egyptian (not Macedonian) territory and it was ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty. Only the Eastern Roman and the Ottoman Empires were significant realms that controlled the Balkans, but the real center, the heart and the ‘soul’ of both states was Anatolia, not the Balkan Peninsula. Everything started in Anatolia and was then diffused in the Balkans; this has been the typical trait of History for more than 5000 years.  

The above truthful remarks do not however mean that New Rome (Constantinople) was doomed since Day 1; no, not at all! But, on the basis of ancient sciences, wisdom, and geomorphological analysis, it would be very difficult for an empire to effectively endure, advance, and focus on an expanding line of imperial order, while having its capital located there. Perhaps, Constantine’s capital would be good enough for two or three centuries. Then, the imperial capital should eventually be transferred to another location, and more specifically in the central plateau of Anatolia, which had already been the high place of a remarkably successful empire.

For the case of Constantine’s capital, the earlier negative impression that was left out of the experience of four imperial capitals (Diocletian’s administrative reform and division) only prevented the sole ruler of the Roman Empire from reconsidering the option – under totally different terms of course. Yet, there were many empires known for having more than one capital at a time; Achaemenid Iran is the perfect example in this case. Parsa (Persepolis) was the main capital of Darius I the Great; Pasargad (Pasargadae) was the old capital of Cyrus II the Great; and Hegmat-ane (Ecbatana, today’s Hamedan), the old Median capital, was their summer capital. Furthermore, Susa (Shushin, today’s Shush), known as major urban center of civilization since the 4th millennium BCE and capital of the kingdom of Elam, was also made capital. Last but not the least, Babylon, one of Mesopotamia’s holiest and most ancient sites, capital of the Nabonid dynasty (625-539 BCE), which was overthrown by Cyrus, and one of the pre-Islamic world’s most advanced scientific, academic, spiritual and religious centers, was also an Achaemenid capital. But the eventuality of multiple Roman capitals was ruled out, at least for the rest of Constantine’s lifetime.

However, in addition to the improper location of the new capital, the name itself produced a major problem, which functioned, as I already said, like a real time bomb. If Antioch or Alexandria was then proclaimed as imperial capital, it would be eventually risky from a military/geostrategic viewpoint, but the entire trouble with the name would be avoided.

Gradually, the appearance of Constantine changed in Eastern Roman Christian Art: Constantine’s vision and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in a 9th-century Eastern Roman manuscript.
Constantine’s dream as depicted in a 9th century Eastern Roman manuscript

XIV. New Rome (Constantinople): a Christian Empire’s Capital lacking Christian Credentials  

Founding a new capital in a disadvantaged location for imperial capitals and naming it after the earlier imperial capital, which was in the process of becoming the empire’s religious capital (at least this was then in the minds of Rome’s ‘Christian’ authorities) were not the sole ominous parameters of the foundation of New Rome. Although badly needed (the First Council of Christian Churches had to be held in Nicaea, today’s Iznik/Turkey, in May 325 CE), the new capital was quite prematurely constructed for a Christian Empire. Most of the people forget that, when New Rome was inaugurated in 330, the appearance of the newly-built capital had nothing in common with what one could describe 100 years later (around 430 CE) as a ‘Christian city’.

Although the gradual transformation of New Rome into a fully-fledged, ostensibly Christian urban center would not be, and proved not to be, a problem (and the new capital became an apparently Christian city after 380 CE, when the famous Edict of Thessalonica was promulgated), the real issue in 330 CE was a totally different issue. In reality, New Rome – Constantinople definitely lacked any Christian credentials, and -even worse- it was not located in a region known for its significant contribution to the then under formation Christian theology. Already, Rome was not a significant center of Christian theology and the local theologians were not doctrinally self-luminous; on the contrary, they extensively relied on the major schools of Christian theology, which were located in the East. This fact concerned New Rome even more markedly.

It is certain that Constantine I did his best to rapidly build great palaces, public buildings and temples; the famous Church of the Holy Apostles (after 1463-1470 it was rebuilt as Fatih Camii/Mosque) was constructed with the intention to transfer and accommodate the relics of all the twelve apostles of Jesus. Other objects deemed holy were also brought to the city in order to consecrate and protect the new capital: part of the Christian True Cross, the Rod of Moses, etc.; in this regard, it is essential to always bear in mind that most of these traditions may be part of the later need to build stronger testimonies justifying the position of New Rome as the imperial capital par excellence and as the leading Christian Church in the Orient. Basics:






The Church of the Holy Apostles as depicted in 12th c. Eastern Roman manuscript (Vatican Codex Vat.gr.1162)

Despite the aforementioned effort and the evident magnificence of the new capital, which featured impressive squares like the Augustaeum, monumental gates like the Chalke and the Golden Gate, great palaces like the Great Palace and the Palace of Daphne, a Praetorium, a Curia, an hippodrome, impressive colonnades along the main streets, majestic edifices like the Milion, several fora (forums), and the walls, New Rome’s imperial propaganda could not match that of Rome, which had already been firmly propagated as the main religious center of Christianity on the basis of systematic myths and unsubstantiated legends.  

A major point of the Roman propaganda about Rome’s credentials of Christianity is the narrative as per which apostles Peter and Paul founded the ‘Church of Rome’, before being supposedly martyred there at the time of Emperor Nero. The fable about Linus being ‘reportedly’ appointed as first bishop of Rome originates out of thin air; the entire story was fabricated by Irenaeus at a most crucial moment, when he was fighting against the Gnostic onslaught on the Christian faith in the middle of the 2nd c. CE. Irenaeus’ nonsensical comment about Tatian (the 2nd century’s leading theologian, author and exegete) being a follower of the Christian Gnostic theologian is quite enough to fully and irreversibly discredit the author of ‘Against Heresies’ (Adversus haereses/Κατά αιρέσεων).

Irrespective of Irenaeus’ veracity or prevarication, the fact is that Rome’s ‘Christian’ establishment had already produced its legends and propaganda tales, when New Rome was under construction. This situation, as it could be expected, produced its own dynamics which functioned in favor of Rome’s primacy (i.e. papal primacy). While building the new capital, Constantine also started and executed two major Christian architectural projects, namely the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the erection of the old Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. This is a good example of how the Roman primacy propaganda functioned at the time; the church was built on the hill where St. Peter had been supposedly buried and in this manner, an unsubstantiated narrative was ‘expected’ to be confirmed by a totally unfounded endeavor. All these aberrations would later be held as ‘proofs’ of Roman primacy. About:










The elements of religious forgery usually intermingle with the various components of theological life, therefore creating tensions; all accounts made, the down-to-earth reality of the Early Christian Church was that of incessant theological polarizations, debates, interpretations, doctrines, disputes and treatises. In that level, neither Rome nor New Rome really mattered; in an era of ferocious Christological controversies, which started in the East, none of the two cities was known for its erudite scholars, knowledgeable exegetes, and wise Fathers of the Christian Church.

In this regard, the Alexandrian school of Christian theology had already greatly advanced in the 2nd c. CE; the main rival schools of Christian hermeneutics were the School of Antioch and the School of Urhoy (Edessa of Osrhoene). Later, in the middle of the 4th c. CE, great theological schools appeared also in Caesarea of Cappadocia, Nisibis (Northeastern Mesopotamia) and Seleucia-Ctesiphon (Central Mesopotamia). However, neither Rome nor New Rome had formed until the middle of the 4th c. CE similar centers of Christian Patristic literature. Almost all major Fathers of the Christian Church belonged to the schools of Alexandria, Antioch, Edessa, Caesarea, Nisibis and Seleucia-Ctesiphon. About:









John Chrysostom, Father of the Christian Church and the most famous theologian of the School of Antioch (mosaic from the Ayasofya Museum)
Athanasius of Alexandria, the most famous theologian of the School of Alexandria (11th c. fresco from Hosios Loukas monastery, Athens)
St. Ephrem the Aramaean (Syriac), one of the leading Fathers of the Christian Church and the most famous theologian of the School of Urhoy/Urfa (Edessa of Osrhoene)

While victorious Constantine attempted to create an entirely new, Christian Roman Empire with capital in the East, the forces that had earlier supported him applied a wrong treatment on him; for these forces that dwelled in Rome, Constantine’s construction of a new capital far from Rome was conform to their interests, but his appellation of the new capital (New Rome) was unacceptable. Even worse, the great respect and love that the emperor felt and expressed toward Eusebius of Caesarea and Constantine’s tendency towards Arianism were intolerable and incalculably disastrous for them and their elaborately concealed version of counterfeit Christianity.

Today most of the people believe that Constantine was against Arius, but this is very wrong indeed; this is only the interpretation given to the facts by the systematic forgers, who many centuries later turned so openly and so vociferously against New Rome – Constantinople. In reality, in the beginning, Constantine I was rather neutral between the ardent theologian Arius and bishop Alexander of Alexandria; but he could not afford to oppose the majority of the participants of the First Council of Nicaea. However, one must remark that this theological dispute, which was in fact an internal affair of the Church of Alexandria (and had therefore to be solved within the limits of that Church), skillfully became a key topic for all Christian bishops and theologians only to subtly promote Rome’s position among the other Christian churches, already at a moment when the new capital, New Rome, was under construction (325).

The First Council of Nicaea as depicted in the Eastern Roman Christian Art
Posterior propaganda and falsification: Arius depicted as defeated and fallen down (!!) in the First Council of Nicaea. From a painting of the 14th c. Great Monastery of Meteora, Greece
Raffaello’s viciously fallacious version of the First Council of Nicaea in Vatican’s Capella Sistina

This helps us also understand why the fervently built new capital did not have all the highest level dignitaries of Rome; there would not be and finally there were not ‘quaestors’ to supervise the public treasury, elected ‘tribunes’ to protect the people’s interests or ‘praetors’ to administer justice. The ‘senators’ of New Rome did not have the superlative title ‘clarissimus’, but the simple adjectival form (positive degree) of ‘clarus’. And atop of the new capital, there was a proconsul and not a praefectus urbanus (or praefectus urbi). This situation tells us clearly that, while New Rome was still under construction, there was already an opposite force at work.

For the forces that wanted to turn Rome into a religious capital of the entire empire, the new capital’s name New Rome was a permanent source of destabilization and discredit.

These are the forces that propagated the use of the name ‘Constantinople’ instead of ‘New Rome’ throughout the Roman Empire and kept pressurizing on this issue until the middle of the 15th c.

These are the same forces, which did not accept the New Roman/Constantinopolitan selection of the Roman popes, as Justinian I stipulated (a practice that lasted from 537 until 752).

These are the forces that opposed the Quinisext Ecumenical Council (Πενθέκτη Σύνοδος – Concilium Quinisextum), which was held in 692.

These are the forces that coined the nickname ‘Graeci’ (Greeks) for the Romans of the Eastern Roman Empire as early as the 8th c. CE.

These are the forces that triggered the Schism (first in 863-867 and finally in 1054) between Rome and New Rome – Constantinople.

– How can we identify them?

– The easiest and commonest way would be to call them ‘the anti-Constantinopolitan party of Rome’; they also had their fifth column in New Rome – Constantinople, i.e. the ‘pro-Roman party of Constantinople’.

However, this way of identification is external, confusing, and clearly misleading. This is so because for the forces that wanted to turn Rome into a religious capital of the entire empire (and later of the world/’Ecumene’), the imperial capital name issue was in reality only the smokescreen. As such, it was used by them to conceal a calamitous reality, which concerns the entire world today.

This reality was however known to the anonymous author of the illustrious Chronicon Paschale – only too well. That is why he denounced the calamitous reality, by naming New Rome – Constantinople simply, briefly and strictly ‘Rome’.

By so doing, the author of the Chronicon Paschale, who lived at the time of Emperor Heraclius (610-641), simply rejected flatly the Christian identity of Rome. If New Rome – Constantinople is the only Rome, then the old Rome is not ‘Rome’ anymore. This automatically means that the old Rome is not Christian at all.

How the centuries-long confrontation with the non-Christian (or pseudo-Christian or Anti-Christian) Rome dragged New Rome – Constantinople to several unnecessary compromises that brought about the collapse of the Eastern Roman Empire, I will explain in the forthcoming second part of the present series of articles.

And how the confrontation between Rome and New Rome – Constantinople or, to put it correctly, between the Counterfeit Anti-Christian Rome and the True Rome (which is New Rome – Constantinople) continued during the Ottoman times (1453-1923), because Mehmet II’s ignorance, foolishness and idiocy led him to uselessly and calamitously invade New Rome – Constantinople, claim Roman continuity, and  even proclaim himself as Roman Emperor (without having a clue of what it takes to be a Roman Emperor), I will explain in the forthcoming third part of the present series of articles.

One point can be surely deduced from the aforementioned presentation: the forces that wanted to turn Rome into a religious capital of the entire empire would have surely been satisfied, if in 476 CE both parts of the Roman Empire had collapsed and disintegrated at the same time. Then, they would not have needed to keep an ace up their sleeve for longer; they would have revealed their ominous intentions quite sooner. And the final deception, i.e. the anti-human, anti-Christian, and anti-Godly Renaissance, would have taken place almost 1000 years earlier.

And this is the Satanic fallacy that Raffaello, the Benedictines-Jesuits, and the Anti-Christian Rome (Vatican) dare to diffuse as Constantine I the Great’s ‘baptism’ by Eusebius of Nicomedia!


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Zionist – Freemasonic – Jesuit Agendas in Conflict or Superposition: End Times’ Sequence & Trajectories

Shrewd commentators, who oppose present world’s negative developments and nature, find* that, within the context of divided Christianity, “healing the schism would be great”, and that there are “forces trying to bring the two churches together” (Catholic & Orthodox).


However, they also observe that, on the other hand, other projects, like the notorious, Kalergi plan and the ongoing Islamist immigration, truly gain momentum. Finding the two trends opposite to one another, they ask “why would Rome lay down to this?”.


Christian Reunification, Kalergi Plan, Mass Immigration, Europe’s Islamization – Zionists, Freemasons, Jesuits


The present article explains why the two, seemingly opposite, spirals and dynamics correspond to either different agendas or different agendas’ chapters and serve diverse trajectories, without truly being opposite to one another.


Indeed, it makes no sense for the European Christian churches (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) to reunite together, if one accepts to be overridden by the Islamization process. However, at this point, there are at work different projects and trajectories that are promoted by opposite forces, without however being frontally opposite to one another.


I. Anti-Messianic, Anti-Eschatological Freemasons: the Apostate Lodge


You know that the ‘elite’ is not one, but divided into Jesuits, Freemasons, and Zionists and each group has its centuries-old (or rather millennia-long) agenda. In addition, there are internal factions, which also pursue divergent agendas; in other words, these internal splits and factions do not exist for any other reason except agenda differentiation.


The main forces involved and their different agendas reveal automatically the existence of diverse eschatological/messianic plans or the absence / rejection thereof. (The latter is also to be reckoned with.)


The atheistic lodge Grand Orient de France (this is the bulk of the Scottish / French rite in France: it controls Le Droit Humain lodges and it is engaged in fierce fighting against the Grande Loge Nationale Francaise, which is an English rite outfit in France) not only does not promote eschatological / messianic plans, but also opposes all existing ones, be they Freemasonic, Jesuit or Zionist of origin/nature.


II. Schism within Ashkenazi, pseudo-Jewish, Khazarian Zionism


When I was in Israel (1984-1985) during my postgraduate studies (Egyptology / Assyriology), I came upon a Zionist branch that was also anti-eschatological and anti-messianic. What did they teach / propagate in their seminars? That the Messiah had already come, that ‘he’ is Eretz (the state of) Israel, and that we therefore live in the messianic times, when the Messiah (Israel) will progressively outshine the rest of the world (the Goyim).


So, it is only normal for that Zionist branch to cooperate with Grand Orient de France and with other similar forces (within the Zionist universe and outside of it) in order to promote stability and permanence of the Post WW II world. (By the way, the Clintons belong to this faction, contrarily to Netanyahu.)


The aforementioned two cases are only examples.


The Greater Israel plan is then not necessarily supported by all Zionist groups, because any plan linked to a personal Messiah would be rejected by the Zionists who identify the Messiah with the state of Israel itself.


However, I would say that today the mainstream Zionist world backs the Greater Israel plan; they associate a person with it; they prepare the erection of the Third Temple; some even say in public that they have identified who the future King of Israel is. Few boast having met him in person! And others try to conceal that they have truly come face to face with that atrocious creature. This Zionist plan entails various global developments and the rise of a sizeable Israel (from Euphrates to the Nile) to global prominence.


Before explaining what this can eventually mean, I would say that opposite eschatological / messianic plans (those of the Freemasons, of the Jesuits, and eventually of others) may

a. either be in direct opposition with the aforementioned (‘mainstream’) Zionist plan

b. or move on different trajectories that follow different time perspectives (what we would define as ‘short-run’, ‘mid-run’, long-run’).


This means that the force that promotes a long-run plan can eventually, under some conditions, and within some limits, may consent to a short-term plan, even if it from the first sight looks extremely opposite to the long-run plan. They may even use it – and this, I believe, is the true nature of the present Jesuit-Zionist alliance; that’s why Francis I avoids criticizing homosexuality, etc., etc., etc. These are minor and trivial points, if compared to the foremost geopolitical-eschatological plans of the Jesuit Order.


III. Each eschatological/messianic agenda involves also a different Messiah


Most people believe that ‘the elite’ wants to prepare the necessary conditions for their (fake) Messiah/Christ, who will be the long awaited Antichrist. This is very wrong; in fact, there will be many false Christs (pseudo-Christs) and only the last and more powerful one will be the Antichrist (the one mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and in Daniel). This is also consistent with Jesus’ prophecy or description of End times’ stages, namely the statement that ‘many’ will come pretending they are the Christ/Messiah.


I don’t believe that only Zionists, Freemasons and Jesuits will come up with their Messiahs, each of them with a different guy. There will be more than just three pseudo-Christs. There will be an Orthodox Russian Christ (at least there is a plan providing for him, elaborated among some independent circles in Russia); there will be at least two Mahdis (a Shia and a Sunni); there will be a Parsist Shosyant, and many other religions’ or sects’ expected messianic figures will appear too. This makes sense, and it only reconfirms Jesus’ words that “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Mark 13:8 New International Version – NIV).


{Key note: I never use KJV by the way – I did crosscheck it with the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgata texts in hundreds of excerpts, and in most of the cases, the meaning of the text was terribly altered to be evidently adapted to Freemasonic concepts. KJV is an untrustworthy forgery and a theological fornication.}


The below interpretational diagrams are all wrong and simplistic:

  1. the Zionist Messiah is the Antichrist
  2. the Islamist Mahdi is the Antichrist

(actually no Muslim will believe a Mahdi without a re-appearing Islamic Prophet Jesus, so in that case, one has to expect a tandem or to see fake persons impersonating the roles ascribed to Mahdi and to Jesus as Islamic Prophet)

  1. the Zionist Messiah will eliminate the Islamist Mahdi
  2. the Islamist Mahdi will prevail over the Zionist Messiah


IV. A reminiscence of the end times of the Roman Res Publica


I believe that, in several successive ‘stages’ of 3.5 or 7 years duration (and this depends on what one considers as ‘stage’), three major circles will be completed.


I feel that these circles will be a sort of reminiscence of (or will have some analogy with) the last century of Roman Res Publica, which led to Imperium: Sulla-Cinna-Marius / Crassus-Pompey-Caesar / Marc Antony-Lepidus-Octavian Augustus. The three circles will be as follows.


V. Zionist Agenda & the Khazarian Greater Israel


Greater IsraelFor this purpose, mainstream Zionists need to ensure:


1. the pulverization of several surrounding Middle Eastern states (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia) by different means, military, socio-political, geotechnical engineering (Egypt can entirely disappear with the quasi-totality of its population within few hours, if a 9.4 Richter earthquake takes place in Aswan and brings down the High Dam).


((By the way, the Amhara/Tigray Abyssinians, who control the vast colonial state of ‘Ethiopia’ with numerous subjugated nations that strive for national independence, and who are the allies of the Israeli Khazarian Zionists, have a seven centuries old ‘prophecy’, which became known to Westerners in the late 18th century; according to this ‘vision’, their state at the End Times would share borders – dividing Egypt – with a Jewish state named ‘Israel’ and located in Palestine. When this was published, there was no Zionist Congress!))


2. the collapse of Europe – and here fits the Kalergi plan


3. the first, small, ‘contained’ nuclear war between Russia and America that will destroy northern parts of European Russia and America’s East Coast


Jesuits accept most of this plan, but Freemasons oppose it in various ways. So, Freemasonic endeavors in opposition to the Zionist agenda may involve the following:


1. various defense lines against terrorists in Syria & Iraq; support of Iran (Freemasons have infiltrated extensively the Ayatullah regime)


2. the re-emergence of European totalitarianism, spirituality, and imperium


3. the preparations for the re-establishment of the US as a genuine republican state (as conceived by the Founding Fathers) in a small part of today’s US territory, mainly in the mountainous parts of the Middle West.


For Greater Israel to be truly a global power, there have to take place two different types of development:

a. Israel must expand territorially while major countries of the region have to disappear


b. Europe, Russia and America have to be pulled into an abysmal maelstrom of destruction, contraction, and insignificance


It seems there are two diverse options for Russia’s & America’s contraction, one being the aforementioned, ‘contained’ nuclear war, and the other involving


i. extraordinary natural disasters occurring in both, the eastern and the western extremities of the US and


ii. ‘color revolution’ against Kremlin.


In any case, great importance is given so that the area around Samara, Astrakhan, and the northern shores of the Caspian Sea is always protected.


The reason for this is that the local population in that region is not Russian, truly speaking, but Khazarian; there lies the epicenter of the Zionist Khazarian conspiracy.


Naive commentators, who express doubts about the veracity of the Greater Israel agenda, ask how Israel with its present, limited population can occupy vast lands of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, NW Saudi Arabia, and Egypt that are today inhabited by more than 100 million people!


Those commentators don’t know that a second ‘aliyah’ can take place (like that of the year 1945-1948) and 15-20 million ‘hidden’ ‘Jews’ (in reality: Khazarians presently impersonating Russians) can move to live in the Saudi Red Sea coast north of Jeddah, in the Egyptian Red Sea coast, in Sinai and in the Syrian desert. To support this enormous movement, the vast know-how currently acquired in the Zionist Emirates (UAE) will be transferred to the said territories in order to turn the desert into a green land.


As per the terms of the Jesuit-Zionist alliance, the Catholic Church can transfer the Holy See to Jerusalem, if (or when) Rome, Italy and Europe collapse in anarchy, Euro-Islamist wars (I don’t call them civil wars, because Islamist immigrants are alien elements in Europe), and total chaos. This perspective is viewed as inevitable by the Jesuits – and actually by all. And by evidently contributing to Europe’s decomposition, the Jesuits only demonstrate their solidarity with the Zionists, whom they surely cheat superbly as regards the final stages of the Jesuit agenda.


So, the plan to unite all churches has a global appeal, whereas local level socio-economic-political-cultural-spiritual power across Europe seems to be of little interest for the Jesuits. This is not strange:


first, their main focus is elsewhere, and


second, the Jesuits know that, after Europe’s descent to disorder and chaos, the power that will rise will be Freemasonic or if you prefer Nordic-Germanic, Gnostic, Hermetic, Wagnerian, Arian (the early Christian heresy) or ‘pagan’.


Use whatever word you want, but it will be an anti-Catholic, anti-Orthodox, anti-Jesuit Christianity with references to Merovingian bloodline and other extra-Christian literature.


VI. The Rise of the New Roman (European) Empire


For this purpose, Freemasons need to ensure:


1. A low degree destruction in the Middle East, which will also involve the following:

– preservation of Iran,

– creation of ‘Kurdistan’ on only Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish territories,

– formation of a Sunni central Iraqi state,

– emergence of a Shia state in South Iraq and the NE confines of Saudi Arabia (Dammam), and

– expansion of Jordan across NW quarter of Saudi Arabia


2. a. the total destruction of all democratic concepts and ideas in Europe, the formation of military groups that, after the fight against and the elimination of the Islamists, will rise to absolute power and impose a Freemasonic, pseudo-Christian, European Imperial state that will look closer to Mithraic Iranian Arsacid Empire, to Gnostic-Hermetic Christianity, and to Hyperborean cults and traditions.


2. b. During the forthcoming chaos across Europe, the Freemasons will spearhead the destruction of Rome and the conversion of most of the Christian churches in Western, Central and Northern Europe into pseudo-Christian Freemasonic temples. So, at that stage, the tactical interests of the Freemasons and the Zionists will converge again.


Another factor related to the destruction of Rome, which can also explain why the Jesuits seem indifferent to this forthcoming event, is the perplex phenomenon of the Fatima apocalyptic visions (six apparitions from 13th May to 13th October 1917) and the associated Miracle of Sun. In spite of the terrible measures taken to prevent the diffusion of the truth and despite the enormous volumes of lies spread on this subject by the official Catholic Church in order to confuse and disorient every concerned explorer, many came to know that the Fatima apocalyptic visions do actually concern the end of the Catholic Church as we have known it until now.


So, I conclude that the Jesuits realized (particularly after the end of WW II) that the overall sociopolitical and cultural developments across Europe would make Traditional Catholic and Protestant Christianity irrevocably unsustainable in Rome, Italy & Europe, and they therefore shaped their End Times plans accordingly.


3. the decadence of Russia (options of ‘color revolution’ or other type of turmoil are under discussion, but not the ‘contained’ nuclear war option) and the implosion of the US (following economic collapse rather than natural disaster, although Freemasons too seem to believe that some type of East Coast natural disaster is inevitable). Following the collapse of central authority (or the submersion of Washington D.C. or the destruction caused by the limited and ‘contained’ nuclear war), the different parts of the elite will live in underground cities or secluded territories. Then, vast lands of today’s American territory will plunge in chaos and they will be ruled by local thugs and gangsters. However, some form of republican state with public order and discipline will emerge in the mountainous parts of the American Middle West.


The New Roman-European Empire will be a totalitarian state compared to which Hitler’s Germany would look like a liberal-anarchical spot. To its citizens, it will be a very happy realm, because practically speaking the outright majority of the indigenous European population, previously outraged because of the Islamists’ unprecedented barbarism, will support the anti-Islamist and anti-Jewish resistance, struggle, and victory of the brave European fighters.


The end result will be that they will get rid of all troubles, because the great warriors will exterminate all Islamists, Jews (Sephardic or Ashkenazi Khazarians), leftists, homosexuals, liberal-socialists, and other dissident elements. To imagine how terrible the next European war will be, one must consider approximately 50 million people dead from the borders of Russia to the Atlantic in a period of 3-4 years; some cities will surely look worse than Syria’s Aleppo.


However, this shocking situation will bring forth splendid results: materialism, consumerism, hedonism and pacifism will have disappeared – along with humanism. The era that started with Copernicus will have ended in Europe. The imperial rise will be very fast, because spiritual powers, techniques, and endeavors will be pursued, and demonic hierarchies will highly contribute to the restoration of the Anti-(Pseudo-)Christian order and authority. A new technology will appear that will be spiritual rather than material of nature. Europe will then believe in  forms of Mithraism, Gnostic Christianity, and Arianism that were thought to have been irreversibly uprooted back in the 4th century.


The rise of the European Empire will be simultaneous with the fall of Greater Israel and the final disarray of the Muslim World from Mauritania to India. With America’s, Russia’s, India’s, and Israel’s power decreasing, the purified European Empire will be a meteoric phenomenon and the leader of the struggle against the Islamist immigrants and the erratic Jews will be catapulted to absolute power. This person will be very different from the common, materialistic leaders and fake Messiahs of the Zionists and the Muslims.


Europe’s power will spread across Africa, Latin America, and large parts of Asia. Islam will be abolished, and for some time it will look as if it totally disappeared. Israel will disintegrate, and a peace will be imposed among local populations of different backgrounds as the only means to survive; the real Third Temple will be built then, because the earlier built Zionist edifice will be a fake replica. The Third Temple will be indeed Satan’s temple par excellence. The European Emperor will first be called divine (in imitation of Ancient Roman titulary) and then worshipped as god. He will be the Final False Christ, the ‘Antichrist’.


This will be an era of major natural disasters and several parts of the Earth will disappear following catastrophic earthquakes, enormous tsunamis, and calamitous sidereal phenomena. It will also be a time a nefarious diseases rapidly spread across vast territories and with many hundreds of millions of dead (“He will destroy many in a time of peace”). The Zionists will have almost disappeared, but this will not be the same for the Jesuits.


It goes without saying that Official Christianity either Roman Catholic or Eastern Roman Orthodox will be persecuted and uprooted as Satanic heresy across the European Empire.


VII. Jesuit Christianity and its Survival at the times of the European Empire


Where will the main center of the Jesuits be located at those days? In the countries toward which their focus has already shifted, but the world’s media -deliberately or due to oversight- ignore this remarkable change.


In fact, the brief and straight answer to the original question (as expressed in the second paragraph of this article) is this:

After the end of WW II, the Jesuits have concluded that

a. Europe is definitely rotten

b. Christianity in Europe is irreversibly dead

c. their power in Europe will never ever rise again

d. Europe will be controlled either by Freemasons or Zionists to its end

e. it makes therefore no sense to Jesuits to oppose the Zionist agenda in Europe, since even if they achieve to avert it, their power will not increase, and at the end the Anti-Christian Freemasons will prevail.

f. at the present moment, because of the aforementioned, and despite the Freemasonic interest in setting up an immense empire headquartered somewhere in Central-Northern Europe, it looks like all three major secret societies, Freemasonry, Societas Jesu, and the Zionist Khazarians, want to see the present European structure destroyed – each for different reasons.


(((This does not mean that their puppets – Freemason Holland, Zionist Sarkozy, Jesuit Fillon, Jesuits Anthony Blair and Theresa May, Freemasons Gordon Brown & David Cameron, Freemasons Francois Mitterrand, Helmut Kohl, and Jacques Chirac, Jesuit Angela Merkel, and others – want to truly and consciously destroy their homeland, as many people may imagine mistakenly. All the statesmen and politicians, who belong to today’s European political microcosm, believe that they contribute to the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions and to the elimination of the major problems. This is the result a. of the nature of our world, b. of the overwhelming deception that applies across the board and at all levels, and c. of the function of the three secret and hierarchical societies to which all these persons belong. The initiation to another, higher degree always means partly rejection of earlier beliefs, assumptions and understandings; or to put it otherwise, these secret societies’ superior members always keep the lower members misinformed or uninformed.)))


g. consequently, the Jesuits – already before many decades – knew that they had to put all their stakes on one (or more) strong, ancient, coherent, yet politically deceived and disoriented nation that had not yet been Christened. You certainly understand immediately that I mean China.


Today, in South Korea, all Christian denominations total around 30-35% among the indigenous people. In Japan, a great part of folk Shinto lean to various branches of Christianity. The same occurs in Taiwan where many non-religious people turn to different Christian churches. More importantly, in China, Buddhists total 18%, Christians are around 5%, and the unaffiliated make more than half the population, with many converting to Christianity every day.


These countries are the main focus of the Jesuits; they expect a great return to religion and spirituality when an economic collapse will bring despair to the outright majority of the population in all these countries. When bloody conflicts and devastating wars, nightmarish diseases, ominous famines, and unique natural disasters will be hitting the rest of the world, China will rise as the Christian country par excellence.


That’s why the Freemasons try to compromise this perspective by deliberately contributing to the worsening of the relations between North Korea and South Korea, and to the degradation of the relations between China and the US, so that if there has to be a limited, ‘contained’ nuclear war, this takes place between China and the US, and not between Russia and the US. That’s why we hear rumors of wars coming from one or the other side of the Eurasiatic landmass.


VIII. The demise of the Anti-Christian Roman Empire


For this purpose, Jesuits need to ensure:  

1. the advance of the Zionist agenda in the Middle East

 2. the advance of the Zionist and the Freemasonic agendas in Europe

 3. the mutual regression of Russia and America

 4. the successful rise of the European Empire under the Antichrist; in the first part of his rule, they will not oppose / challenge him. They expect the Two Prophets to appear as soon as he has the Third Temple erected, and then they will start opposing him.


Jesuits know very well that it is their own task to prepare a Chinese army of 200 million soldiers and turn it against the European Emperor – Antichrist, when he will encircle China and East Asia from all parts. They expect that moment to come with the end of the Two Prophets’ ministry and Jesus’ Second Coming. But this is wrong and, although they play their game at the long-run and they are therefore superior to the rest, they will only cheat themselves. Their end will be even more spectacular.


Now, who Jesus will be, how he will first appear, how he will engulf his enemies into their own traps, who will stand by him, who will oppose -and how- the Antichrist, this is another, very vast, topic.


However, the idea of just a frontal battle between two persons is really childish and inconsistent with the Christian texts to say the least. By this, I don’t limit the topic to just few false Christs, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the Two Prophets, and Jesus.


There will also be many other persons who will play a very important role. Already the Book of the Revelation (ch. 14) speaks of two different persons: the Lamb and the 144000 virgin soldiers (verses 1-5) and the End times King, someone “like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head”, who will eliminate the sinful and the evil (verses 14-19). Believing that the two persons are one is sheer distortion, and this confusion has been spread by many theologians related to all three aforementioned secret societies.


The number of important persons expected to appear at the End of Times is not limited in the aforementioned; in Matthew XII, 41-42, Jesus states that, on Judgment Day, Assyrians (“men of Nineveh“) will come back to engage in battle against “this generation(sheer reference to the evil, Maccabee-origin Pharisees whom he rejected).


Further on, Jesus mentions an entire southern (Queen of South) nation that will emerge at the same time to also oppose and fight against “this generation”. This nations’ magistrates will also be key persons of the End times.


That is to say, most of today interpreters, irrespective of denomination or religion, try to adjust their holy texts to their desires and wishes, be they theological or political, and in the process they strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.


Now, what the Kalergi plan is, why a Freemason envisioned it, what his intentions were, and in what he was managed and maneuvered without his choosing, this is a totally different topic basically spiritual of nature.


However, despite ‘his’ false claims, Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi did not originate from the Eastern Roman nobility; neither the Cretan Kallergis family (of which he was an offspring) did. Many Greeks, who moved to Tsarist Russia in the late 18th and early 19th c., were impressed by, and envied, Russian nobility; so, when they returned to their Ottoman-occupied homeland, they brought with them the myth and the falsely risen claims of Eastern Roman Imperial nobility. Now, whether Richard Nikolaus knew that his family’s claims were fake and unsubstantiated or not, this is anyone’s guess. As a matter of fact, Kallergis family members had risen those claims for at least a century, before Richard Nikolaus was born.





* Robert Reyvolt in Incendiary Radio w/ Robert Reyvolt – April 2, 2017 Hour 2 http://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/incendiary-radio-w-robert-reyvolt-april-2-2017-hour-2/





Why Former Ottoman Provinces cannot become Proper States

(First published in a shorter form in www.buhodle.post – Friday, July 5th, 2013)

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis


Emperor Shalmanaser III of Assyria Emperor Tiglath Pileser III of Assyria Emperor Sargon II of Assyria Emperor Assurbanipal of Assyria Inscription dedicated by King Nebukadnezzar of Babylonia Persepolis, the capital of Achaemenid Iran Augustus, First Roman Emperor Sassanid Iranian Emperor Khusraw (Chosroes) I Justinian i, the Greatest Eastern Roman Emperor The coins of the Umayyad caliphs looked like those of the Sassanid Iranian Emperors Jabir ibn Hayyan. one of the greatest scholars of Abbasid Baghdad Mosque of Cordoba The destruction of Baghdad 1258 Nasir al Din al Tusi, one of the greatest scholars of the Islamic Golden Ages - 13th c. The Istambul Observatory, 1577

Emperor Shalmanaser III of Assyria

As commentary to an earlier article, a shrewd reader’s question hit at the very epicenter of today’s most critical problems of the Islamic world; the question was why the modern states, which were Ottoman provinces before being progressively detached from Turkey (from 1798 to 1918), namely Egypt, Algeria, Aden, Sudan, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia, cannot become – once for all – normal, independent states, and as such implement a proper nation building process, and demonstrate public order and discipline, while abiding by their traditions and cultures.


  1. Arab Spring can happen only to Pseudo-States

The question is very timely as the fake revolutions, fallaciously termed as ‘Arab Spring’ by the Freemasonic – Zionist mass media, proved to be the result of a sheer, yet systematic and sophisticated, manipulation of the local mobs by the secret services of the US, UK, France, Holland, Belgium, Israel, Canada, Australia, and eventually other Western countries (in coordination and for a rather long period that only recently showed its dreadful result).


To truly understand what has happened to the aforementioned destitute, wrecked pseudo-states, one has to correctly assess first how the leading Western countries are ruled, and to retrace the origin of their ruling system, before making comparisons. The essence of the administration, and of the ruling system of a country, determines the success of a state, society and people, irrespective of religion, culture, language, origin, past, and location.


In what is called today “foreign policy” at the local level and “international politics” at the global level, there is a most important element that eclipses all the rest, because it comprises of a most determinant set of rules as to how to successfully implement governmental plans and programs, promote national interests and concepts, and make national enemies’ plans fail. This element is called: “imperial government”. Of course, this is not openly admitted at any level, namely a) politics, foreign policy making and diplomacy, b) education and political science, and c) mass media and publications. On the contrary, a great effort id deployed to conceal and obscure this reality.


  1. The Origin of the Imperial Government 

Imperial government existed in the Ottoman Empire indeed, and it was an excellent combination of two imperial governmental traditions, notably the earlier Caliphates’ governmental tradition and the Christian Eastern Roman governmental tradition; the first goes back to the 7th c. CE, whereas the second is relevant of the 4th c. CE (the times of the Christianization of the Roman Empire), and of the end of the 1st c. BCE (the initial period of inception of the Roman Empire). It is of seminal importance to notice that the Islamic Imperial governmental tradition, since its very beginning and the emergence of the Umayyad dynasty of Damascus, was always interconnected with the Eastern Roman governmental tradition; quite indicatively, Greek was the official language of the Islamic Caliphate for several decades until 701 before being replaced by Arabic – when the ‘contents’ of the notion of Imperial Government were fully transferred within the newly appeared state.


However, both lines of tradition rely on earlier stages of imperial government; the early Omayyad Caliphate was also formed under the strong impact of the Iranian Sassanid governmental tradition, which in turn depended on earlier Iranian dynasties’ governmental tradition (Arsacid, 250 BCE – 224 CE / Achaemenid, 550 – 330 BCE). Successively, Iranian imperial government was traced after the Assyrian – Akkadian Mesopotamian imperial governmental tradition that goes back to the middle of 3rd millennium BCE, when the original concept of the Universal State as Imperium was developed under Sargon of Akkad the world’s first and foremost forefather of emperors.


On the other hand, the Roman imperial government was formed under the strong impact of the Oriental imperial governmental tradition and due to a strenuous search for the concepts and the principles of other nations’ imperial governmental tradition. The Egyptian imperial governmental impact on Rome took also a strikingly religious and philosophical dimension, due to the diffusion of Ancient Egyptian cults, faiths, mysteries and ideologies across the Roman Empire; hundreds of temples dedicated to Isis, Osiris, Horus, Anubis and other significant representatives of the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon have been excavated in Italy, Greece and other Balkan states, Germany and Central Europe, France, Belgium, Holland, and England, as well as across the Iberian Peninsula. The academic series of publications EPRO – Etudes Préliminaires pour les Religions Orientales dans l’ Empire Romain (French acronym for ‘Preliminary Studies on the Oriental Religions within the Roman Empire’) contains more than 150 voluminous books, but nothing of all these reflections and representations of the historical truth was ever duly popularized in Europe, North America, and elsewhere.


The Roman search for the Ideal Imperium went back to Assyria too. Romans attempted to imitate and reflect attitudes, behaviors, thoughts and concepts of the Macedonian Emperor, and invader of Achaemenid Iran, Alexander the Great of Macedonia whose ideal imperial concept can be evidently retraced back to the 8th – 7th c. BCE Sargonid Assyrian Empire, the greatest of all the Oriental Empires. Several centuries after Alexander of Macedonia, the national poet of Rome stated that the new imperial capital should become a New Nineveh – the capital of the Assyrian Empire opposite today’s Mosul on the eastern bank of Tigris (Dicle) river.


Studies focused on the imperial governmental ideology and the history of the administration of the Sargonid Assyrian Empire lead to the conclusion that not any other later or earlier ideology had the intellectual vigor, the spiritual strength, and the philosophical universality of the Sargonid Assyrian Empire (722 – 609 BCE). All the later empires only imitated Nineveh, and always failed to reflect the Assyrian majesty and splendor in their entirety.


The Oriental Imperial tradition was transferred from empire to empire, and from the Orient to the Occident (the terms denote merely a geographical distinction – no cultural distinction), and although the tradition did not remain exactly the same, it survived down to the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire of Iran, and the Mughal Empire of India.


At the same time, the imperial tradition was also preserved in several European medieval and modern states, namely the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (which was later known as Austria-Hungary), Spain, Russia, France, England, Germany, and Italy. However, in reality, all of them were mere shadows of the Christian Roman Imperial government in terms of Empire conceptualization, Imperial Universality, Government & Society contextualization, spiritual strength, and Weltanschauung; quite contrarily, they were far crueler and at times inhuman and barbaric.


  1. The End of the Imperium in the West, & the Villainous Freemasonic Lodge

The attested barbarism, lowly character, corrupt nature, villain attitude, and the ensuing overall vulgarization that were involved in modern European imperial states were only due to the slow but firm infiltration of the Freemasons. In this regard, it goes without saying that the degree of vulgarization corresponds only to the level of Freemasonic infiltration. The Ottoman Empire, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany were far less vulgar than England and France as empire forms and ruling systems, because the latter two states were already in the 19th c. almost fully controlled by Freemasons.


When the apostate Freemasonic lodge failed to control a targeted empire through infiltration, subversion, coercion, and (at times) by forcing a compromise on the imperial family, other means were used to destroy it, namely ruse, deceitful alliances, wars, rebellions or a combination of methods. Freemasonry brought to power lewd, deviate, and monstrous villains with no moral compunction, and they became the new ‘elite’ (whereas in reality they could never be any) – only to contribute to the gradual erosion, advanced decay, and final demise of the Imperial Government system.


In this regard, the French revolution (1789) was an ignoble and hideous means by which the Freemasons brought down the Catholic Christian French Kingdom.


World War I was an enormous trickery aptly stage-managed by the Freemasonry-controlled pseudo-imperial (the term is used because the lowly and villain character of the rulers) governments of France, England, and the US in order to eliminate imperial states that were not controlled by the Freemasons (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire).


With the rise of the Freemasonic involvement, the imperial government took a lewd, lowly, and vulgar character that is best portrayed in the latest imperial formation, e.g. the US administration which is well-known for its coarse and beastly officers, the likes of the disreputable Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama.


  1. The Slow Decline of the Imperium in the Islamic World

Over the centuries, there were several negative developments within the Ottoman Empire (1301 – 1922), the Safavid and Qadjar Iranian Empires (1501 – 1736 / 1796 – 1925), and the Mughal Empire of India (1526 – 1857) that progressively brought decadence and decomposition to the three gigantic Islamic realms that controlled the whole territory from Atlantic to the Pacific. These developments were not economic or military of character; they did not reflect any ceremonial or protocol change within the imperial administration, nor did they result from any degeneration of the imperial system of rule itself.


Quite contrarily, the gradual phenomenon of the Islamic Imperial decadence was due to the slow diffusion and penetration of corrupt, false, barbaric, and disastrous theoretical, judiciary, and theological systems that cannot bring but decay and chaos wherever they appear and are allowed to survive. It was a quite long process that lasted no less than one millennium, although one can pinpoint some key moments. Actually, these developments had started even before the rise of the Ottomans, and are therefore integral part of Islamic History.


These negative developments consist in the widespread diffusion and adoption of un-Islamic, anti-Islamic, inhuman and barbaric theories and ideas that were successively composed by the lowest of the low theologians of Islam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780 – 855), Ahmad ibn Taimiyah (1263 – 1328) and Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhab (1703 – 1792). All three lived in different eras (with an approximate 400 years’ distance from one another), but had indeed a lot of traits, attitudes and behaviors in common; their succession involves also the fact that among them the posterior referred to the anterior as his ‘valuable’ theological master. All three were of lowly, uncultured and uneducated origin; they were rejected by their masters as wrong and incapable students of Islam; and they were imprisoned or pursued for heresy and rejection of the Islamic governmental authority, and for threatening the safety of the Islamic state.


Their pathetic and worthless pseudo-theories have had also a lot of common points. They came out of a limited background and were deprived of the basic perceptive abilities; during their poor studies, they had a minimal exposure to diverse fields of knowledge; they were totally unaware of other civilizations, cultures, philosophies and ruling systems; they totally misunderstood basic notions of intellectual life; they deeply hated any open-minded standpoint because it contained elements of which they had no clue; they loathed and reviled reason, reasoning, exploration, analysis, synthesis, comparison, argumentation and knowledge contextualization because their incapacitated minds fully prevented them from all key theoretical and academic processes; they were totally cut off from any spiritual dimension, and ended up as vicious nominalists and unconscious materialists.


What ensued from their personal failure was a reduced and false microcosm that they idiotically identified with what they thought that Islam is/was (or can be) and catastrophically tried to defend – at the calamitous detriment of real Islam that they never imagined, let alone understood.


They therefore reflected a simplistic approach to society, state and world affairs; as they hated knowledge and wisdom they turned out to be ignorant fanatics able only to stick to their silly assumptions and useless opinions. As their childish and worthless minds could never encompass the perplexity of the Islamic Imperial Government, they totally failed to grasp what was necessary for the Islamic Caliphate in order to prevail over its enemies.


Consequently, they totally disregarded the fact that their nonsensical ideas and catastrophic opinions would assuredly weaken the Islamic Imperial state – only to the benefit of the enemies of Islam. They calmly promoted misery and ignorance because of their limited mindsets, and they generated a downgrading spiral within Islam because of their attachment to their poor and execrable background from which they originated.


As they hated self-improvement and had actually no ability to properly learn and improve their mental and intellectual qualifications, they came up with reductionist, minimalistic structures at the antipodes of every cognitive system.


Their thought structures were all gravely anti-Islamic, because they triggered among followers the complete rejection of study, research and knowledge, thus spreading unadulterated barbarism of cataclysmic dimensions and consequences. Particularly Ahmad ibn Taimiyah can be credited with an effort to also alter and distort Islam, by diffusing polytheistic concepts – that he simply was not mentally and intellectually capacitated to assess in their proper dimensions and nature.


The evil followers of the above trashy, fake imams flattered all the weaknesses and all the vices of low, ignorant and villainous people whom they did not want to educate, empower and improve, but only use for their scheme to take control over the Islamic Government and impose their ignorant and idiotic opinions.


Through these evil methods, and after discrediting great philosophers and erudite scholars, prominent architects and artists, leading scientists and spiritual teachers to the eyes of the mob, the followers of the three fake imams managed to always widen their sphere of nefarious influence and to acquire a remarkable power within the society they lived in. Their gradual rise to predominance is also due to the fact that the Ottoman Empire was involved into too many war fronts (against Portugal in Eastern Africa, against Spain in Northwestern Africa, against Austria-Hungary in Central Europe, against Russia in the plains of Ukraine, and against Iran in the Caucasus and Zagros Mountains region) and the Sultans were reluctant to focus on and resolve their vast empire’s internal affairs. Similar developments took place in Iran and India. Of course, the above description is quite short and schematic; there have been many other theologians of lesser importance who followed in the path of the above mentioned three calamitous figures, further diffusing similar ideas and spreading decay and disaster.


  1. The Culmination Point in the Fight between Civilization and Barbarism within Islam

The negative results of the aforementioned developments started being noticed around 1580. The ignorant, uneducated, vulgar, and Satan-led mob that followed Ahmad ibn Taimiyah’s filthy concepts and silly ideas attacked the Istanbul Observatory and destroyed what was at the time the world’s most advanced Center of Learning and Research. Which was the reason? Science was unnecessary to them!


Founded by the leading astrologist and astronomer Taqieddin Efendi (Taqi al Din), the Istanbul Observatory was better equipped than Tyho Brahe’s in Central Europe (Uraniborg), whereas Taqieddin Efendi’s Zij (observational clock) was more advanced than Tyho Brahe’s and Copernicus’. This was due to the fact that, when Taqieddin Efendi petitioned Sultan Murat III to finance the construction and the equipment of the Observatory, he had in mind the famous Samarqand Observatory which had been constructed under the guidance of Ulugh Begh (1394 – 1449), one of the top Muslim erudite scholars of all times whose astronomical and mathematical texts were translated to Latin in 15th c. Europe.


The execrable and barbaric theologians and followers of Ibn Taimiyah knew that, if Islamic Knowledge and Imperial Power were diffused among the people and, in parallel, their ignorance and darkness were removed, the Ottoman Empire would control the entire world. But the true Islam and the Islamic Caliphate were very hateful to them, because they considered as ‘Islam’ their own Satanism and barbarism. Provenly acting under Satan’s guidance, they mobilized the mob against erudite scholars, scientists, astrologists and astronomers, they assassinated philosophers, artists and intellectuals, they disregarded Islamic Science, Literature, Philosophy and Art, they propagated a catastrophic lack of interest for the ‘other’, and they disreputably taught their ignorant and pathetic followers that Islam is just limited to prayer, fasting, and few other acts of worship – of which they did not know even the real meaning and reason.


This development greatly affected the Imperial Government of the Ottoman Sultans; more and more silly and uneducated people started working in important positions of the administration. Wherever practiced, the Imperial Government has always been linked with Knowledge and Science (in Islam, Christianity, Rome, Iran, Egypt and Assyria). The reason is simple: you cannot govern an empire without perceiving correctly, knowing in detail, and understanding in-depth. No empire can exist without Spirituality, Wisdom, Science, Intellect, Art and Ethics. And villains like Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah have none of them.


Deprived of spirituality, the Islamic prayer is a worthless form of verbosity. The same is actually true for any prayer performed by any adept of any religion anytime anywhere. However, the anti-Islamic and barbaric theological systems that prevailed among Muslims due to the increased diffusion of the heretic opinions and vicious teachings of ibn Hanbal and ibn Taimiyah progressively eliminated every trace of spirituality among Muslims.


Similarly, deprived of spirituality, the Islamic fasting is just an odd and incomprehensible diet. Worse, as it is practiced today, within the – largely undetected by the Muslims – materialistic culture that enveloped Islam during the colonial and postcolonial times, Ramadhan fasting can become an explosion of fabulous, Lucullan iftars (meals) at the antipodes of the very principles that stand behind the concept of Islamic fasting.


The above are only two examples of de-conceptualized and de-contextualized, fake Islam that prevails widely among today’s Muslims who are fully unaware of the development that took place progressively from generation to generation due to the encrustation of the aforementioned alien theological systems on the main body of the Islamic beliefs.


Compared to the Imperial Government in Islam (which is what we call the Islamic Caliphate – Islam’s top materialization on Earth), the Islamic prayer and fasting are merely two important elements of cult; nothing more. But the prevalence among Muslims of a de-conceptualized, de-contextualized and de-spiritualized cult entailed also the emergence of a de-valorized perception and understanding of the Islamic Government, e.g. the Islamic Caliphate.


Many countries can survive and have actually survived for centuries after the local people lost their original spirituality and faith; this situation certainly represents a form of decadent culture, but the concepts of rule, law, government and discipline can be still intact and strong, sustaining a powerful administration and a formidable military force for generations.


But when the spirituality of the Caliphate, the concept of God’s representative on Earth, the entire semiotic context of the Islamic Imperium, and the real value of the Islamic Government are lost, then the average fake Muslim has a viciously false, desecrated idea about his ruler, and the total and final collapse comes fast.


This means that the Satanic systems of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah eroded the Islamic society from inside, and in the process, they did not only alter the Islamic faith but also weakened the Islamic state by destroying the average Muslims’ concept of, devotion in, commitment to, reliance on, and passion for, the Islamic Empire.


In the Golden Age of Islam, for the high administrators of Abbasid Baghdad or Umayyad Andalusia, and for the magistrates of other great states of the Islamic Ages, the performance of prayer was a secondary matter of minor importance, because serving the Caliphate was already a spiritual dimensions’ service of the utmost value. Their focus was therefore on the Spirituality, Knowledge and Art of Governing; when all this went lost because of Ahmad ibn Taimiyah’s villainous barbarism, the Islamic Empire underwent its final downfall.


What today’s idiotic sheikhs and uneducated imams fail to understand is that, if the prayer and the fasting are harmful to the Supreme Power of the Caliphate (the Islamic Imperial Government), they are rejected by Allah and become ultimately a curse for the hypocrites (munafiqun) and the infidels (kuffar) who only impersonate the Muslims, without truly being faithful. This is so because the top interest, concern and commitment of a Muslim should be the consolidation of Islam’s power in this world, and this involves as top priority not a fake prayer and a ridiculous fasting but a wholehearted contribution to the supremacy of the Islamic Caliphate.


In fact, there cannot be any Islamic prayer that is good for a Muslim when the act of the prayer is due to a state of mind that can harm the Islamic Imperial Government in any sense.


  1. The Freemasonic Colonial Powers and the Collapsed Islamic Imperium

In the modern times and for the past 200-250 years, due to the ignorance and idiocy imposed among Muslims by the Freemasonry-led Western colonial countries through the fabricated by Western academia, un-Islamic and anti-Islamic system of ‘Political Islam’ or ‘Islamism’, the outright majority of the Muslims failed to understand that, in the material world, Islam equals Islamic Caliphate, and when the Islamic Caliphate does not exist, there is no Islam.


But I am digressing. To go back to the original subject and terminate the present brief analysis, I should add that, when the Freemasonry-led Western colonial powers entered into competition and undertook their expansionist policies, they sent their agents in the lands of Islam. These agents presented themselves as travelers, scholars, explorers, etc. and as such they were allowed to cross and observe / study the Islamic lands; this was certainly a terrible mistake and a great part of naivety from the part of the Islamic authorities which can be interpreted as an indication of the advanced decay. The Western agents reported back home the disastrous situation that prevailed in the Islamic World (Ottoman Empire, Iran, India and other territories in Asia, Europe and Africa). Even in the case of militarily strong countries (like 17th century Ottoman Empire), the local societies were already rotten, tenebrous and barbaric, because of the widespread diffusion of the perverse and Satanic ideas of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah that had meanwhile prevailed in even larger scale one way or another, eliminating Spirituality, Wisdom, Science, Exploration, Philosophy, Aesthetics and Ethics, and turning the already de-spiritualized religion of Islam into a ridiculous judicialized pseudo-religion of do’s and don’ts, a worthless nominalist dogma of uncultured and uneducated imams and sheikhs, and a materialist theory accepted by followers only because of the rewards ‘promised’ in the Hereafter for their orthopraxy.


The Freemasonic Anglo-French plan to eradicate Islam, which means to eliminate the Islamic Imperial Governments (because without them there is no Islam in this world), was now in motion. As the central power of the Islamic World was the Ottoman Empire, it became the main target of the English and the French agents, explorers, businessmen, military, academia and diplomats. In prominent position among them, there were the Orientalists: those who unearthed archaeological evidence, deciphered epigraphic material, published textual records, conceptualized and contextualized the past of the targeted countries as per the interests of the colonial powers, and in brief, robbed the Heritage and the Identity of the Orient from their own owners without them even imagining of what they were losing…..


The Western diplomats, agents and academics knew very well that the local people were idiotic and ignorant, silly and trashy, because of the diffusion of the teaching of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah, and they concluded that, although Muslim, they would be easy to manipulate and cheat, because their idiocy marked them with a catastrophic lack of sophistication. And they were right. Unadulterated coercion was thus to apply to them. And it did, quite successfully.


Psychologically inferior, poor, and ignorant, the local Egyptians (of 1798 and onwards) and Algerians (of 1830 and onwards), if compared to the knowledge and the sophistication of the French explorers, linguists, archaeologists and historians who flooded these two detached Ottoman provinces, would look like a brainless, silly, and uneducated child in front of a leading savant, a distinguished academician, and an erudite discoverer or inventor.


As the provinces were progressively cut off from the capital (after Egypt and Algeria, it was the turn of Aden, Sudan, Tunisia, Eritrea, the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf, Oman, Libya, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Arabia), there were no local forces to understand (let alone achieve) the level of sophistication of the Imperial Government at a time the enemy invaded their lands. Due to the diffused ignorance, even Istanbul was a shadow of the Imperial Government of the great old times of Suleiman the Magnificent or his father and predecessor, Selim I.


Thus, Islam’s top achievement in the world, the Devlet-i Ebed-müddet (“The Eternal State”), was abandoned – first in Egypt and in Algeria and later in the other detached provinces – by the corrupted materialistic followers of the pseudo-Islamic theologians Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah, all those who did not want to die for the real Islam, but to survive like rats in the colonial regimes’ fake and distorted Islam.


The complete collapse of the Islamic World happened indeed in 200 years (1580 – 1798), and once the ultimate demolition of Islam was triggered with Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, there was no apparent force in the Islamic Caliphate (let alone its detached provinces) to oppose the imperial sophistication of the Western colonial powers.


Worse, not even one person from the entire Islamic World managed to detect as early as 1800 or 1830 the ultimate end of the Freemasonic Anglo-French plots and conspiracies. This is indeed the chronicle of a death foretold. The end of Islam came in less than a century later, and what is even more striking is that the idiotic sheikhs, uneducated imams, and pseudo-Islamic universities of today fail to understand and admit that, following the dissolution of the Caliphate, there is no more Islam on Earth.


  1. What it takes to launch the True Islamic Caliphate today

Today, the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate would certainly solve all the troubles of the Islamic world, but there is no driving force to lead this development. There are no true Muslims – with the necessary spirituality, with the demanded wisdom and knowledge, with the required ethics and morals, with the indispensable accurate perception and assessment of the ‘other’, and with the much needed evaluation and judgment of Islam’s complete collapse and disintegration – who would be up to the task of re-inventing and implementing the Islamic Caliphate.


In fact, all those fake Muslims who, fanatic in their pseudo-faith and extreme in their worthless opinion, want to defend ‘Islam’ fail to realize that you can never protect what you never properly identified, learned, understood, and abode by. This tells much about what today’s primary task for the Islamic World is; Muslims must first reject themselves, fully deny their false self, liberate themselves from their corrupt mind, replace their ignorance with original knowledge, and abolish their false faith for true Islamic spirituality. For today’s fake Muslims, the top priority task is the proper re-birth in the historical Islam, and the parallel rejection of all aspects of today’s mindsets, attitudes, behaviors, lifestyles, opinions, interpretations, teachings, beliefs, assumptions, socio-political organization, and public & international affairs.


Re-discovering the Islamic Imperial Government and Islam, as Science, Art, Ethics, Religion, Culture, and Civilization, will not be an easy task. Actually, the proper study of the Islamic Imperial Art of Government (in total opposition to today’s villainous politics and in full rejection of today’s pseudo-Muslim gangsters who serve these evil purposes) is a very complicated task. It has always been so.


When the Ottoman Caliphate was still functioning as a proper Imperial Islamic Government (certainly up to 1580), it was never an easy task for an indigenous young man to study, familiarize with, and become an expert in the Imperial Government. It would take 10 or 20 years of diverse studies and associated training for someone to become a successful Ottoman, Iranian or Mughal Indian administrator. It was a complex and sophisticated curriculum that eclipsed those of the other great powers’ administrators. It goes without saying that this curriculum was not as miserable and as cheap as studying religion today with a sheikh in pseudo-Islamic universities like Al Azhar, Madinah, etc.


As a matter of fact, religion and fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) were only a very small part of the Imperial Government Curriculum; there were many other more important subjects to study and learn for someone wishing to serve as an administrator, expert or adviser in the Imperial Islamic Government. To put it better, being part of an Islamic Imperial Government took a major life effort. Of course, Imperial Government meant about all continuity; people live and die, but imperial administrations live as long as an empire pursues successful policies and reproduces the class of its wise potentates, high caliber administrators, and formidable magistrates. The ruling class of an Imperial Government is therefore bound to always reproducing itself through incessant preparation and enrolment of worthy, valuable young men who can become successful rulers after pursuing long studies.


As it can be easily surmised, this process always happens in the capital cities of the empires. A mere farmer in Clairmont Ferrant (France), Sfax (Tunisia) or Taiz (Yemen) is good for nothing, when it comes to Imperial Government.


  1. Ottoman Provinces turned to Colonies, and then to Fake States

The top concern of the French and the English in their centuries long, multifaceted confrontation with the Ottoman Empire was to progressively detach provinces, and corrupt the local societies through a long list of vicious policies of alteration and disfigurement in order to achieve an advanced level of de-Islamization.


But as the detached provinces of the Ottoman Empire were cut off from Istanbul, the Islamic Imperial Government tradition was lost for those territories whereby the Western powers selected the filthiest and the unworthiest of the local population, i.e. all those who were ready to betray their true country (e.g. not the detached province that was merely a technical entity, but) the Ottoman Empire and cooperate with the invaders – a behavior that is tantamount to high treason and comprehensive betrayal and denial of Islam.


As per the typical colonial method, the local administrators of the colonial powers sent often these corrupted traitors back to Paris or London to convert them from uneducated agents to sophisticated traitors of their own country in order to subsequently appoint them as heads of the shameful local colonial administration that was setup only to exploit the detached province to the benefit of the enemy and occupier (i.e. the French and the English). How can one expect that a trashy person of this lowly behavior may ever be able to rule his country and, in doing so, mighty enough to oppose empires?


Take as example an uneducated, trashy and idiotic person, like Gamal Abdel Nasser! He did not pursue even a minimal part (one hundredth) of the study required to be an administrator of the Imperial Government. If one compares Gamal Abdel Nasser’s worthless curriculum, which was a mere copy of Western doctrine (so, automatically rejected as per the original Islamic standards), to that of the high magistrates of Abbasid Baghdad, Umayyad Andalusia, and Ottoman Istanbul, one understands how lower, more cowardly, more ignorant, and more impotent Gamal Abdel Nasser was to resume governmental positions. And of course he may have never reached any, had the Americans not initiated him in the secrets of being a filthy agent at their service and therefore able only to execute order given by kuffar, which is tantamount to betraying one’s religion, harming one’s country, and ridiculing oneself.


Where did Gamal Abdel Nasser or any other worthless and pathetic local ruler, Qadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Hafez Assad, Bourguiba, Buteflika, Anwar al Sadat, Mubarak and their likes, learn how to become an effective and worthy administrator of the Islamic Imperial Government? Already they never imagined, let alone understood what the Islamic Imperial Government is. Instead of it, their world was that of filthy (and genuinely anti-Islamic) ‘politics’, i.e. the vulgar, hideous and lowly manner of Freemasonic ruling that was first implemented in England and France (when the Freemasons prevailed in these two countries) and thence exported to the rest of the world.


The above-mentioned self-disastrous gangsters studied in military academies, universities and institutes, but there was no Islamic Imperial Government tradition anymore in their countries, so they could not possibly study the Art of Islamic Imperial Government. The same concerns other Muslim countries like Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc. In fact, when an empire collapses, the Imperial Government disappears, the tradition is lost, and after centuries of colonialism, the new, idiotic, ignorant and useless elite that comes to surface (only through the scrupulous colonial filters) acts like typical slaves of the English, the French and the Americans. This is what actually occurred in every country that is today inhabited by Muslims, be it a ‘republic’ or a ‘kingdom’. If Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey constituted an exception, it is always useless to remember that the exception confirms the rule.


So, how could one expect Gamal Abdel Nasser, a silly street boy and a worthless soldier, to properly serve the interests of his country the nature and the dimensions of which he could not even understand and assess?


And this concludes the case of the present gangsters who rule the detached provinces of the Ottoman Empire without having the chance even to imagine what the Islamic Imperial Government is (or can be) and how the great powers of the West are governed. They can only be valueless, one-use puppets at the hands of the foreign enemies of the Islamic world, e.g. the administrations that methodically destroyed the Islamic Caliphate and nowadays continue their nefarious policies of identity distortion, heritage disregard, social-cultural alteration and deformation, and economic robbery against the Oriental (not only the Islamic) countries.


These trashy and brainless idiots-turned-gangsters can only have the calamitous end that they deserve. The principles of the Islamic Imperial Government are always there, even though the Islamic Caliphate collapsed. These principles can never be removed. Similarly, the Islamic Ethics are always there, and no foreign government or local high traitor can ever remove them. Anyone who opposes them simply prepares an ominous end for himself and a permanent damnation for his soul.


  1. Issues of Islamic Imperial Government – a Model Country

To take matters more closely, I will now focus on a country that is rather viewed as ‘peripheral’ to the Islamic world, without however being so. This wrong consideration reveals the vast and detrimental ignorance that prevails among the world’s Muslims as regards the Islamic Imperial Government, which is the most important part of Islam, when it comes to social affairs, irrespective of what the ignorant, criminal, and Satanic sheikhs of Al Azhar and Madinah may think or say. The country-example is Somalia.

In Somalia, there was an Islamic Imperial Government tradition. Perhaps, it was not at the level of Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi or Granada, but it was quite typical for countries located at the Islamic World’s geographical margin (North Nigeria, Mali, Central Asia, and Indonesia). In all these cases, local emirs and sultans referred to the Caliph as the principal authority in terms of Islamic Imperial Government, and therefore maintained close and harmonious contacts with the capital of the Caliphate. In the History of Islamic Somalia, the Islamic Imperial Government tradition was embodied in various Empires like the Sultanates of Ifat, Adal, Warsangali, Majerten, Hobyo, Mogadishu, Ajuran, and Geledi.


In the moment of its greatest expansion (basically 1500-1600), the Islamic Caliphate – viewed not only as the Ottoman Empire, but holistically as central Caliphate and regional dependencies – was a very decentralized form of state and a great part of the decision-making process was delegated to the regions. This was able to happen exactly because the Art of Islamic Rule was widely diffused and elaborate forms of Government bound with Spirituality, Science and Exploration were attested even in faraway places.


A typical example is the Great Somali Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim whom the Somalis have been used to call Gurey in Af Somali, their language. More recently, due to the colonization, the Somalis too have lost the Islamic Imperial Government tradition, and as consequence, they have been by now used to call Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim merely a ‘sheikh’ or ‘imam’, not an Emperor as they should. This means that today’s Somalis do not understand what is and what is not important.


Quite contrarily, the neighboring barbaric Abyssinians always call ‘emperors’ the diverse series of filthy and incestuous soldiers whose mothers were prostitutes, and who were at times appointed as thugs-in chief of their barbaric realm. To add perjury to their list of crimes, the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians fallaciously attribute their origins to Solomon (Hz. Suleyman) who – of course – never got married with the Yemenite (not Abyssinian) Queen of Sheba (contrarily to their lies), and consequently never had a son named Menelik. The false myth of Menelik was forged only lately within their vulgar, hideous and fallacious literature named ‘Kebra Negast’ that dates back to the end of the 13th c. CE; no earlier literature in any language mentions this forgery.


However, even before 100 years, the Somali dervishes at Taleh seem to have preserved the basics of the Islamic Imperial Government tradition in their opposition to the criminal Freemasonic gangsters of England.


It is totally wrong to assess that the Taleh dervishes made a war upon the English just for religious purposes; this is exactly what the colonial thugs of the vulgar, lowly, and pseudo-royal government of England wanted to diffuse in order to misrepresent the epic struggle of the Taleh dervishes for National Independence and Imperial Islamic Government.


Following the vicious, racist, anti-Somali propaganda of the worthless English, their regional puppets, e.g. the Wahhabi bogus-Muslims of Saudi Arabia and the Amhara – Tigray Tewahedo (Monophysitic) cholera of Abyssinia, started also pretending and diffusing the filthy falsehood as per which the Taleh dervishes fought to establish a radical, Islamist and extremist religious state. This is a vicious lie.


The Somali dervishes and the great King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan rejected the English presence, because of their faith in the Islamic Imperial Government, i.e. the Caliphate, and its values and principles that are the only to allow Muslims to live in a noble Islamic way and to arrange their societies as per Islam’s virtues and spirituality, and in full rejection of the Amhara incestuous barbarism, and of the Western modernism and materialism.


The Somali dervishes and the great King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan had kept the Imperial Government tradition vivid in their hearts and minds. They knew quite well that this was what the inhuman English beasts wanted to uproot in order to spread materialistic perversion and utter barbarism in the Holy Islamic Land of Somalia.


And this is in fact what exactly today’s Somalia is missing. If the true spirit and the original spirituality of King Maxamed Cabdille Xasan is recaptured and rekindled, the filthy gangsters of the English and American administrations will stop calling this Great African Hero as ‘Mad Mullah’.


In our effort to recapture King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan’s spirituality and vision of Islamic Imperial Government, we have to study his own model: the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim who preceded him by 400 years. Spirituality deprives anyone and anything of the worthless notion of time, because in the spiritual world that the Taleh dervishes so much sought after there is no time. This means that the Great Anti-Colonial Hero Muhammad Abdallah Hassan was able to see his own model, Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey), just face to face. He was able to grasp the very deep meaning of Gurey’s acts and targets.


This is exactly what today’s Somalis have failed to achieve, as they have been plunged in the useless materialist concerns and approaches generated during 23 years of Civil War and because of the ensuing dependence of a significant portion of the Somali economic and political class on the vicious, Satanic, Western capitals.


Yet, the only means to ensure the reunification, rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Somali Nation is the re-acquisition of the spirituality of the Taleh dervishes. Today’s Somalis need to delve in the values and the virtues of the Islamic Imperial Government as revealed by the action of Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey). In fact, to do so, today’s Somalis have only to realize a key point: between the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey) and us today, there is less than one minute distance. Not 500 years!


It was not by mere coincidence or due to simple hatred that the Great Emperor tried to extinguish the cursed and inhuman race of the Amhara. He knew very well that, if they survived, they would attempt to turn the entire Eastern Africa into a hell of barbarism, ignorance, bestiality, fornication and incest – elements that were already noticed by the early 16th c. Somalis as the basic constituent traits of the worthless and lowly Amhara society. To the visionary Emperor, it was crystal clear that the utmost barbaric society would be – to the incestuous Amhara – a ‘paradise’.


We, now, taking into account the Rastafarian description of their villainous and Satanic ideas, we can understand how clairvoyantly Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey) assessed the situation and wanted to disperse and annihilate the Amhara pestilence; Rastafarians promote filthiness, incest and every other bestiality, while believing that the entire African continent will be called Zion when their fake Messiah comes. Rastafarians did not properly exist before 500 years, but the core of their beliefs existed already among the pseudo-Christian Amhara, and this was well known to the Great Somali Emperor Gurey who did his best to cancel the then forthcoming hardships of his illustrious nation, the Somalis. It was quite clear to Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim that the Amhara evilness would end up at the End of Times (Al Yom al Ahar) with siding with, and offering their state to, the Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal).


Perfectly well versed into the concepts and the notions of the Islamic Imperial Government, Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim won, prevailed over, and dispersed the barbaric Amhara realm. However, the Emperor’s real enemy proved to be the colonial Portuguese maritime force that was sent urgently to oppose him.


The Portuguese, who were infiltrated and guided by Freemasons, searched to find the dispersed Amhara soldiers – who were left with no state due to the great victories of the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim. The Portuguese managed to save and reorganize the dispersed Amhara (and thus to preserve them for the Freemasonic plots of the Latter Day), and they engaged the Somali armies in several battles. The Islamic Imperial Government was evidently considered by the Western European Freemasons as the main enemy, because they knew that sooner or later they would prevail over the Catholic Church in Western Europe, and that the Islamic Caliphate was what really stood on their way to setup a barbaric global state of Satanic nature.


The Portuguese Freemasons knew that they had to defeat the Great Somali Emperor through ruse in the battlefield, in order to allow the evil, incestuous Amhara to survive until a later and greater colonial involvement would setup a closer Amhara – Anglo-French – American – Ashkenazi Zionist cooperation in view of the forthcoming appearance of the Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal) whom the evil forces are anticipated to accept as the true Messiah.


When the later colonial involvement took place, 300 years after the assassination of the Great Somali Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, the English and the French helped the Amhara expand from their tiny and unimportant barbaric kingdom to all directions (north, south, west, east) and invade the greatly civilized nations of the Oromos, the Afars, the Kaffas, the Hadiyas, the Sidamas, the Ogadeni Somalis, and others who have been held captive within the barbaric tyrannical state of Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized as Ethiopia) over the past 160 – 60 years (as per case).






Arab Nation Hoax: Geared to Falsify Islamic History & Ruin Varied Nations disfiguratively Named Arab

Arab Nation Hoax: Geared to Falsify Islamic History & Ruin Varied Nations disfiguratively Named Arab


By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis


In an earlier article (http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/Article/There-is-no-Kurdish-Nation—it-is-a-Freemasonic-Colonial–Orientalist-Hoax-/259228), I explained the reasons for which there are no Kurds, and that the notion of a Kurdish nation is a Freemasonic Orientalist hoax geared to put under an impossible umbrella many different nations spanning from Anti-Taurus Mountains to Syria, Mesopotamia and the Zagros Mountains.


The Hoax of a Kurdish Nation is not however the first of this kind. The first Orientalist hoax was that of the Arabic Nation. This forgery dates back to the late 18th and the 19th centuries and served as an example in the aforementioned article.


– By misinterpreting historical processes,

– by concealing historical evidence,

– by disorienting regional academics from having a wide spectrum understanding of their fields,

by diverting them from several related academic fields and disciplines, and – by machinating in a way to mislead regional universities, faculties of humanities, staff members and researchers and ultimately keep them at an academically underdeveloped level and disconnected from one another,


… the colonial academia and diplomats make sure that a vast confusion and deception prevail in the minds of targeted nations only to serve as the wrong foundation for further theoretical, intellectual, ideological and political disorientation.


I then briefly expanded on the Arab Nation Hoax, before focusing on the identity, the socio-political milieu, attitude and targets of the diverse nations, which for the needs of the Kurdish Nation Hoax became ‘Kurds’.


The revelation of the non-Arab identity of the misfortunate nations that have been labeled ‘Arab’ by the Orientalist forgers triggered the interest of several readers, who wrote to me, because they had heard totally different presentations while studying in different universities in the region. To answer their questions and illuminate the topic more extensively, I decided to come up with a summarizing, yet all-encompassing text which, although unable to fully cover the subject, offers a panoramic view of the fundamental historical realities and their existing dimensions and ramifications.


I will therefore first re-publish the part of the previous article which concerned the Arab Nation Hoax, then quote the questions included in the mails that I received, and finally expand properly.


  1. Who are those who have been fallaciously labeled ‘Arabs’

The Arabic-speaking part of the populations of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Western Egypt are indeed Berbers, who gradually forgot Berber languages and spoke Arabic exclusively, because they accepted Islam, and consequently made of their religious language their sole language. This was a long process and the Arabization phenomenon was only of linguistic nature – not ethnic, not cultural.

Similarly, Egyptians are not Arabs, but Hamitic Egyptians or ‘Copts’, if you want, who in different eras accepted Islam and gradually abandoned Coptic language. Egypt south of Assiut was still Christian for almost 300 years after Prophet Muhammad died. Today, there is no ethnic difference between Christian and Muslim Egyptians; literarily speaking, the country is inhabited by Christian Copts and Muslim Copts.


In the same way, the ethnic origin of today’s Sudanese is Kushitic (Kushites being a branch of the Hamitic nations) or Nilo-Saharan; Sudan’s Kushites are Arabic-speaking natives, because after accepting Islam, they gradually abandoned Christian Sudan’s Makurian and Alodian Kushitic languages, which were later forms of Meroitic. i.e. the pre-Christian Sudan’s language which was written in hieroglyphic and linear characters. Linguistic Arabization is indeed a very recent phenomenon for Sudan’s Kushites, because the Christian state of Makuria lasted until the 14th c. and the Christian state of Alodia collapsed only in the late 16th c. On the other hand, the Nubians in the North and other Nilo-Saharan peoples in other parts of Sudan preserved however their languages down to our times, as Arabic is merely a religious language to them.

More importantly, the Arabic-speaking part of the populations of SE Turkey, Syria, Iraq, SW Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Emirates and the Saudi extreme North are not Arabs but Aramaeans (a Semitic nation) who gradually forgot their own Syriac Aramaic language (a major language of Patristic Literature and an international language across the land routes of trade between the Mediterranean World, East Africa, India, and China) and spoke Arabic because they accepted Islam. Their linguistic Arabization was a gradual phenomenon characterized by the affinity of the two languages (Syriac Aramaic and Arabic) and the similarity of the two writing systems, as Arabic originates from Syriac Aramaic.

Last but not the least, the Yemenites and the Omanis are not Arabs, but indigenous Yemenites and Omanis who, after accepting Islam, gradually abandoned their pre-Islamic languages, namely Sabaean, Hinyarite and Hadhramawti, etc. and spoke Arabic. Two modern Yemenite indigenous languages, notably Mahri and Socotri, are descendants of the Ancient Yemenite languages that were of course categorized as Semitic. Mahri is spoken in Hadhramawt (Mahra) and in North Somalia, whereas Socotri is the only native language in the island of Socotra.


The pre-Islamic Yemenite languages are documented with a great number of epigraphic texts dating to back to more than 1300 years before the arrival of Islam; they were written in the indigenous writing that had nothing to do with the pre-Islamic Arabic writing which appears only 300 years before Islam and is provenly a deformation of Syriac Aramaic.


  1. Reactions and questions from readers


Simply amazing, dear Dr. Shamsaddin!


I am astonished with your deep knowledge of the region and its history of ethnic components. But, as far as I know from the History of the Middle East that we have been taught at Al-Bayt University (Jordan), even before the Islamic expansion (al-futuhat al-islamiyya), some Arabic tribes did come out of Arabian Peninsula to live at the Northern parts, such as Palestine and Jordan. Or, at least, after the Islamic expansion, most of the tribes of Adnan (Northern Arabs) or Madar and Qahtan (Southern Arabs from Yemen) moved to Iraq, Sham and Egypt with the armies and settled there. So, that is one of the reasons why the autochthonous populations were Arabized. 


The Qahtan tribes or the Yemenites settled mostly in Iraq, and the Madar tribes inhabited mostly Sham (Levant). And even after their Islamization, these tribes carried with them some of the historic enmity that pre-existed between them and which was revived in the wars between Ali and Mua’wiyyah, and later in the wars between the Umayyad dynasty and the Shia (partisans) of Ali and his successors. This is known in the books of literature and history as the hate or enmity between Ahl al-Sham and Ahl al-Iraq.


So, I am little bit perplexed hearing that the Arab populations are hoaxes of Orientalist Freemasons. But, of course, I do not exclude that possibility, because that waste region cannot be homogeneous, especially knowing that it has been always a crossroad of different peoples, kingdoms and civilizations throughout history.



  1. General Outline of the Response


Thank you for your commentary, dear friend! Basically, you make four points.


You first speak about subjects of Oriental History taught in a Middle Eastern university. This is addressed here:



You subsequently refer to the wider area of SE Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and SW Iran before, during and in the aftermath of the Islamic Expansion phenomenon, so basically late 6th and 7th centuries CE. This is discussed here:











You then mention Ancient Yemen and the Yemenite migrations. This is answered here:



You finally discuss issues pertaining to homogeneity of the wider region. This is commented here:



What follows is the main part of my response as per the above structure. Bear in mind, if you please, that this is merely a synopsis.



  1. The Dimensions of Early Islamic History Falsification by Western Orientalist Academia and the False Concept of Arabization (proper response to readers’ questions)




You say “we have been taught at Al-Bayt University (Jordan), even before the Islamic expansion (al-futuhat al-islamiyya), some Arabic tribes “.


Within the context of modern academic disciplines, to give an example, there is ‘History of Ancient Egypt’, and there is ‘History of Egyptology’!


The history of the modern academic disciplines per se is an important field to also study, if one desires really in-depth understanding. Several stages of knowledge acquisition and synthesis have passed ever since Champollion deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Rawlinson decoded Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform. Many mistakes have been corrected in the process; and many alterations have been added! Such fields as History of Assyriology, History of Iranology, History of Indology, History of Islamology, etc. reveal a tremendous amount of insightful as regards how we came to conclude what he have drawn until now as conclusion in each of the aforementioned fields.


With the colonial presence active and destructive on Ottoman soil under many different forms, one can easily understand that the Western Orientalism did not reflect a genuine interest for discovery of the past and exploration but soon turned out to be a multi-layered tool against the past, the present and the future of the Orient. In a way, it was a real robbery of the Oriental past, and by this I don’t mean the criminal, illegal and only provisory transportation of Oriental Antiquities in Western museums, libraries, institutes, research centers, universities, palaces, public places, auction houses, and ultimately privately homes. The worst robbery occurred at the theoretical, academic, intellectual, educational and cultural level. The collection of a sizable material record of Oriental Antiquities and its study and interpretation turned soon out to be not a true reflection of the historical past but a false projection of Western concepts, ideas and theories into the past under study. The new academic disciplines of Orientalism, instead of properly and effectively rectify the earlier acquired material record of ‘Classical’ (the term is false) Greco-Roman Antiquities, were only adjusted to it to help it expand.


The ensued ‘systematized falsehood’ was not only diffused among the Western countries (due to the phenomenon of academic competition in an era of acute nationalisms) but also enforced in the colonial academic and educational institutions that emerged – with the deep involvement of the colonial Orientalist academia – in all these fake countries. But, by accepting the Western ‘systematized falsehood’, the modern Oriental students and scholars (who were formed under supervision of the Western Orientalists) only gravely undermined the importance of their countries’ past, severely minimized the value of their past in their nation-building process, and finally contributed to the formation of fake modern Oriental nations that are detached from their past and left without a diachronic cultural identity.


Here, it is good to remember the French expression ‘bon pour l’ Orient’ (lit. ‘good for the Orient’) which implied that the product under discussion was not to be consumed or used in the Occident (by Westerners – due to its lower quality specifications)! All colonial academic institutions that were setup by Western academia on the soil of Ottoman provinces and in other Oriental lands were not proper copies of the Western universities and did not diffuse the same quality and depth of knowledge. Their Orientalist masters allowed these institutions to teach / diffuse in the Orient only the portion of their knowledge that would not make the Oriental academic institutions able to rival with their own Occidental establishments. Above all, these colonial academic-educational institutions were guided by their Orientalist masters to diffuse academic knowledge altered in a way that it would not be easy for the Oriental students (Algerian, Egyptian, Lebanese, Sudanese, Yemenite, Iraqi, Iranian, Pakistani, Indian, etc.) to realize that the Western ‘systematized falsehood’ – deliberately, viciously, and against all declared Western academic values – diminished the value of the Orient and the achievements of the Oriental civilizations in order to subordinate them to the Western historiography (the values of which – quite contrarily – were extremely maximized to appear as global).


Several scholars like Edward Said criticized Orientalism, whereas others like Martin Bernal (in his monumental ‘Black Athena’) attacked the Western ‘systematized falsehood’ at its very epicenter, demonstrating that the ‘Classical’ civilization was subordinated to the Oriental civilizations. But to no avail!


In the universities of Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, all the staff members keep promoting – pathetically, idiotically and self-disastrously – the colonial ‘systematized falsehood’ that prevents them from really assessing the greatness of the Orient in its correct dimensions, from truly evaluating the historical truth and continuity of the Orient, and from detecting the detrimental harm that the Western system, which they studied (either in Paris or in Madinah), has done to their own countries, their nation-building process, and their historical heritage.


However, the issue is far wider and permeates all disciplines of Humanities.


In fact, behind Pan-Arabism (a false theory the beginning of which is retraced back to Jurji Zeydan and his Nahda movement) is hidden the (exported to the respective lands of the Orient) version ‘bon pour l’ Orient’ of the Western discipline of Arabology. But the origin of the Arabic studies in Western universities goes back to the 18th c.! The Western ‘systematized falsehood’ took more than a century to produce Pan-Arabism.


One can expand up to writing books and books, but here suffice it to say that the ‘systematized falsehood’ is a perplex and multileveled affair. It does not only involve inaccuracies within one specific specialization field, but it also entails a severe detachment of each specialization field from other related fields. It goes up to the level of …. prohibition of an entire academic discipline! Once, I published an article – plead for a forbidden science: Aramaeology.


Because, to come closer to the subject under discussion, if a student wants to focus on the early Islamic expansion, while studying Arabic language and literature and History of Early Islam, s/he has also to take compulsory courses on

  1. a) Aramaeans in the Eastern Roman Empire and in the Sassanid Iranian Empire,
  2. b) Political History of the Eastern Roman Empire,
  3. c) Political History of the Sassanid Iranian Empire,
  4. d) Political History of Pre-Islamic Yemen,
  5. e) Copts in the Eastern Roman Empire,
  6. f) Ancient Yemenite language and literature (which is fallaciously called ‘South-Arabian’, a ridiculous term coined by the masters of the ‘systematized falsehood’),
  7. g) Syriac {do not confuse the Christian Aramaic language that is called ‘Syriac’ with the modern adjective ‘Syrian’ which is used in relation with the modern fake state of Syria} Aramaic language and literature,
  8. h) Christian Kingdoms in Sudan,
  9. i) History of theological disputes in the Eastern Roman Empires,
  10. j) Religions in Pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia,
  11. k) History of Northern – Northwestern Africa form Carthage to the Islamic Arrival.


The aforementioned are 11 (eleven) courses in total that should be compulsory for a syllabus of 28 courses leading to a Bachelor of Arts in History of Early Islam.


Certainly, the above eleven courses are not offered in the respective faculties of the regional universities from Morocco to Uzbekistan to Indonesia! Why? Because all the universities – be they state, private or religious – in the wider region of Islam are mere colonial products and therefore not one among their staff members commands a comprehensive knowledge covering all aspects related to the History of Early Islam. Consequently, no one can put the correct syllabus down on a piece of paper.




In this subject, the support offered to the Arabization fallacy is epitomized in the following words: “some Arabic tribes did come out of Arabian Peninsula to live at the Northern parts, such as Palestine and Jordan. Or, at least, after the Islamic expansion, most of the tribes of Adnan (Northern Arabs) or Madar and Qahtan (Southern Arabs from Yemen) moved to Iraq, Sham and Egypt with the armies and settled there. So, that is one of the reasons why the autochthonous populations were Arabized. 



Here, reading these few lines, one gets the impression that, in the middle of the 7th century, Mesopotamia (there was no ‘Iraq’ by that time – in fact, this was a new name just brought to use by the invading armies), Syria-Palestine, and Egypt were almost … uninhabited!


Also, the aforementioned lands are wrongly divided in the above manner. In fact, these lands did not belong to independent countries; at the times of Prophet Muhammad’s early life, they were parts of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid Iranian Empire. But the local populations were basically Aramaeans (in the Asiatic part of the territories referred to) and Egyptians – Copts (in Egypt). Because of the constant Roman – Iranian wars, the borderlines between Syria and Mesopotamia used to change almost every year, but the local population was always Aramaean.


The Aramaeans spread first from the desert to the neighboring lands of the Fertile Crescent around 1100 BCE and, after they were organized in several small kingdoms for many centuries, they were successively ruled (at times partly and at times entirely) by the Sargonid Assyrian, Nabonid Babylonian, Achaemenid Iranian, Macedonian, Seleucid Syrian, Arsacid Parthian, Roman, Sassanid Iranian and Eastern Roman Empires. In few cases, there were some relatively small, independent Aramaean states in the Late Antiquity (539 BCE – 622 CE, i.e. the period going from the rise of Achaemenid Iran to the rise of Islam), such as Urhoy, Hatra, Palmyra, Adiabene and Rekem/Petra.


Centuries before the arrival of Islam, the Babylonians, the Phoenicians, the Philistines/Palestinians, and the Jews had been progressively assimilated among the more numerous Aramaeans. For most of the cases, Euphrates (Furat) river was the border between the Romans/Eastern Romans and the Sassanid Empire of Iran, so we are rather on the safe side, if we generalize saying that regularly Syria – Palestine was Eastern Roman (the term ‘Byzantine’ is another fallacy diffused by the promoters of the ‘systematized falsehood’) and Mesopotamia was Iranian.


In the eve of the early expansion of Islam, very sizable cities existed in the territories mentioned. Among the greatest cities of Eastern Roman Syria and Palestine, we count the following:


Antioch (Antakya in Turkey’s province of Hatay) – the main rival of Alexandria (although Antioch was in the inland)


After having been the capital city (323-64 BCE) of the vast Seleucid Empire (that stretched from Central Turkey to India and, following the formation of Arsacid Iran at 250 BCE, only from Central Turkey to the Persian Gulf – always including Syria and Palestine) that was the main rival of the Egyptian state of the Ptolemies for about 250 years, Antioch became a major city – patriarchate of Eastern Christianity.


This means that Antioch was as big and as important as only Constantinople, Rome and Alexandria within the entire Roman Empire, Eastern and Western.


However, more importantly, Antioch and Alexandria represented the two strongest and opposite to one another theological schools of Christian Theology. More on the subject:




To better visualize the School of Antioch – School of Alexandria antithesis, it is quite advisable to compare it with the four schools of jurisprudence (madh’hab of fiqh) in Sunni Islam, namely those of Al Shaffi’i, Abu Hanifa, Malik bin Anas, and Ibn Hanbal. But there was bitter theological rivalry between the two Christian cities, and it was due to even greater differences at the underlying level of thought structure & systematization, and logic & logic philosophy.


Why does one need to expand to all this? Because the historical falsification as per which the aforementioned areas were arabized imposes any objective researcher and scholar to duly contextualize the event of the early Islamic expansion. To fully demonstrate that the term ‘arabization’ constitutes the epitome of colonial falsehood, one has to place the early Islamic invasions (and the ensuing settlement of certain populations in the areas under discussion) within the correct context. However, any historical event exists only within a context and without it, it is void and null.


At the times of Prophet Muhammad, the population of only one city, namely Antioch, was much larger than the entire population of all the Arabs together (anything between double and triple). Yet, the Arabs were then inhabiting a sizable area, notably the mountains of Hedjaz (the Western part of the Peninsula between Yemen and the Gulf of Aqaba) and the desert (the central part of the peninsula).


The same is also valid for Alexandria in Egypt, and for Tesifun (Ctesiphon) in Sassanid Mesopotamia (south of today’s Baghdad), which was at the time one of the two major Iranian capitals (Iran had always many capitals at the same time) along with Istakhr, which was located beyond the Zagros Mountains in Fars (near today’s Shiraz).


Beyond Antioch, there were many other sizeable cities in early 7th c. CE Syria – Palestine:


Edessa of Osroene or Urhay (today Urfa in SE Turkey), which had earlier been the capital of the Christian Aramaean Kingdom of Osroene (132 BCE to 214 CE) and then excelled as one of the most important cities-centers of Christianity worldwide


Harran (or Carrhae)


Beroea (today’s Aleppo – Haleb in Syria)


Apamea (near Hama in Syria) – former treasure city of the Seleucids and an important Christian center


Emessa (Homs in Syria)


Tadmor / Palmyra – one of the wealthiest and most sizable Aramaean states that was also one of the most important trade centers of the ancient world as it was located on geostrategic position in the land trade routes between the Mediterranean world, Iran, India, Egypt, Central Asia, and China


Laodicea (Latakiyeh in Syria)




Bostra (today’s Bosra in Southern Syria close to the Jordanian border)


Tyr (major Phoenician city of the coast)


Sidon (major Phoenician city of the coast)


Byblos (major Phoenician city of the coast)




Heliopolis (Baalbek in today’s Lebanon)


Caesarea of Palestine (known as Caesarea Maritima – south of Haifa on the coast) – a major Christian center


Jaffa / Joppa – a major coastal city and an important religious – literary center for both, Christianity and Judaism




Samaria (today’s Nablous) – the old capital of the ancient state of Israel that consisted of the ten tribes of the Hebrews, whereas the state of Judah regrouped the other two tribes. The local population was Chaldaean Aramaean and constituted the earliest Aramaean settlement in Palestine, as they were transferred from Southern Mesopotamia by Sargon Emperor of Assyria immediately after he invaded the Israelite capital and transported the entire population of Israel to the NE confines of the Assyrian Empire (722 BCE).


Tiberias (Tabariyyah – on the coast of the homonymous lake in NE Palestine)


Philadelphia – Decapolis (Amman in Jordan)


Here, we cannot mention either Rekem – Petra (capital of the Aramaean Nabataean kingdom / 168 BCE – 106 CE) or Hegra – Mada’in Saleh (second capital of the Nabataean kingdom) because they both were progressively abandoned after the collapse of the local Aramaean kingdom.


The above list is not exhaustive. Smaller cities like Jerash in Jordan or Apollonia of Palestine are not included. To establish a complete topographical list of the local towns, villages and hamlets, one would include thousands of inhabited places.


The total population of Eastern Roman Syria – Palestine must have been around 5-6 million people in the early 7th c. CE. At those days, the Eastern Roman Empire, according all serious approximations, totaled 20 to 25 million people living in today’s South Balkans, Turkey, Syria-Palestine, Egypt and North Africa.


The same concerns Mesopotamia in its totality – either totally controlled by the Sassanid Iranian Empire or shared at times between the Iranians and the Eastern Romans. There were many densely populated cities except the vast capital, Tesifun (Ctesiphon). It is rather safe to claim that Mesopotamia was more populous than Syria – Palestine, as this had always been the case. The Sassanid Empire totaled a population larger than that of the Eastern Roman Empire as it also controlled Central Asia and the North of India; it was however less centralized. According to some estimates, in the early 7th c. CE, the Sassanid Empire totaled 25 to 30 million people.




In face of the above mentioned, the inhabitants of Arabia in the early 7th c. CE did not total more than two to three hundred thousand (200000-300000) people. We know this as we know the approximate population of the cities where Prophet Muhammad lived or moved to, and the number of fighters who were engaged in battles that took place in order to prevent Prophet Muhammad’s rise of influence.


In any case, key Greek and Roman historical records dating back to the 1st and the 2nd centuries of the Christian era provide us with significant details as regards Arabia, and the documentation we get from them is quite sufficient for estimations, considerations and comparisons. Texts like the Periplus of the Red Sea (composed by an Alexandrian Egyptian merchant and captain around 70 CE) and the Geography of the Egyptian Alexandrian scholar Ptolemy (around the middle of the 2nd c. CE) are in this case as valuable as the geographical references to the area made by the great Roman scholar Pliny the Elder in his Natural History (Historia Naturalis).


It is to be always kept in mind that for several centuries the Roman Empire controlled a vast part of today’s Saudi Arabian territory (its NW corner) and more particularly the city – harbor of Leyke Kome (‘White Town’) which is identified with modern Umm Lajj on the coastland – although identification with al Wajh would be more conservative. Similarly, we know very well that Sassanid Iran occupied the entire coastland of the peninsula in the Persian Gulf (i.e. the coastlands of the modern states of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emirates and Oman) where the indigenous population was Aramaean.


On the other hand, we have also to keep in mind that Najran belonged to Yemen and was inhabited by Yemenites, who are not Arabs, and the same concerns the Omanis. Only the desert and the central part of Hedjaz were inhabited by Arabs in pre-Islamic times. Makah at the times of Prophet Muhammad was an unimportant village of 5-6000 (five to six thousand) people. Yathrib (later known as Madinah) was one of the few big cities of the Arabs or even the biggest, but it still could not even be compared to one of the aforementioned big cities of Syria, Palestine or Mesopotamia. Sargonid Assyrian and Nabonid Babylonian control was extended over Yathrib which is first known thanks to Mesopotamian cuneiform literature more than 1200-1300 years before the emergence of Islam. Named Yathribu, the then small and peripheral city was the location of the summer palaces of the Nabonid kings, probably because of the prevailing weather conditions and the mild summers.


At this point, it is easy to recapitulate. The pre-Islamic migrations of Arabian Peninsula tribes to Syria and Mesopotamia (Eastern Roman Empire and Sassanid Iranian Empire) are rather a matter of legend and not a proper historical record. Although it is certain that they happened, they were rather migrations of reigning families, which is very common across History; they were indeed accepted and welcomed locally by indigenous populations oppressed by foreign occupation soldiers, as the Aramaeans were heavily taxed and persecuted by the Eastern Roman and the Sassanid Iranian administrations.


The emigrated populations do not therefore represent but a small number of fighters and their families, and this means in every case only a few thousands of people (3000 – 5000) at the most. But even if we accept the hypothesis of the emigration of an entire tribe, again the number cannot be higher than 15000 or 20000 people, which is a tremendously high number of people moving, but still of minor importance for the millions of indigenous settled populations, namely the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The settlement of immigrated populations may perhaps acquire some importance at the strictly local level, e.g. the area where they exactly settled. But again, in this case, it is crystal clear that the immigrated tribes were sooner or later assimilated to the settled populations that they encountered in their final area of settlement.


However, any tribe originating from Ancient Yemen was not Arabic but Yemenite tribe, so quite different; this will be discussed later in this article.


It is however true that, after the Islamic invasions, many soldiers settled in diverse places, and mainly in the area of the first capitals of the Caliphate, namely Syria (Damascus) and Mesopotamia (Baghdad), if not for any other reasons only to ensure the new Islamic state’s administration and defense.


But who and how many were all the soldiers of the early Islamic armies – and when?


Only correctly formulated questions can lead to correct conclusions. And to properly approach and understand the subject of the early Islamic armies, we need to answer the above, tripartite question. Why? Because a great part of the existing confusion / misperception of the event hinges on exactly this point: not all the details concerning the soldiers of the early Islamic armies were properly studied and taken into account, when the verdict was announced in favor of the arabization.


Many view indeed the event of the early Islamic invasions as a one-moment monolith. That’s pretty absurd or deliberately / suspiciously wrong. A historical event that spans over 20 years, from the 630s to the 650s (to limit it to its main part), represents the historical evolution of an entire generation. In other words, it is not an event anymore, but rather a historical process.


This automatically means that the ethnic (racial) composition of the early Islamic armies changed progressively from 633-4 to 640, to 645, to 650. As one victory succeeded another from 633 to 711, a certain number of indigenous people in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Anatolia, Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa, India and in the Iberian peninsula adhered to Islam, and started participating in the next stage of the expansion.


What follows is a brief presentation of how and why this happened in a way that is still concealed from most!


After the Arabs accepted the Prophet Muhammad’s calling, Ali preached in Yemen’s (then new) capital Sanaa in 630, two years before the Prophet died, and all the Yemenites and the Omanis accepted Islam peacefully. As Yemen and Oman were provinces of Iran, it is very remarkable that even the Iranian chief administrator accepted Ali’s preaching. Yemen had a much larger population than Arabia itself, as ancient records clearly evidence; texts like the Periplus of the Red Sea, Ptolemy’s Geography, Cosmas Indicopleustes’ Christian Topography (written only 20 or 30 years before Prophet Muhammad’s birth), and the much hated by the biased Freemasonic Orientalist scholarship text ‘Laws on the Homerites’, i.e. the legislation of the Ancient Yemenite state of Himyar by Saint Gregentios, Archbishop of Taphar (dating in the 1st half of the 6th c. CE) include extensive and valuable information in support of the aforementioned estimates of population.


This means that at, until the death of Prophet Muhammad, Ali had already brought to Islam more people than Prophet Muhammad himself! At those days, the entire population of Yemen may have totaled 1 to 1.5 million people, thus outnumbering the Arabs by 5:1 to 7:1. The fact that Yemenites are totally dissociated from Arabs ethnically, linguistically and culturally will be discussed later.


The normal consequence of the above reality is that, when the wars started between the Islamic Caliphate on one side and the Eastern Roman and the Sassanid Iranian Empires on the other, the very early Islamic armies (633-639) consisted of Arabs, Yemenites, Omanis, and few Persian and Roman new converts and proselytes (the likes of Salman al Farsi, etc.). Following the acceptance of Islam by non Arabs, Yemenites and others, it was very common for Arabs to give Arabic names or nicknames to the new converts and proselytes (thus, for example, Salman al Farsi was also called ‘Abu Abdullah’), but this did not make of them Arabs – in anything.


However, at a later stage, when the Islamic armies fought at Nahavand (in the Zagros Mountains that separate today’s Iraq from Iran) and besieged Alexandria in Egypt (642), the combat forces were made of Arabs, Yemenites, Omanis, and Aramaeans from Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia – areas that had just been invaded few years ago, during the period 633-639. In just 5 years after Islam went out of the peninsula, a very remarkable part of the Islamic armies (1/4 to 1/3 by modest estimates) was composed of soldiers who were not native Arabic speakers.


Subsequently, in the later stage of the Islamic expansion (650-711), Persian soldiers may have fought in Spain, and Egyptian soldiers may have fought in Northern India. So, Arabs became progressively a minority in the Islamic armies. At that level, the personal names of the soldiers mean absolutely nothing, because to Copts, Aramaeans, Persians, Berbers and others, adhesion to Islam meant immediate acquisition of Islamic personal names in Arabic.


We know from crosschecked sources that even in the critical middle stage of the Islamic expansion (640-650), the Islamic armies were not numerous (ex. 30000 soldiers in the battle of Nahavand). Even if we suppose that all of them were Arabs (and we know that they were not), that all of them settled in only one of the newly invaded lands, for instance Syria (and we know that they did not limit themselves in only one), again we have to admit that their numbers were so minimal that they were finally assimilated among the indigenous populations, i.e the Aramaeans or the Copts, the Berbers and others.




As regards the Arabization falsehood, there may be two more points to discuss, e.g. linguistic arabization and cultural arabization. Academia and intellectuals supporting the Orientalist hoax often refer to these points that are however null.


Linguistic arabization does not mean or imply anything; within few generations and quite recently, African Americans became English native speakers in the US, and they forgot their past native languages that they were still speaking when they forst set foot on American soil. However, they did not become Indo-Europeans, or to put it more specifically Anglo-Saxons, as regards their ethnic origin. Neither can one ascribe them to the average English or White American culture.


To some extent, the arabization hoax survived for so long, only to confuse everyone and have political ramifications of calamitous character (Pan-Arabism, Arab Nationalism, etc.), because there was something important missing in the syllabuses of departments specializing on History of the Islamic World.


As a matter of fact, it is very wrong to study Early History of Islam as only Political History or History of Religion – and this is what happened until now either in the West or in the fake states that were formed after the dissolution of the major powers of the Islamic World, i.e. the Ottoman Empire, Safavid Iran, and Mughal India. In fact, the most important dimension of the Early History of Islam, which remains highly disregarded and unstudied, lies within the field of History of Civilizations (and Cultures) – a far wider field whereby every religion is widely contextualized and highly parameterized.


Actually, if we intend to study the diverse acculturation phenomena that took place in the 7th c. CE onwards due to the preaching of Islam by Prophet Muhammad, we have to focus primarily not on the Aramaeans and the Yemenites, but on the Arabs. In critical terms of Cultural Studies that have to apply in this case, the Arabs by accepting Islam, were profoundly, drastically and irrevocably aramaeanized and fully acculturated among the Christian Aramaeans. Islam viewed (not within the narrow context of religion but) as Culture was the most complete rejection of the earlier Arabic culture, legends, narratives, cults, beliefs, attitudes and – generally speaking – behavioral system. Aramaean culture, legends and narratives, as evoked by the new religion, replaced Arab culture following the preaching of Prophet Muhammad.


It is only because of the biased, anti-Islamic attitude of the West that scholars and researchers specializing in Early History of Islam did not notice that, before and after Hijra, the opponents and enemies of Prophet Muhammad did not reject a new religion (because Islam had not yet been fully articulated) but disparate religious ideas and concepts (those preached by one of their compatriots who was neither a local magistrate nor a priest of an already known religion) that – all – constituted the foremost rejection of what had been known among as Arab culture. In fact, they reacted and opposed his teachings because what he evangelized was alien to their nomad Arab culture and drastically opposed their behavioral system to which they wanted to stick.


Ages old, anti-Islamic hatred and hidden political motivations against the entire Islamic World were the reasons for which 18th and 19th c. Orientalists and Islamologists deliberately left vast fields of research and exploration unexploited and unstudied, because it was crystal clear to them that the end result would not correspond at all to their prefixed ideas and pre-arranged conclusions. As it happened, 20th c. Islamologists continued advancing on the footsteps of their predecessors and in the process a wide area of academic exploration remained terra incognita.


To put it correctly, at the times of Hijra (622 CE), Islam was actually a ‘new’ religion only to Arabs – not to Aramaeans! Almost all the subjects discussed within the Quran and the Hadith at the times of Prophet Muhammad were known to Aramaeans (either exactly as preached or slightly different), but not to Arabs. By this, I don’t mean that the verses of the Quran were already known in the very form in which they were uttered, but that the underlying concepts, stories, and narratives, as well as the ensuing mindsets, mentalities, attitudes and behaviors preexisted.


In this regard, there are plenty of examples. The entire cosmology of Islam, the narratives about the Creation, the expulsion from the original Paradise, the deviance of the early mankind, the morals of the Sodom and Gomorrah people (as reprimanded and castigated by God in the story of Lot / ch. 26, 160-171), and the Flood (involving Prophet Noah – Nuh), the stories about the Pharaoh, Moses (Musa) and the Exodus, about Jonah, and the moral concepts and values that they represent, the rejection of the Christian theory about Jesus’ divinity (which had already been rejected by the great Christian theologian and Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Nestorius 130 years before Prophet Muhammad was born), a great number of religious practices involving prayer, prostration, fasting, etc., the ensuing ethics and morals, attitudinal and behavioral systems preexisted among Aramaeans.


Particularly, the Nestorian Aramaeans’ values, behaviors, knowledge, science and esthetics heralded in a way Prophet Muhammad and, after the diffusion of Islam beyond the peninsula, took the central part and played the main role in the rise of the Islamic Civilization. Arabic writing is in fact a later deformation of the Syriac Aramaic writing. For this reason, early Islam did not appear to the Christians of the times of Prophet Muhammad as another, distinct, religion but rather a new form of heresy or a radical reassertion and rehabilitation of Nestorianism.


The implantation of Aramaean culture among Arabs through Islam and the early acculturation of the Arabs among the Aramaeans were the main reasons for which the populations of Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia were immediately favorable to the Islamic armies and did not support the defense of the country to which they belonged – either Eastern Roman Empire or Sassanid Iranian Empire.




The aforementioned reality has been concealed at a global academic – educational – intellectual level, because it severely harms the ‘systematized falsehood’ that Western academia wanted to impose and did actually impose worldwide as regards the early Islamic expansion.


At this point, one must take into consideration that the imposition of the ‘systematized falsehood’ did not occur only in Western universities and in the derivative establishments setup in colonized countries but also within the so-called Islamic universities (the likes of Al Azhar and Madinah universities) whereby misleading, constrained and trimmed, de-contextualizing syllabuses exist only to obscure students and perpetuate the prevailing ignorance of the real History of Islam among Muslim academics.


As per the promoted and imposed Western ‘systematized falsehood’, the Islamic expansion phenomenon is called ‘Muslim / Islamic invasions’ or rather ‘Islamic / Muslim conquests’ (the last option is the title of the Wikipedia entry), and it is depicted as involving extensive bloodshed, fierce battles, and cruel attitudes that were supposedly imposed on an otherwise peaceful Christian Mediterranean world by some barbarians. In other words, Islam is depicted an external threat and an impending danger, whereas quite contrarily all the constituent elements of the Islam can be found on Eastern Roman territory.


In this regard, it is useful to add that Oriental Christianity has also been deliberately kept unknown to all Western Christian schoolchildren and students (with the exception of the very few researchers who begin their specialization in this topic only in their postgraduate studies). It is definitely paranoid for a Western schoolchild and student to be given through their general education more info about India, Buddhism, and China than about Constantinipolitan Orthodoxy, Coptic and Syriac Monophysitism, East Aramaean Nestorianism, and Oriental Christianity.


This hiatus is deliberate and serves the Western academics, who are the promoters of the ‘systematized falsehood’, to firmly dissociate and disentangle Islam from the Christian world. This viciously contradicts all the historical evidence. It is therefore not just a lie, but a criminal falsehood geared to be a time capsule for repetitive use any time the Freemasonic political establishment of the corrupt West intends to tarnish and demonize Islam.


And the aforementioned analysis of the fact that the Orient was never arabized but, quite contrarily, the Arabs have been aramaeanized through Islam clearly demonstrates that the Western negative portrait of the early Islamic expansion is totally false. Islam as Culture and Civilization was developed under determinant Aramaean impact and was never an external factor to Christians. Even more importantly, the most original Christians of the early 7th c. CE and those, who had more direct and correct info about the preaching of Prophet Muhammad, did not hesitate to either adhere to Islam or remain Christian and reject the Eastern Roman rule. This is of colossal importance because, in full rejection of the Freemasonic Orientalist colonial evilness and lies, it means that for the true Christians, the Islamic rule, administration and ‘political power’ (being wrong the term is used only conventionally here) is definitely preferable to the devious and evil Roman or Western control.


In addition to the above, the assumption of ‘a pre-Islamic peaceful Christian world which was interrupted by Islam’s conquering armies’ contradicts all historical sources, being viciously false, heinous and criminal because of its implications. Before the arrival of Islam, the Perso-Roman wars were not the only conflict in the wider region. Within the Roman Empire, many theological disputes ended in ceaseless conflicts and bloodshed. The rise of Arianism against official Roman Christianity in the 4th c. CE resulted in endless wars, fights, cruel oppression, and hundreds of thousands of dead. Donatism, considered as another heresy, turned North Africa to a permanent battlefield and to a land of oppression in the 4th and the 5th centuries.


Starting already in the 2nd and the 3rd c. CE, Marcionism and Docetism were considered as heretic theological schools and therefore persecuted. However, they survived across many centuries only to give birth to other theological schools which, under strong Gnostic impact, contrasted with Roman and Constantinopolitan Christianity, leaving even significant traces within Islam.


The prominent position offered to Jesus by Mani in his new religion (Manichaeism – Manawiyah in Arabic), which was preached in Ctesiphon (the Iranian capital at Mesopotamia) 400 years before Prophet Muhammad, confused Christianity while offering the newly risen Sassanid dynasty an excellent tool to attract Christian populations to a religion that incorporated elements of Gnosticisms, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Manichaeism had an extraordinary expansion, without war, through trade and ideological mobilization, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Despite the great impact that Manichaeism had across the Roman Empire, it was bloodily persecuted, and the same occurred later in Iran as well, when Mazdeism (a reinstatement of the Zoroastrian orthodoxy) prevailed among the Sassanids. Persecuted Manichaean communities from NW Africa, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, Central Asia, and China left a voluminous material record without which it is absolutely impossible to assess the History of the Orient and therefore the History of the Islamic Caliphates. Even at its greatest expansion, Islam did not cover an area as large as that where Manicheans were dispersed worldwide – although they seldom controlled the administration of a country.


The two strongest theological opponents of Official Christianity managed finally to control the patriarchates of Antioch and Alexandria in the 5th c. CE. Monophysitism is today the original form of Christianity accepted by the Copts, the Western Aramaeans (in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan), the Armenians, the Georgians, and the Abyssinians. Monophysitism is actually a derogatory term given to Monophysites by their Roman and Constantinopolitan opponents; whenever mentioned across this text, it is used conventionally. The correct term would be Henophysitism; as theological system, it was the theoretical ‘child’ of the School of Alexandria. Following the rejection of the majority decision at the Council of Chalcedon (451) by the Monophysites, the schism became definite between the patriarchates of Rome and Constantinople on one side and those of the East on the other. Subsequently, Eastern Roman soldiers carried out plans of terrible persecution against the local populations. In few words, Monophysitism rejects the official Christian dogma that Jesus as Christ (Messiah) had two natures, i.e. divine and human, and stipulates that Jesus had only one. divine and human, nature.


On the other hand, Nestorianism was the theoretical ‘child’ of the School of Antioch and was rejected in both, the Council of Ephesus (431) and the Council of Chalcedon. Eastern Aramaeans accepted Nestorianism overwhelmingly and Iranian Christians adhered to the dogma of Nestorius in their totality. Nestorius launched the Great Church of the Orient outside Roman territory and in the beginning many Nestorian Aramaeans moved from Eastern Roman Syria to Sassanid Iranian Mesopotamia. The result was that after the middle of the 5th c. CE (so, only 130 years before Prophet Muhammad’s birth), all the populations of the Eastern Roman Empire east of today’s Central Turkey rejected flatly the official religion of Constantinople. Nestorianism spread across Iran to Northern India, Central Asia, and China leaving evidence for more than 1000 years after Nestorius, who is also believed to be a Saint by the Christians of Malabar in Southwestern India. At the antipodes of Monophysitism, Nestorianism makes clear that Jesus had only a human nature, being thus far closer to Islam than any other system of faith.


The fight of the terms took the forefront place of the polarization with the Nestorians introducing for Virgin Mary the term ‘Christotokos’ (Mother of the Christ) in flat rejection of the official Constantinopolitan term ‘Theotokos’ (Mother of God). Anti-Eastern Christian persecutions in the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid Iranian Empire were as severe as the incessant wars between the two strongest states of the then known world.


All these perplex, multifaceted and endless strives came to an end and different religions and denominations coexisted peacefully within the early Islamic caliphates (the Umayyad and the Abbasid dynasties). The rise of the Islamic Caliphates was a most beneficial event not only for those among the Aramaeans, the Persians, the Copts and the Berbers who accepted the new faith but also – and this is far more important – for those who preferred to remain Monophysitic Christian, Nestorian Christian, Manichaean and other and live under Islamic Rashidun (and later Umayyad and Abbasid) Caliphate rule rather than Eastern Roman tutelage or Sassanid Iranian scepter. This is clearly evidenced by texts like the Ta’rikh Batarikat al-Kanisah al-Misriyah by Severus ibn al-Mukaffa, Coptic bishop and historian, or the Chronicle of John of Nikiû.


And this is exactly what the ‘systematized falsehood’ of the West does not want known to anybody about Islam. Even centuries after the Islamic expansion, the Oriental Christians preferred to live safely, securely, productively and peacefully under the Islamic Caliphate’s administration rather than to be exposed to the heavy taxation, persecution and cruelty of Constantinople or Rome. This is not strange at all. Anti-Islamism did not exist among the Christians of the early Islamic times; the wars fought were only due to the fact that the Constantinopolitan imperial power did not fully and irrevocably accept the permanent loss of their Oriental provinces.


Only much later, Anti-Islamism became an influential political attitude in Western Europe; this happened only after the Pope of Rome, due to his military ineptitude, economic weakness, and political fragility was placed under Frankish political tutelage. The rise of the barbarian Frankish kingdom and the prevalence of Franks in Rome (800 CE) led to the First Great Schism (867 CE) between Constantinople and Rome, which was another Frankish trickery carried out in order to fully place Rome under Frankish control and offer the barbarian Franks the chance to alter / corrupt the Catholic Church of Rome from inside. Only after these developments, Anti-Islamism appears in Western Europe as a tool of Frankish political propaganda.


In fact, the earliest texts of the Eastern Roman Empire that mention the explosion of Islam in Arabia (Chronicle Paschale and the Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor) presented Islam as rather a Christian heresy, not an independent religion. This shows the religious – cultural vicinity of the two systems and, at the same time, demonstrates that the constant wars between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Islamic Caliphate between the 7th and the 11th centuries reflected basically economic and political interests and not a radical religious opposition or rejection.


This is another key dimension of Oriental History that the modern Western falsifiers want the entire world not to know.



Speaking about the Southern, Southwestern, Southeastern and Eastern confines of the Arabian Peninsula, one has to totally and irrevocably dissociate Yemen and Oman from the Pre-Islamic Arabs. The Ancient Yemenites and Omanis were not Arabs, and their languages were very different from Arabic, although they all were Semitic languages. Similarly, modern Yemenites are not related to Arabs in any sense, because Yemen accepted Islam without ever being occupied by a single Arab soldier. The so-called phenomenon of the Islamic invasions did not occur in Yemen, Oman, Somalia and the entire Eastern African coast – at all! And no Arabs settled in Yemen under any circumstances whatsoever.


Ancient Yemen developed its own syllabic writing system at least 1000 years before the first pre-Islamic Arabic texts are attested in Hedjaz (and this happens as late as the middle of the 3 rd c. CE). The Ancient Yemenite kingdoms of Saba (Sheba), Qataban, Awsan, Ma’in, Himyar, and Hadhramawt are documented by the unearthed epigraphic evidence and they were also constantly referred to in Ancient Assyrian, Babylonian, Iranian, Greek and Roman historical sources. Oman was always an Iranian province, and we have attested Iranian occupation of Yemen in both, the Achaemenid period (550-330 BCE) and the Sassanid times (224-651 CE). Few years, after the Roman annexation of Egypt and the death of Cleopatra (30 BCE), Octavian sent the Roman fleet as far as Aden to destroy that wealthy city-harbor that controlled the Indian Ocean maritime trade and imposed heavy taxes on all products sent from India and East Africa through the Bab al Mandeb straits of the Red Sea to Alexandria and the Mediterranean world.


Describing harbors, navigation details, trade centers, and products across the sea route of the trade (plus its land and desert extensions/ramifications) between the Mediterranean World, East Africa, India, Central Asia, Indochina-Indonesia, and China, the text Periplus of the Red Sea (written around 70 CE) offers a dramatic contrast between civilized Yemen and Arabia.


In an article titled ‘Civilized Yemen vs. Barbaric Arabia: the Historical Divide will shape the Future’, published in Buzzle (6 August 2005), I included an English translation of the text, and I analyzed extensively the specific excerpt of this text. I republish the excerpt here as well:


Starting by paragraph 19 of his text, the author describes the navigation at the Eastern edge of the Red Sea. He refers to Leuke Kome (“White Town”) as the first harbour and port of call on the sailor’s way to the south. Since the departure is given not from Arsinoe (Suez) but Myos Hormos (the Mouse’s Bay), which corresponds to al Ghardaq – Hurghada in the Egyptian Red Sea coast, and the distance mentioned is 1000 to 1500 stadia (1 stadium equals 185 m), we deduce that Leuke Kome must be identified as the modern coastal town Al Wadjh.

The text refers to the Roman military presence (“ekatontarchos”: a centurion, officer leading 100 Roman soldiers), Roman fiscal presence (“paraleptes tes tetartes”: a customs officer dispatched in order to get 25% of the passing merchandise as tax), as well as a land road to the Aramaic Nabataean capital Rekem / Petra of King Malichus (certainly Malichus II). The Roman garrisons ensured safety for the land trade, since the main part of the merchandises (sent to Rekem and further on to Jerusalem, Damascus, Antioch, or Palmyra) was transported from Yemen by sea to Leuke Kome. Who were the inhabitants of that place? Since Leuke Kome does NOT belong to ‘Arabia’, we can deduce that they were probably Aramaeans, possibly of the highly civilized Nabataean branch, since the text makes a striking differentiation between them and the Arab inhabitants of the coast immediately in the south of Leuke Kome.

According to the Periplus of the Red Sea, civilization ends at Leuke Kome, and starts again around Mouza that is in the modern Yemenite Red Sea coast. What lies between them is the realm of Arab barbarism according to the author of the text (paragraph 20), which reads as follows:

“Immediately after this port (Leuke Kome) starts Arabia, which is extended alongside a large part of the Red Sea. It is inhabited by various peoples and tribes, whose languages differ either a little or totally. The coastal zone features many groups of huts of the fish–eaters, whereas the inland includes hamlets and pastures, being inhabited by a people who speak two languages and have a perverted character. These people rob those who deviate from their sailing just in the middle of the sea, and come nearby their coasts. They arrest all the shipwrecked, so that they make later use of them as captives. That is why the Kings of Yemen attack them, and hold many of them as prisoners. They are called Canraites (note: this is the single time this term was used in Ancient Greek literature). Truly, any sort of navigation nearby the coast of Arabia is particularly dangerous, and this area is characterized by a lack of ports and offers few possibilities of anchorage, being full of perilous rocks, difficult of reach because of the rocky precipices, and awful from any viewpoint. That is why when we sail south, we navigate in the open sea, and as fast as possible, until we reach the Katakekavmene Neso (‘Scorched Island’). Immediately after that island, there are plenty of lands inhabited by civilized people, who have large cattle, and use camels for their trade and transportation”.

Here we are already among the ancient Yemenites! The Katakekavmene Island can be identified with Farasan islands, slightly north of the Northern Yemenite borderline. The text enters then paragraph 21, as follows:

“Beyond these areas, in the last bay of the coast that is extended on our left during our navigation, lies Mouza, which is an official (“nomimon”: controlled by the state) port of call. If we follow the correct navigation line to the south, it lies in a distance of 12000 stadia from Berenice. The city is exclusively inhabited by Yemenites, captains and mariners, and is burgeoning with commercial activity (lit. “the trade is exceeding”) since it plays a vital role in the commerce up to Barygaza, and in this business the Mouza people use their own equipment”.


I think that further comments are not needed. As a matter of fact, in the middle of the 1st c. CE when the Periplus was written, the merged kingdoms of Saba and Himyar had replaced Qataban, and controlled the entire Somali coast of Eastern Africa as colony (from the Horn of Africa to approximately the area of Dares salaam in today’s Tanzania). Similarly, the kingdom of Hadhramwt had the island of Socotra as colony. Yemenites had excellent navigational skills and know how, having been the undisputed masters of the Indian Ocean navigation for almost 1500 years before the arrival of Islam. Whenever we refer to Islamic times’ navigation between the Arabian Peninsula and Eastern Africa up to China, we mean that it was almost exclusively in the hands of the Yemenite Muslims who by accepting Islam started using Arabic and gradually abandoned their native language. They were called Arabs, but in fact they were not Arabs.


However, in today’s Hadhramawt, Socotra and North Somalia (Bossasso), two languages originating from the Ancient Yemenite languages have survived. Hundreds of thousands of people are native in these languages. Last but not the least, the decipherment of the Ancient Yemenite writing was done through constant comparisons with Ge’ez which is the writing system of the Ancient Abyssinians and at the same time the religious language of the Christian Abyssinian state of Axum. In fact, Ge’ez is a late Yemenite writing and the striking similarities helped scholars rapidly complete the decipherment of the Ancient Yemenite writing. This is not strange at all because the Abyssinians are just a Yemenite tribe that crossed the Red Sea and settled in the African coast in the second half of the 1st millennium BCE. The name Habashat has been attested in Ancient Yemenite epigraphic evidence as well.




Speaking about the entire area of the Ottoman Caliphate (the term ‘Middle East’ being false and racist), one would however be wrong to conclude, in spite of the aforementioned, that the region has lacked homogeneity either historically or presently.


Homogeneity does not exclude diversification. And diversification does not mean heterogeneity.


In fact, before 500 years, there was an excellent, remarkable homogeneity among all peoples and nations inhabiting the vast area between Morocco and Indonesia, prior to the arrival of the Western European colonial powers. To move from the Atlantic coast to Buddhist Myanmar in 1530, one needed to cross only three borders, namely those between: a) the Berber Moroccan kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, b) the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran, and c) Safavid Iran and Mughal India.


And despite all possible local wars among Muslim governments or conflicts between Muslims and followers of other religions in the wider region of the Islamic world, there was never hatred and evilness as much as after the arrival of the alien intruders, who came from Western Europe after they had already rejected Christianity and replaced it with Freemasonic Satanism in the backstage of politics back in their countries. It is only the presence of the French, the English, the Dutch, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Belgians, and the Americans that opened Pandora’s Box in Asia, Africa and America, turning high civilizations to utmost misery, excruciating poverty, abject materialism, fratricidal wreckage, and compact barbarism. They found a world that looked almost like a Paradise, and they turned it to the worst version of Hell.