Tag Archives: Judaism

Israel’s Problem is the West, not Hamas!

Response to Ayelet Gilboa’s Letter about Hamas in Israel

Проблема Израиля – это Запад, а не ХАМАС!

Ответ на письмо Айелет Гильбоа о ХАМАС в Израиле

When I first read Ayelet Gilboa’s letter, I was shocked to the extent that I initially thought that it was eventually written by an Israeli woman with the same personal and family names as the well-known archaeologist whose publications about Tel Dor (Tell el Burj in Arabic) and several other topics pertaining to the Archaeology of Palestine draw only positive comments and praise. But no! It was the famous excavator and professor! 

UN Palestine Partition Plan 1947

The brief text (1300-1400 words) is not only a personal outburst of emotions that anyone can understand and certainly expect from everyone who happened to be exposed to such an adversity and iniquity; beyond that level, which was perhaps the main motive behind this unusual text, the Letter involved historical, sociological, religious-theological, educational, political, and geopolitical notions, considerations and suggestions that are the main reason of my present reaction and response.



I. Огромный образовательный разрыв между израильтянами и палестинцами

II. Не существует нации без надлежащего национального строительства и национальной истории.

III. Колониальная ловушка была приготовлена евреям перед возвращением (Алия)

IV. Помощь палестинцам стать полноценной нацией с национальной историей — лучшая линия защиты еврейского государства.

V. Либо еврейские востоковеды убьют колониальный «арабский» миф, освободив все окружающие народы, либо вы все будете уничтожены.

VI. Западная колониальная фабрикация «арабов», несуществующей нации

VII. Намереваясь вернуться евреями, вы прибыли жителями Запада.

Дальнейший поиск в Интернете



I. The enormous educational divide between the Israelis and the Palestinians

II. There is no nation without proper nation-building and National History

III. The colonial trap was prepared for the Jews before the return (Aliyah)

IV. Helping Palestinians become a proper nation with a National History is the best line of defense for the Jewish state

V. Either Jewish Orientalists kill the colonial ‘Arab’ myth, liberating all the surrounding nations, or you will all be annihilated

VI. The Western colonial fabrication of ‘Arabs’, a nonexistent nation

VII. Intending to return as Jews, you arrived as Westerners

Further online search


Of course, if Prof. Ayelet Gilboa were a mathematician, an economist or a chemist, I would not be surprised; but her field of specialization, her knowledge of History, and her comprehension of field findings are -all- related to fights, battles, sudden attacks, and deaths. I still remember the noticeable sentence from the famous Anitta Text (the Deeds of Anitta of Kuššara), the earliest text written in an Indo-European language (i.e. Hittite): “one rainy night, Anitta conquered the city” (said about Neša or Kanesh, namely Caesarea of Cappadocia, today’s Kayseri). This is what History has always been: unexpected and unforeseen developments, involving killings and assassinations, destructions and detrimental loss.

A historian and an archaeologist are by definition the people who have to anticipate anything anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever; otherwise their life quests, interests, explorations and studies are worthless. Beyond this level, several key issues matter greatly and absolutely determine the chances of nations to survive or disintegrate: identity, integrity, cultural heritage, state conceptualization, foe identification, threat contextualization, etc.

Undeniably, there are many other also serious dimensions in this problem, like the perception of the other, the treatment of the other, and the attitude toward the other; if the ‘other’ is your enemy, you can certainly study the case in depth and eventually terminate this mutually disastrous attitude. But if a state’s attitude incessantly generates enemies, that state, however formidable at the military level, will never become viable. It is like killing Hamas military leaders; in real, historical terms, it is not a victory but a failure. Why? Because, quite unfortunately, the Israeli army turns them to Russian Matryoshka dolls! They kill one fighter, but another fighter prompts up! It is futile.

Last, but not the least, all historians and all archaeologists know that there is no ‘problem’ that lasts for 75 years; it is imperative to understand this. There are wars that lasted hundreds of years (Assyrians against Babylonians, Seleucids against Ptolemies, Romans against Iranians, etc.), but the wars were not ‘problems’. Wars are the most common normalcy of human life. It is up to a society and up to a state to decide whether they will live in war or in peace; but there is no peace with a problem that lasts 75 years. This is either a lie or a misperception; in this case, the state is clearly manipulated, managed and maneuvered without its choosing. Then, all the lies and the forgeries, the misperceptions and the fallacies must be unveiled and dealt with, if we want to make it sure that the state is not a product with expiry date.

Papyrus with the text of Wenamun

Following the 7th October terrorist attacks, all the constituent myths of Israel as a Jewish state must be questioned in depth; I use the term ‘constituent’, because I don’t want to be confused with the famous book of Zeev Sternhell. That is why I decided to publicly respond to Prof. Ayelet Gilboa’s Letter.

Dear Prof. Gilboa,

It is with great consternation that I read your Letter; this is so because I had already gone through some of your excellent papers and publications about Tel Dor, notably about ‘Dor and Egypt in the early Iron Age: An archaeological perspective of (part of) the Wenamun report’.

As I have published a book with extensive introduction, comments and the only Modern Greek translation of Wenamun (1992), I found your research very useful and quite enlightening; although I studied Egyptology in France, England, Belgium and Germany, the adventures of Wenamun is a narrative that always reminds me of Jerusalem and Mount Scopus University where I studied precisely this story with Prof. Sarah Israelit Groll back in 1984. She made a wonderful analysis of the famous 11th c. BCE account of travel, and I included many of my notes in my book, which I also dedicated to her. In addition, I had very fruitful conversations with Prof. Hayim Tadmor at the time.

The Greek edition of Wenamun, edited and commented by me; Athens, 1992

My sojourn in Israel at a time no Intifada had started was an enriching period during which I did not only visit archaeological sites and museums but I also observed and studied social, cultural, economic and political trends and situation. I later pursued my researches in Iraq, Iran and elsewhere, but my conclusion about the ensued consequences of the UN Palestine Partition Plan (1947) and the then only 37-year long Palestinian Problem was very somber and dark. It was clear to my eyes that disastrous events would follow and the whole situation would erupt very badly.

Sarah Israelit Groll

I. The enormous educational divide between the Israelis and the Palestinians

It is perhaps necessary to brief you about my observations back at those days, because the same situation persisted in the period of 39 years that have passed since those days. I will start from education because I was astounded with what I observed and you already mention in your Letter three words related to ‘education’. Although Orientalist, Egyptological, Assyriological, etc. seminars and courses in European universities customarily had an international attendance and in spite of the fact that a large part of the local population was Palestinian, all the participants of the seminars of Sarah Israelit Groll were Israeli students; same for the courses of Hayim Tadmor! Not one Palestinian!

I am sure that as an Israeli academic, you understand what I am talking about. The bizarre situation would end in disaster. In Egypt, there are Egyptian Egyptologists, in Iraq there are Iraqi Assyriologists, but Palestinians do not have specialists in the different branches of Orientalism. In fact, there is no National History of Palestine at the level of the Palestinian universities and, even more catastrophically, for the primary and secondary schools. If this is truly disastrous for the Palestinians, it is absolutely calamitous for Israelis. Deracinated people are expendable stuff for all evasive connivers, and by this I don’t mean the state of Israel but the real enemies of both nations. I did not develop a comprehensive understanding of the subject when in Israel; I only collected pieces of data.

However, ten years later (1994), while teaching in Turkish and Northern Cypriot universities, I realized the depth and the extent of the problem; my Palestinian students were very happy with me speaking about their land, the locations and the monuments, but they were absolutely stupefied when I started speaking about the Peleset and their origin, the Sea Peoples and their invasions, let alone the inscriptions on the walls of Ramesses III’s mortuary temple at Medinet Habu. Among my students, there were Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt; none of them knew about the Ark of the Covenant having been captured by the Philistines, none of them had heard anything about the Aramaean Synagogue of Dura Europos (and the frescoes transported in the National Museum of Damascus), the Samaritans, and Palestinian Aramaic.

Ramesses III’s mortuary temple at Medinet Habu, Luxor West

Ramesses III fights the Sea Peoples

The First Intifada had ended and the Oslo Accords were signed (Oslo I Accord), but I kept having a doomster’s idea about the future of that land, not because many among my Palestinian students did not trust the agreement, but on account of their ignorance of their own historical past and heritage, and of that of their presumed enemies, i.e. the Israelis. When I spoke to them about Flavius Josephus and his story concerning the encounter of Alexander the Great with the priest Jaddua in Jerusalem, my Palestinian students immediately asked me whether the Macedonian invader of Iran met with any Palestinian magistrate.

I believe that you can guess that my response astounded them even more; I referred to Eusebius of Caesarea and to his friendship with Constantine the Great. When they heard that the greatest historian of Early Christianity was a Palestinian, they were shocked and proud at the same time. Useless to add that their knowledge about the History of the Islamic World was next to nothing; they knew Ibn Hajar al Asqalani only as a name. The same is valid for Al Biruni, Tabari, Al Farabi, and many others.

Al Biruni, ‘Chronology of the Ancient Nations’

This is the beginning of the problem; as long as this situation persists, all the fights, all the security measures, all the reprisals, and -unfortunately- all the agreements will be futile or superfluous. Have a look at Birzeit University portal! There is Palestinian Archaeology, but the History of Palestinians starts with the arrival of Islam – which is a colonial lie. As you certainly know quite well, the fundamental texts with which their History starts are the Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions of Ramesses III and the cuneiform Assyrian Babylonian texts of the 1st millennium BCE (mainly the Annals of the Neo-Assyrian Emperors).

II. There is no nation without proper nation-building and National History

For the Palestinians to reach the average nation level with their National History, it would therefore take an entire nation-building effort involving several Palestinian specialists, historians and writers, who would first write down a National History of Palestine. This was done in Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey, in Iran, and in several other countries, notably Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. As I have lived in many countries in Asia and Africa, I can eventually postulate a plausible response to the above statement; the serious problem that the Palestinians currently face occurs also in Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, etc. That’s true; in their primary and secondary education, there is no proper, coherent, and effective presentation of their respective past and heritage.

What is even worse with all those bogus-systems of education of the aforementioned fake states is that, in the historical manuals for the primary and secondary education, there is not even proportional presentation of all the historical stages of their past and heritage; it is absolutely ludicrous that in the schools of Egypt, pupils learn about Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Ramesses II, and Ramesses III, only to be forced to move thence straight to the Islamic times.

Today’s disastrously ignorant and perversely educated Egyptians know

– nothing about the rivalry of the 25th Cushitic (: Sudanese, called ‘Ethiopian’) dynasty with the Berbers (called ‘Libyans’) of the 26th dynasty,

– nothing about the Achaemenid Iranian invasion and rule of Egypt (let alone the famous Darius I the Great’s inscription and the re-opening of the Suez Canal),

– nothing about the Ptolemies and the Romans,

– nothing about the diffusion of Isiac cults and spirituality throughout Greece, Rome, the Roman Empire, and the rest of Europe,

– nothing about the Periplus of the Red (‘Erythraean’) Sea,

– nothing about Philo of Alexandria, Onias IV and his temple, the clashes between the Jews and the Greeks of Alexandria, the Gnostics and the Nag Hammadi texts, Hermes Trismegistus, and the Manichaeans of Alexandria, who constituted for Diocletian a danger greater than the Christians, and many other glorious pages of the Egyptian past.

I could expand more, but I am sure that you understand quite well what I mean. But then, you don’t just have a ‘Palestinian’ problem but also an ‘Egyptian’ problem, and similarly many other problems that you as a society, as well as your present and all the previous governments, failed to even identify, let alone deal with. You did not understand that not one properly and nationally educated citizen would possibly become a terrorist. All these sick and rotten postcolonial societies are made of fake people without national identity, without any sense of their role in the History of Mankind, and without any elementary knowledge about the true History of Islam.

They therefore automatically become expendable stuff in the hands of various local and international crooks, gangsters, and pseudo-Muslim sheikhs who totally misrepresent the Islamic religion, tradition, integrity and history. Then, this is a purely colonial affair in which you and they are taken as hostages of the criminal Western European powers (France and England), and of their successor (after 1956), namely the US.

The Stela of Shaluf, issued by Darius I on the occasion of the re-opening of the Suez Canal – totally unknown to the average Egyptians

III. The colonial trap was prepared for the Jews before the return (Aliyah)

The abysmal truth is that the Western Europeans and the Americans, who always smile to you in order to exterminate you, did not send you back to your ancestral land but to the world’s worst trap that they had prepared accordingly ever since Napoleon set foot in Abuqir, west of Alexandria, back in July 1798. They deliberately produced this educational, academic, intellectual, academic, scientific, socio-behavioral and cultural backwardism and obscurantism throughout the lands that they colonized in the wider region in order to duly utilize the local populations at will.

When the Zionist movement came up with the idea of the ‘return’, it was already too late. You certainly went through the excellent book by Donald Malcolm Reid “Whose Pharaohs?” (University of California Press, 2002); this is a must for every Orientalist, Africanist and political scientist. Amongst others, the book reveals to the non-specialist reader something that is very well known to all Egyptologists: only 100 years after the decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic writing by Jean-François Champollion was an Egyptian Egyptologist properly formed at last.

This colonial attitude, behavior and environment corresponded to the interests of the French, the English and the Americans, but as you know quite well, they did not live in Algeria, Egypt or Syria; they effectuated brief or long sojourns there. If suddenly things turned worse, they could go back home. Even the Pied-Noirs left in 1962 in a rather anodyne form. But for you this situation can become lethal. You therefore truly need to open your eyes now!

You are not surrounded by Muslims; your ancestors were in the Ottoman Empire, in Mamluk Egypt, in Umayyad Cordoba, and in Abbasid Baghdad. And they lived in peace with the Muslims at the time. Maimonides left Cordoba and lived in Morocco, Palestine and Egypt, but he did not go to France or England. Quite unfortunately, you do not live at the time of Moshe ben Maimon, and your neighbors are not true Muslims but misfortunate people who, after a long period of cultural-intellectual-spiritual decadence and social decay, were defaced because of the colonial rule, impaired by the Orientalists, and fooled by uneducated political stooges, idiotic military officers, and ignorant pseudo-imams. Your neighbors constitute merely a well-produced expendable stuff. You can call them robots, cyborgs or humanoids, if you like, because they are fully programmed to react according to the needs of their colonial masters. They are totally deprived of proper education, nation-building, national dignity, historical identity, and cultural integrity.

So, can’t you see how futile it is to attempt to kill all the fighters and the leaders of Hamas? You will kill 100000 (a hundred thousand) people only to realize that the next Hamas shift will start – eventually under another name, but does this really matter? Will the next shift be made by Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Algerians, Iraqis or Pakistanis? Would you really care about this? There will always be some expendable stuff to be used by your true enemies, who really enjoy the spectacle from far. Your enemies do not dwell in Ariha (Jericho), Khalil (Hebron), Jenin or Nablus; they live in London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, Rome, Canberra, Ottawa, and Washington D.C.

IV. Helping Palestinians become a proper nation with a National History is the best line of defense for the Jewish state

So, it was your fault to move to a place that you had not properly studied and to live in your country, having an absolute disregard of the ‘others’; you should have cared about what had been done to the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, and the rest. And it was the fault of your ancestors, who did not notice that the name ‘Lebanon’ is a bad joke, that the country north of your borders is Phoenicia, and that its historical name should by all means be its true national name. In fact, Syriac-Aramaic is the only true national language of Lebanon, and as long as it is not proclaimed as such, the fake state of Lebanon will be a special factory that produces expendable stuff.

You were not the victims of the colonial powers until 1948; but by relocating and living among the highly victimized people of Palestine, by having as neighbors the disastrously deluded people of Lebanon (Phoenicia), Syria-Mesopotamia (Aram-Nahrain), Egypt (Kemet or Masr), and Libya-Tunisia-Algeria-Morocco (Berberia), and by failing to rescue them from their colonial engulfment first for your own sake, you became victims of the colonial powers too.

You may say that the Palestinians back in the 1890s and the 1920s did not show an interest for their pre-Islamic past and heritage; but this is a non-response! Similarly, the Egyptians back in the 1750s and the 1810s did not have an inclination to explore their pre-Islamic heritage, history and identity. It should therefore be your own true concern to explain to the Palestinians that no nation exists without historical identity and cultural integrity. And I don’t speak for the 1950s or the 1990s but the 1920s and the 1930s, because I know that you are fully aware of the progress that the Orientalist studies and disciplines made at those days.  

Over more than a century, you had the chance to contemplate and examine how you would live in peace, concord and cooperation with your neighbors in Palestine and all the surrounding lands, but you failed to find the path; quite contrarily, you truly disregarded them all in exactly the same colonial manner that the gangsters of England, France and America have dealt with the indigenous populations that they colonized.

The very disastrous result was that you wanted to return to the ‘Promised Land’ as Jews, but you arrived as non-Jewish Westerners. The entire problem exploded when in 1969 the then Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in an interview with Frank Giles (The Sunday Times) made the paranoid statement that “there was no such thing as Palestinians”. In real terms, the absurd sentence was more lethal than Hamas attack because it forced you to disregard all the Palestinians, to act in your ancestral land as colonial aliens, and to push the undeniably ancient nation of Palestinians to the most extreme forms of resistance, reaction and retaliation.

The problem had already existed for more than two decades before Golda Meir’s disastrous maxim; its earlier form encompassed also the nonsensical appellation ‘Israeli Arabs’ for the Palestinians who stayed within the territory of Israel after the 1948 war, thus becoming Israeli citizens. In fact, there are no Arabs at all! This was the colonial invention that plunged the entire region between the Atlantic and Pakistan in chaos, ignorance, obscurantism and hatred.

Peleset/Palestinians and other Sea Peoples as depicted on the walls of Medinet Habu mortuary temple of Ramesses III, more than 3150 years before Golda Meir’s absurd words

V. Either Jewish Orientalists kill the colonial ‘Arab’ myth, liberating all the surrounding nations, or you will all be annihilated

Actually, there were no Turks, no Iranians, no Uzbeks, no Kazakhs, no Somalis, no Yemenites and no Indians prior to the colonial arrival in all those vast lands. The concept of ‘nation’ in the Eastern Roman Empire, in the Islamic Caliphates, and in the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires was very different, and the connotation of this word involved totally different worldview and world conceptualization. As you know quite well, this fact goes back in time and it does indeed concern the Achaemenid Empire of Iran and even earlier universal(-ist) states.

However, if the modern concept of nation had to be diffused from the African Atlas to Oman and from North Mesopotamia to Hadhramaut, the national identity at the local level would have to be based on the historical knowledge, the archaeological record, the philological documentation, and the interdisciplinary interpretation of the data. The cultural integrity of a nation does not encapsulate any ideological indoctrination or a theological approach but popular religion, folklore and traditions that may eventually antedate the arrival of the latest prevailing religion. 

Not a drop of Arab blood can be found in the veins of all the various nations of the wider region; similarly not a vestige of Arab culture can be attested among them. 

The Libyans, the Tunisians, the Algerians, the Moroccans and the Mauritanians are all ethnically Berbers.

The Egyptians are ethnically Copts — except for few Berbers in the NW, the Nubians in the South, and the Beja in the SE.

The Sudanese belong to many nations, either Cushitic (like the Beja, the Furi, and the Arabic-speaking people of the central provinces) or Nilo-Saharan {like the Nubians, the Nuba, and the Berta, who also live in the Benishangul province of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia)}. 

The Yemenites and the Omanis are the descendants of the Ancient Yemenites and Ancient Omanis, who were ethnically Semitic but not Arab. Ancient Yemenite inscriptions have been deciphered thanks to the Ancient Abyssinian writing and language (Ge’ez), which is entirely Yemenite of origin (and this shows that the Amhara and the Tigray are not Africans, but Yemenites who crossed the Red Sea and settled initially around Massawa). As you know, during the last 100 years before Islam, there were several bilingual inscriptions Sabaean and Arabic, Himyaritic and Arabic, and this shows that the idea that the Yemenites are Arabs is entirely wrong. Simply, they were linguistically Arabized because they accepted Islam; but this fact did not turn them to Arabs, pretty much like the African Americans are not Anglo-Saxons. 

Last, the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the Palestinians, the Arabic-speaking populations of SE Turkey and SW Iran, the Kuwaitis, the Qataris, and the Emiratis are Aramaeans (Semitic like the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, the Assyrians and the Babylonians, the Canaanites, and the Yemenites, but not Arab). 

In this wide region, the Aramaeans were linguistically Arabized because they accepted Islam; but this fact did not turn them to Arabs.

VI. The Western colonial fabrication of ‘Arabs’, a nonexistent nation

In fact, «Arab Nation» has only been a fake Western colonial Orientalist construction to which the Western scholars attributed any repugnant trait they wanted in order to make it as disgusting as possible. It was an ahistorical, illusory description and an intentional, fallacious fabrication; its use was double.

First, the concept was gradually projected onto all the colonized populations of Algeria, Egypt, Aden, Tunisia, Sudan, Morocco, Libya, etc. ‘Arabization’ campaigns were undertaken for this purpose; but as you surely understand very well, you can ‘Arabize’ only the non-Arab.

Second, colonial lies in extraordinary multitude started being propagated at home (in Western Europe and North America) as early as the beginning of the 19th c. about the Berbers, who were falsely depicted as «Arab», i.e. the fallacious construction that I have just mentioned. Europeans and Americans started then having a very wrong idea about the Berbers.

Locally, in their colonies, the French authorities did the exactly opposite work: through their stooges, they forced the Berbers to stop being culturally Berber and to become something similar to the caricature of Arab that the colonial Orientalists had constructed. For this spiritual genocide to be done the criminal French colonials killed as many Berbers as they needed; they prohibited pre-Islamic Berber popular traditions and sacred festivals in order to tyrannically turn the existent Berbers into something nonexistent: «Arabs»; they did their best to uproot Berber language and to extinguish Berber identity. 

This is the trickery that all the silly political leaders, cruel military officers, fake academics, servile journalists, and ignorant pseudo-sheikhs from Morocco to Oman and from Syria to Yemen failed to detect, let alone understand; but before 250 years, not one man among their ancestors would identify himself as ‘Arab’. Yet, the elites of the colonized nations fell into the trap that the Western colonials prepared for them, thus causing enduring disastrous conditions for their respective peoples.  

– What is an «Arab»? 

– The lawless villain, the filthiest rascal, the most execrable felon!

This is the Western response.

But this concept is unreal; it does not exist.

It is the delusional fabrication of the Orientalists.

Have a look at Delacroix’s Sardanapalus, and you will grasp the extent of the extreme fallacy!

In fact, after Prophet Muhammad, historical Arabs ceased to exist; by accepting Islam, they were culturally Aramaized and totally de-Arabized. All the same, 18th-19th c. European colonials fabricated them and, by tyrannically projecting them onto Berbers, Copts, Aramaeans, Cushites and Yemenites, they carried out multiple spiritual genocides. This claim is not extraordinary because, in the process, the criminal Western colonials exterminated the Berber, the Coptic, the Cushitic Sudanese, the Yemenite, the Aramaean cultural integrity, tradition and superiority which so much disturbed the Europeans and their evildoing. 

Tadmor-Palmyra, a high place of Aramaean heritage

Ethnically viewed   

Ethnically speaking, historical Arabs do not exist either. They progressively vanished after they spread outside the Arabian Peninsula because they settled in different lands and there they intermingled with Aramaeans, Iranians, Turanians, Indians, Yemenites, Copts, Sudanese Cushites, Somali Cushites, Berbers and even Iberians (Spain and Portugal). From another viewpoint, the Arabs became ethnically extinct because many Muslims from various parts of the Islamic World used to relocate and settle in the Hejaz in numerous waves, thus extensively amalgamating with the local Arabs who remained in their ancestral land. This process took place uninterruptedly for no less than 1400 years.

Linguistically viewed

Linguistically, Arabic is a dead language — just like Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Ancient Phoenician, and Biblical Hebrew. This is easy to understand because the so-called ‘Arab-natives’ (a totally fallacious term) cannot fluently read the texts written by a major author of the Golden Era of Islam, namely Al Farabi, Al Biruni, Ibn Sina, etc.

Classical Arabic was developed as language on the basis of Quranic Arabic and incorporated numerous Aramaic, Farsi, Coptic and other words during the Golden Era of Islamic Civilization. But none of these languages is the mother tongue of any person today. The mixed dialects that prevail from place to place cannot become the proper national language of a sound nation. The so-called Modern Standard Arabic ( الفصحى) is an alien Orientalist construction and standardization, which apparently failed to support proper education in any country it was used. 

Quite contrarily, Berber, Coptic, Afaan Oromo, Mahri Yemenite, and Syriac Aramaic have the historicity and the cultural interconnectivity with the historical heritage of the respective nations and can therefore become the true national languages of those targeted and deliberately divided nations. But then, this great perspective would calamitously damage the interests of France and England; this would be inevitably so, because -to offer an example- the entire North Africa from Siwa to Nouakchott would automatically become an enormous Hamitic Berber confederate secular state the size of Brazil (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Chad, Niger and Mali) with all the chances to become a major power worldwide.

Modern Standard Arabic, imposed by the colonial powers, was then the lethally divisive factor, which triggered educational-academic obscurantism, socio-economic misery, unnecessary political divisions, endless fratricidal conflicts, incredible bloodshed, unprecedented oppression (from the part of the Pan-Arabist idiots) and strong chances for an Islamist drift (and this is what we observed at last).

Culturally viewed

Last, culturally, the Arabs disappeared when they accepted Islam (610-632 CE) in the form in which it was preached by Prophet Muhammad, because in real historical terms, the process of Islamization of the Arabs (acceptance of the ‘new’ faith by them) is tantamount to cultural Aramaization. They abandoned the old Arab idolatrous, nomadic and barbaric culture, and they accepted Aramaean culture with a religion that was slightly different from Aramaean Nestorian Christianity. For this reason, the early caliphates were consolidated in Syria and Mesopotamia, whereas Hejaz remained a marginal zone throughout the Islamic times.  

And that’s why the History of Early Islam has been so much distorted in Western universities where they teach a false, extremist (and quite often Arabized) version of History only to show that the execrable traits of this fictitious «Arab» concept involve razzias (raids), thefts, rapes, conquests, killings, massacres, atrocities, unrestrained rage, uncouth behavior, womanizing, homosexuality, pedophilia, and all the other hideous acts that you can imagine. In fact, properly fabricated in the darkness of the Orientalist ateliers, 19th c. Pan-Arabism and Pan-Islamism are communicating vessels.

As long as Berber, Coptic, and Syriac Aramaic do not become respectively the official national languages in all these states, with Mahri in Yemen, Dhofari in Oman, Beja in Eastern Sudan, Furi in Western Sudan, and Afaan Oromo in Central Sudan, all the useless and fake postcolonial states will be simple playthings pitilessly thrown against one another or multi-divided and ruined. Without having formerly been anti-Jewish, these colonized populations have intentionally and craftily been turned into the enemies of the Jews or of anyone whom the colonial powers intend to involve as per their evildoing and schemes.

Call to Prophethood; miniature from a folio manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Histories); 15th c.

Because you failed to identify the colonial deeds carried out locally and regionally, you arrived in the trap which was set there and you did not understand that Aliyah would automatically backfire on you, if you did not deploy an enormous academic, educational, intellectual, scientific and cultural effort to liberate all those different nations from the already implanted colonial myths that victimized them. Then, the ignorant sheikhs, who have no idea about the true, historical Islam, and the knowledgeable Israeli academics, who know much but fail to identify the vicious colonial plots of England, France and Vatican, are equivalently and unequivocally driven to mutual calamity, terminal destruction, and undeserved ruination. Can’t you see that?

All the diverse nations that surround you failed to find in you the true ally against the evil colonial powers that had already ruined them; and you failed to find in them your sole valuable partner and protector against the Western forces that mercilessly killed you in Europe and now want to exterminate you in Asia. The reciprocal error threatens you all; the indigenous nations were in a long decadence process, but you had a very crucial problem of identity: the right to the Promised Land, which has -as you know quite well- questionable historical credentials, is not relevant to Law, International Law, Politics, International Relations or Human Rights but exclusively to Religion, namely the Ancient Hebrew Religion and its surviving branch, i.e. Judaism.

VII. Intending to return as Jews, you arrived as Westerners

I don’t intend to reproduce here the vast literature that many modern rabbis like the deferential Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro have created, rejecting and condemning Zionism as an alien system that ‘hijacked’ Judaism (see below); but I am sure that you are well aware of their approaches, analyses and criticisms. There is however an undeniable fact; you, in your Letter, described yourself as “a sworn leftist activist”. The statement is the epicenter of your personal problem, and at the same time, it highlights aspects of the overall problem.

Dear Prof. Gilboa,

I am sorry, but there is no such thing as a ‘leftist Jew’; modern concepts are alien to all religions; the very paradoxical and totally unnatural marriage of Anglo-Saxon ‘politics’ and French ‘Lumières’ with local cultures and regional religions has caused diverse types of wars and conflicts which are entirely due to the monstrous essence of the Western system of governance that we call politics; the maladroit and rogue system is totally unsuitable to all, because it disregards, erodes and eradicates all local traditions, cultures, and popular religions.  

Various types of systems of governance existed throughout Human History; in every land, governance reflected local traditions, world conceptualization, and moral values. The systems were different from but not opposite to one another; that’s why it was easy for Benjamin of Tudela, who was familiar with the tawa’if (taifas) of the Iberian Peninsula, to accept all the locally diverse types of rule and spend time peacefully in the lands that he visited in the second half of the 12th c. But in the colonized and therefore traumatized region where you intended to return in the first half of the 20th c., a terrible shock had occurred due to the overwhelmingly rejected, colonially/tyrannically enforced, Western intervention and brutal regime change that the disreputable Sykes-Picot trash had triggered.

There cannot be ‘Socialist Christian’, ‘Liberal Muslim’, ‘Leftist Jew’, ‘Extreme Right Hindu’ or ‘Conservative Buddhist’; Renaissance, Classicism, Enlightenment and the Western European – North American political system of governance prevailed in those lands as a local reaction against, and rejection of, the earlier normal, natural and historical systems of governance.

What is abnormal in its own place cannot possibly become the norm in another location!

But unfortunately many Jews, returning to the ‘Promised Land’ in the early 20th c., arrived there not as true Jews, but as real Westerners.

How can you not see the enormous difference that separates you from the Sephardic Jews who were invited to the Ottoman Empire in 1492 by Bayezid II?

They arrived as Jews, but you arrived as Westerners.

What do you think the fate of the expelled (from Spain) Jews would have been in 1492, had they arrived in the Ottoman Empire under the mask of a Crusader?

Göke was the flagship of Kemal Reis; before constructing the large ship (1495), he was dispatched (1492) from Istanbul to Spain in order to transport Andalusian Jews to Izmir (Smyrna) and Selanik (Salonica).

Certainly, pretty much like nowadays, the Jews who arrived in the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 20th c. belonged to different branches of Judaism, movements and systems of faith; but the undeniable fact that many of them were Westernized fully jeopardized your chances of peacefully settling and living with the indigenous populations.

It was only normal for them to consider and perceive you negatively as an extension of Western colonialism or as a second stage of colonial enmity and hatred against both, the Christians and the Muslims of Palestine.

And you, by arriving as Westerners, only aggravated this feeling, whereas if you returned as real Jews, you would be accepted and befriended. As you certainly understand, it is not a matter of Holocaust, because I speak for the period prior to the early 1930s.

By being the least Jewish possible, you turned your potential friends and allies into enemies.

And by being the most Western possible, you served the most anti-Jewish plans in World History; those prepared by your worst enemies.

To further reference the historical past and heritage, I will formulate two questions that highlight the terrible mistakes of the 19th–20th c. Zionist movement, its wrong practices, false visions, and calamitous practices, fully presenting them as entirely detrimental to all the Jews. I do not mean that you should not ‘return’ or that you should move to another land – which was part of deliberations as you know quite well. Quite contrarily, I want to underscore the fact that, as it happens on many other occasions, what is important is not what you do, but how you do it.

How did you not realize (as early as 1882) that, for your Aliyah plan to be easily materialized, you needed the Ottoman Empire to remain intact within its borders so that, as a sizeable realm, it had no difficulty accommodating large newcoming populations?  

Alternatively, and in the light of the emergence of Modern Turkey under Kemal Ataturk (1919-1923), how did you not realize that your Aliyah plan would be implemented with fewer obstacles only in the case of formation of a major secular confederate state named Aram Nahrain that would stretch throughout the wider region, involving the territories of today’s Israel and Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, the northern parts of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Emirates?

Such a sizeable, anti-colonial state would ipso facto be a multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural realm in which Syriac Aramaic would be the national language, Quranic Arabic would be the religious language of the Muslims, and the numerous indigenous ethno-religious groups would peacefully live, cooperate and prosper. Only this type of state would offer reciprocal knowledge, equitable chances, and emancipatory conditions of life to all the citizens. Although many Israeli academics and statesmen were worthwhile scholars and renowned intellectuals, there was none among them to think truly out-of-the-box and identify viable solutions for the problems that you faced.

Even now, the forces are there for you to reach out to and work with; but you must first remove the repugnant colonial mask which de-Judaized and westernized you, perceive the History of Judaism in its true, Oriental, dimensions, and finally prefer Nehardea to Rome, Iran to England, Russia to France, and China to America. As soon as you think, speak and act as a Westerner, you are overwhelmingly rejected, loathed and reviled – perhaps undeservedly, but so it is! You have to open your eyes and see!

Either you will die with your Western executioners who think they can survive by using you as expendable stuff or you will survive with your Oriental brethren who think that you want to survive at their expense!

For קֹהֶלֶת (Qohelet, Εκκλησιαστής, Ecclesiastes; 7:23-24) to be proven right, you need to prove them both wrong!

כָּל־זֹה נִסִּיתִי בַחָכְמָה אָמַרְתִּי אֶחְכָּמָה וְהִיא רְחוֹקָה מִמֶּנִּי רָחוֹק מַה־שֶּׁהָיָה וְעָמֹק עָמֹק מִי יִמְצָאֶנּוּ

Πάντα ταῦτα ἐπείρασα ἐν τῇ σοφίᾳ· εἶπα· σοφισθήσομαι, καὶ αὐτὴ ἐμακρύνθη ἀπ᾿ ἐμοῦ μακρὰν ὑπὲρ ὃ ἦν, καὶ βαθὺ βάθος, τίς εὑρήσει αὐτό;

Cuncta tentavi in sapientia. Dixi: Sapiens efficiar: et ipsa longius recessit a me multo magis quam erat, et alta profunditas; Quis inveniet eam?

All this I tested by wisdom and I said, “I am determined to be wise”— but this was beyond me. Whatever exists is far off and most profound— who can discover it?

Best regards,



Further online search

General, introductory reading for non-specialist readership (references to Wikipedia links do not mean acceptance of the contents):


Benjamin Netanyahu discusses the Israel-Gaza conflict








































Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. – Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ-tRrKeAfQ





www myjewishlearning.com/article/the-ottoman-empire/






Download the article (text only) in PDF:

Download the article (with pictures and legends) in PDF:

Antiquity & Eschatology of Freemasonic, Jesuit & Zionist Orders as Vector of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Античность и эсхатология масонских, иезуитских и сионистских орденов как вектор израильско-палестинского конфликта – I

One of World History’s most important texts: the Malediction of Akkad; 18th c. BCE copy of an earlier original, found in Babylon. The text details the calamitous results of human contact with the unclean nation Guti and the subsequent collapse of Akkad, i.e. the world’s first empire, which brought about the Flood.


In a first article titled ‘Palestinians vs. Israelis: 11 Hidden Historical Truths about a Futile War’, I expanded briefly on crucial historical points that the Palestinians and the entire world do not know concerning first the History of the kingdoms of Ancient Israel and Judah and second the identity of today’s so-called Jews whose outright majority (85-90%), namely the Ashkenazi Khazarians, by all means are not Jews ethnically, linguistically, culturally and religiously. I also pointed out that even the Sephardic Jews, who make ca. 10-15% of the so-called World Jewry, are not entitled to the Promised Land (i.e. Palestine) as per historical evidence; furthermore, I made it clear that the Sephardim do not constitute part of the Chosen People (i.e. the ten lost tribes of Ancient Israel) whose ‘return’ was indeed prophesied in the Old Testament. The article can be found here: https://www.academia.edu/107952726/Palestinians_vs_Israelis_11_Hidden_Historical_Truths_about_a_Futile_War

In a second article titled ‘Israelis vs. Palestinians: 6 Concealed Historical Truths about the Lost Wars’, I first explored the diverse, spiritual and moral conditions of national resistance and then presented critical historical and socio-political issues that impact the Palestinians and affect their struggle for national independence. I demonstrated that the Palestinian Islamists are the best accomplices of the Israeli Zionists in the sense that, by plunging their persecuted nation into ignorance, colonial falsehood, and lack of self-criticism, they turn the entirely deracinated nation of Palestinians into expendable material for the agendas of several Western governments and secret organizations. The article can be found here:




I. Why Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion

II. Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism

III. The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons

IV. The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order

V. The Zionists before Judaism

VI. The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists

VII. The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh

VIII. The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism 

IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great

X. Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus

XI. Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans 

XII. Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism 



I. Почему иезуиты, масоны и сионисты не могут иметь религию или верить в нее

II. Иезуиты, масоны и сионисты против ислама, христианства и иудаизма

III. Восточная древность масонов

IV. Восточная древность ордена иезуитов

V. Сионисты до иудаизма

VI. Месопотамское касситское происхождение сионистов

VII. Касситы и мерзость Мардука-Яхве

VIII. Гути, касситы, Потоп и сионизм

IX. Гути, касситы, Гог и Магог, Нечистые народы и Александр Македонский

X. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, Александр Македонский, династия Селевкидов и Иосиф Флавий.

XI. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, фарисеи, саддукеи, ессеи и римляне

XII. Гог, хазары и ашкеназский сионизм


In the present article, I will expand on issues pertaining to the divergent Western agendas about Jerusalem and the ‘Promised Land’; it is essential to keep in mind that these secret plans and projects, which have been implemented already over the past centuries, are not ‘political’, ‘ideological’ or ‘philosophical’ of nature, but spiritual, religious and more particularly eschatological-messianic-soteriological. However, they cannot be truly comprehended without a deep understanding of the antiquity of the secret orders, which fight against one another in order to implement their eschatological schedules that are at the very antipodes of one another. 

For a more effective comprehension of the nature of the three secret orders and of the clash of their respective agendas, an earlier article published in 2017 would help:

Zionist – Freemasonic – Jesuit Agendas in Conflict or Superposition: End Times’ Sequence & Trajectories; https://megalommatis.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/zionist-freemasonic-jesuit-agendas-in-conflict-or-superposition-end-times-sequence-trajectories/ https://www.academia.edu/33381068/Zionist_Freemasonic_Jesuit_Agendas_in_Conflict_or_Superposition_End_Times_Sequence_and_Trajectories

Because of the aforementioned statement, several clarifications are needed. When I speak of ‘religious’ agendas, I do not -by all means- suggest that these schemes are Islamic, Christian (all denominations included) and Jewish (or Judaic). Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists can invariably be Jews, Christians and Muslims, pretty much like they may appear in public as Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, agnostics, irreligious or atheists; these details depend exclusively on the assignment entrusted to the initiate by his venerable.

Are Societas Jesu, the diverse Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the different Zionist synagogues religious organizations that preach independent religions and systems of faith among their adepts and initiates?

I. Why Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion

The response to this question is very intricate; it hinges on the differences between spirituality, religion, moral, cult, popular religion, and theology. In fact, all three secret societies abhor moral, cult, popular religion and folk traditions; in addition, they don’t need theology. As they function as secret societies, they initiate their members and they extract most of the spiritual and material energy and dynamism that are inherent in them while assigning them tasks to carry out; they also promote them according to their spiritual skills. Spiritual potency is their top secret that they keep sealed off; to avoid infiltration, they incessantly work closely with different spiritual hierarchies and they initiate their members, taking them from lies to lies and sharing with them the portion of spiritual truth that corresponds to their respective grades.

Of the existing, publicly known religions, all three secret societies have a very low opinion that they hide by expressing recognition and respect in public, although in the case of Zionism these feelings are rather pale. One should not confuse between Jewish religion and the Zionist synagogue; the latter has developed a truly profane reading of the Hebrew Bible.

That’s why those among the members of the three secret societies, who reject the assumption that each of the said organizations preaches a religion, are in right. If we take into consideration the succinct and very analytical definition of ‘religion’ that I presented in my article ‘Anatolia and Turkey: Spirituality, Moral, Culture, Legend, Popular Religion, Governance, Religion, Theology & Politics’ (p. 27/64 of the PDF; https://www.academia.edu/89267447/Anatolia_and_Turkey_Spirituality_Moral_Culture_Legend_Popular_Religion_Governance_Religion_Theology_and_Politics), then certainly Societas Jesu, the Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the Zionist synagogues do not preach a ‘religion’, and they are not religious organizations.

In fact, these organizations are not compatible with any religion; the reason is simple: every religion is for a people, whereas these segregations can only exist as a direct denial of the notion of ‘people’, because in every case of a people or nation, the non-members (of the secret societies) are the outcasts who are labeled as ‘profane’, ‘vulgar’ and ‘indecent’. These secretive orders believe that they constitute the ‘elite’; this is an evil, viciously anti-Godly notion that did not exist in the History of Mankind.

As ahistorical concept, the ‘elite’ is the ultimate corruption generator, as it consists in the most solemn introduction of Injustice among humans. Prior to the formation of these groups, there was absolutely no notion of ‘elite’ in any nation and in any language worldwide, because every emperor or king was a brave combatant who used to fight along with all the other soldiers to defend or expand their realm. All royal rulers were fraternal with their respective fighters and people in general.

In Ancient Egypt, the initiation of apprentice priests and mystics did not bring about any social disconnection and differentiation from the rest. As spiritual process, it took the form of impersonation of aspects of the divine from the initiate, who had to imitate the divine trait, radiate it in his life, and explore its endless forms. In striking contrast to modern practices, the fear of God instilled a feeling of expansion, not contraction in the souls of the novice.

The idea of ‘elite’ is direct rejection of the concept of Creation, because it suggests that God made a mistake and He should have created two Adams instead, one being the forefather of the elite (or superior race), and another belonging to the average people. By accepting the existence of elites, every faithful becomes instantaneously infidel, because such an approach is tantamount to blasphemy, irrespective of the religion of the person.

How can we then accurately and succinctly define these secretive orders?

II. Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Societas Jesu, the Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the Zionist synagogues are forces that contend to break the unity of soul, mind and body in every human in order to enslave all the people of every country where they extend their activities. The nature of their endeavors is primarily spiritual, and their target is to achieve spiritual potency, acquire knowledge, and garner material force in order to effectuate their agendas. They therefore function as pyramidal hierarchies, which is spiritually and morally intolerable, and -even worse- export their sick and evil pattern to the societies where they exist, inevitably turning them to hierarchical pyramids. In doing so, they incessantly distort the historical past of all nations in order to effectively adjust it to their anomaly.

If the three orders do not preach any but revile all the religions, this is due to their traumatic spirituality that they inevitably, incessantly and irreversibly attempt to vindicate, being unable to perceive reality sentimentally. The traumatic experience that their members undergo at the spiritual level is at the origin of their absolute inadaptability to religion. This is their ‘initiation’, which is entirely different from historically attested cases of sacerdotal initiation in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Viewing things differently, one could offer an invariable definition; the religion of the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists is imperfect and incomplete. This is so because their initiation(s) is(are) always a case of spiritual dispossession followed by mystical inhabitation, which is more commonly known as demonic enslavement. This process terminates their sentimental life, inevitably engulfing them in incessant biases which are all due to the demoniacal nature of their spiritual protectors who inhabit them.

However, quite unfortunately for them, all three secret orders are inextricably related to two religions; i.e. Ancient Hebrew religion (including the derivative form of Judaism) and Christianity (notably the Catholic and Protestant versions of this faith). That is why in the countries where these organizations prevailed, there is much discussion about, propaganda for, and pride in the false concept of ‘Judeo-Christian civilization’. This is part of the falsehood that they ‘teach’ and diffuse worldwide.

For some of their earlier forms of religious order that the Freemasons had created, one can ascertain that those organizations were also related to Orthodox Christianity, notably the nuclei of several Eastern Roman Constantinopolitan chariot racing factions: the Russati/Ρούσσοι and the Albati/Λευκοί). The same can be concluded about Islam with respect to the early Mutazilla or Mu’tazilites (المعتزلة), the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa; إخوان‌ الصفا), and some branches of Isma’ilis (الإسماعيلية) or Isma’ilites.

Double-leaf frontispiece from the “Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity”; from Baghdad, 1287 (today in Süleymaniye Library)

The relation that the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists have had with these two religions hinges mainly on the associated sacred texts, namely the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), the Talmud, and the New Testament. It goes without saying that all modern conflicts and polarizations about the numerous translations (to modern languages) which were produced, and in particular those of the Old Testament, hinge on the quarrel among these three orders about the correct and authentic interpretation of the ancient text. KJV (King James Version) is a particularly biased translation that involves thousands of distortions and misinterpretations; it cannot possibly be used as a fair point of reference by anyone except the Freemasons.

As a matter of fact, one of the best and most accurate definitions that one can create about each of the three secret societies is that they are “an often biased but publicly unknown, purposefully different reading of the sacred texts”. Actually, these are not theoretical but practical differences that emanate from the contrasts which exist in the respective eschatological, soteriological and messianic agendas; it is evident that those preconceived agendas dictate actually the reading and the ensuing translations.

This explains both, the eschatological-messianic-soteriological nature of their respective agendas (the sacred texts comprise similar notions indeed) and the systematic and enduring infiltration into the related religious organizations and ecclesiastical bodies that the three orders have methodically undertaken; in the process, they attempted to impose their ‘reading of the sacred texts’ onto the unsuspicious, naïve and innocent faithful.

Catacombs of Saints Marcellinus and Peter (3 km southeast of Rome and the ancient Via Labicana); from top: Orants, Jonah and the Whale; Moses striking the rock (left); Noah praying in the ark; Adoration of the Magi; ca. 200–250 CE

It therefore goes without saying that the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity were not comprehended by both, the sacerdotal class and the laymen, in the way they have been interpreted and believed after the infiltration of the aforementioned three secret organizations and their ancestral forms. There is certainly a distinction that we have to make. The Zionists did not attempt to infiltrate Christianity; only recently (over the past 200 years), they created pro-Zionist churches and groups of people who impersonated the Christians. On the contrary, Jesuits and Freemasons, in their earlier, ancestral forms, infiltrated Christianity since the very initial stages of the formation of this religion. In fact, the emergence of Roman Christianity, the many Christological disputes, the different ‘heresies’, and many internecine clashes in Western European Christianity were the result of the incessant strives between the previous forms that the two secret orders had taken; they were trying to pull the religion under formation to their side, to control it spiritually and intellectually, and to adjust it to their secret concepts and agendas.

The Oriental origin of the three secret societies antedates the establishment of the Early Christian groups; both, the Freemasons and the Jesuits, originate from different Gnostic sects, and from earlier sacerdotal colleges of Mesopotamia and Egypt whose roots can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BCE. By saying so, I don’t suggest that the Jesuits and the Freemasons believe in any of the Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian religions, although several concepts have certainly been maintained and therefore survived. As I already said, for their members it is technically impossible to worship any religion due to the harmful rituals of initiation that they have gradually adopted.

III. The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons

Basic cosmological, eschatological and messianic concepts of the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan religion, seminal notions of Amarna Atenism (or Atonism), and the fundamental elements of the Sargonid Assyrian monotheism, involving notably the conceptualization of topics like the ‘Chosen People’, the ‘Promised Land’, the ‘Righteous Suffering’, the ‘Universal Empire’, the ‘Emperor of the Universe’, the ‘Return of the Chosen People’, the ‘End of Times’, etc. have been transferred within the Ancient Hebrew Bible, and thanks to them, the Freemasonic nebula was easily able during the Late Antiquity to dissimulate its spiritual-intellectual identity and posture as Biblical and Christian, though often heretic (Montanism, Arianism, etc.), although they wasted enormous spiritual and intellectual resources in Gnosticisms and pagan philosophies.

Wall painting from the Tomb of Nefertari, royal consort of Ramses II, at the Valley of the Queens, Luxor West: Nefertari (left) and the ram-headed god Khnum (divine inspector of the sources of the Nile), surrounded by Isis (right) and Nephthys (left) with their respective symbols atop of their heads; in Ancient Egypt, Isis symbolized the sacerdotal college of the Ancient Freemasons and Nephthys represented the ancestral priesthood of the Jesuits.

IV. The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order

Basic parts of the Ancient Egyptian Memphitic polytheistic dogma and cosmology (ab ovo creation by Ptah), notions of the Theban Trinity (Amun, Mut and Khonsu), the theory of Theogamy (promulgated as imperial dogma by Pharaoh Hatshepsut), fundamental Babylonian polytheistic concepts, notably the dying-and-reborn-‘god’ Dumuzid (Tammuz) and Nergalism, i.e. the Cuthean Vallis lacrimarum (Vale of tears), selected themes of Mithraic Iranian background, and the Manichaean school of thought were all anathema to the Ancient Hebrew religion and to Judaism, but they managed to make their way into the Christian cult and narratives, duly adapted and appended to the stories of the early Gospels. Due to this slow process that lasted several centuries, the Memphitic sacerdotal class -through the biases of Origenism, thanks to St John Cassian’s Institutes and Conferences, and due to the Benedictine Order, and later the Jesuits- seized power in Rome and turned it to the center of the most instinctively Anti-Christian force (or, if you prefer the terminology of John’s Revelation, ‘Babylon the Great’).

V. The Zionists before Judaism

The relationship of the Zionist order with Judaism was different; whereas the ancestral forms of the Freemasons and the Jesuits emanate from the sacerdotal environment of 4th and 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Zionist institution was totally unrelated to the early stages of the faith of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah and Jonah. Either in Mesopotamia, Canaan or Egypt, the Ancient Hebrews were Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian monotheists, who had to abandon their lands and emigrate in order to preserve their monotheistic faith and survive.

Above: Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh, containing the Flood myth; below: clay tablet from Babylon, praising Nebuchadnezzar as ‘king of justice’.

Pretty much like Abraham opposed Nimrud (mythologized as Gilgamesh) in Mesopotamia, Moses stood up to the Pharaoh of Egypt; subsequently, they both had to leave and settle elsewhere. Later, the spiritual, intellectual, cultural and linguistic Canaanization of the Ancient Hebrews, although strongly opposed by the prophets, was overwhelming. Finally, it led to the Assyrian conquest of Samaria (722 BCE), the transportation of the entire population of the Northern kingdom (Israel) to the NE provinces of Assyria, and the subsequent loss of the ten tribes, which have been later called ‘the ten lost tribes’; these developments were tantamount to salvation and they were prophesied as heralding their return (along with that of the Assyrians) at the End of Time. As it can be understood, these prophetic events have nothing to do with the Jews. The destruction of the smaller Southern kingdom (Judah) by Nebuchadnezzar (587 BCE) and the exile of the two tribes (: the Jews) to Babylonia brought about the end of the Ancient Hebrew religion of which minimal traces have been left down to our times.

Above: Abraham cast into fire by Nimrod, from Zubdat-al Tawarikh, a 1583 Ottoman manuscript; below: Nebuchadnezzar’s forces at the siege of Jerusalem, as depicted in a 10th-century Catalan manuscript

There was no Zionism in Ancient Israel; on the contrary, there was constant criticism of the Canaanization process by the prophets. All the liars and propagandists, who believe today that the Torah (Pentateuch) and the other books of the Tanakh {: the Modern Hebrew appellation of the Old Testament, consisting of three initials from Torah, Nevi’im (prophets), and the Ketuvim (‘writings’; i.e. all the other books, namely the ‘Sifrei Kodesh’/ ספרי קודש)} may have been preserved down to our times in the form in which they were initially written before the fall of Jerusalem (587 BCE), either foolishly forget or deliberately conceal the extent of the disaster and the dire conditions under which the exiled Jews had to move, cross a distance of about 1000 km, and reach the whereabouts of the Babylonian capital.

First, they were dispossessed of almost everything; second, they had minimal and primitive means of transportation; third, it is not certain (or even mentioned in any historical source) that they managed to transport with them at least one copy of the Old Testament; in addition, we still do not know the type of support on which it was written (tablets, papyri, etc.). The most plausible interpretation is that, since the Ark of the Covenant was not transported to Babylon (but lost), no significant monuments were taken by the departing Jews, who had to cross on foot a harsh and long terrain before reaching Mesopotamia.

Tablet containing part of the Neo-Babylonian Chronicle which covers the years 605-594 BCE of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign (605-562 BCE); the cuneiform text describes in brief the first conquest of Jerusalem and the surrender of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, in 597 BCE. It is a copy of the original tablet; approximate date: ca. 500 BCE; origin: Babylon, currently in the British Museum

VI. The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists

It is in 6th c. BCE Babylonia where the early manifestation of the Zionist organization can be attested as being in contact with the exiled Jews; as a matter of fact, the then Zionists were Babylonian polytheistic priests, who read the parts of the sacred texts that the Jews may have managed to bring with them (most probably in fragmentary form), heard their oral traditions, and assessed their broken spirituality and its high origin.

By selecting exiled Jewish laymen and by helping them write down their texts and oral traditions, the Babylonian Zionists first introduced several Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual, religious, intellectual and literary concepts in those texts, always adapting them to the Judaic/Jewish context, and second conditioned the value of the origin Biblical texts, as they appended them to secondary texts that were not due to divine inspiration but merely to explanatory intention. When the limits between divinely inspired text and human explanation were confused, the original religion (Ancient Hebrew religion) was altered and corrupted. Subsequently, a new religion (Judaism) emerged based on different books (and this case, the Old Testament, the Talmud, etc.). More importantly, extra texts and stories have been added, like the Table of Nations, which reflected already a clear Zionist (not Hebrew) purpose.

With the earlier Jewish rabbis executed and eliminated, a segment of the Babylonian polytheistic sacerdotal class converted to ‘Judaism’, as soon as it became obvious that they could dissimulate their origin and identity, while posturing as monotheists and having available the texts that would empower them to lay claim to Jerusalem. Their persistence in the importance of a selected soil had already been attested historically in Ancient Mesopotamia. One must see these developments within the wider spiritual, religious, intellectual and cultural context of the Neo-Sumerian, Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian, and Middle Assyrian-Babylonian times.

Several Ancient Assyrian monotheistic notions, concepts and worldviews, which had earlier caused incessant wars and long conflicts between the monotheist Assyrians and the polytheist Babylonians, were transferred in the extensively re-written ‘holy scriptures’ of the Jews by this Babylonian-‘Jewish’ polytheistic sacerdotal class. This was necessary because these evil spiritual-religious authorities would use them in a gravely altered, duly adapted and counterfeit form for the benefit of their worldview and eschatological attempt (due to the absence of the Ancient Assyrians and the ten tribes of Israel). This is how ancient Mesopotamian spiritual sciences, practices, techniques and exercises made their way into this totally anti-Hebrew, ‘Jewish’ religion, involving divination, magic, astronomy-astrology, the olfactory science and the sonar science (including mystical sonar formulas that are nowadays called ‘Kabbalah’).

The origin of these Babylonian-‘Jewish’ priests, mystics and wise elders should not be considered as necessarily Semitic, in striking contrast to the ancestry of the majority of the Babylonians. Mesopotamia had already had a very long past when the king Nebuchadnezzar brought the exiled population of Judah to Mesopotamia. Several non-Semitic nations had settled and at times ruled Babylon; notably, the Kassites (Kashu in Assyrian-Babylonian; Galzu in Kassite) descended from Zagros Mountains and took control of ‘Gate of God’ (Bab-Ili), after the Hittite conquest of Central Mesopotamia led by Mursili I (1596).

In fact, according to the 1st millennium BCE Babylonian king lists, the Kassite dynasty reigned (with capital at Dur-Kurigalzu; today’s Aqar Quf) for no less than 576 years; their effective rule started in 1595 BCE and ended ca. 1155 BCE, with the Elamite invasion and sack of Babylon by Shutruk Nakhunte. The fact that the Babylonian king lists included a period of reign much longer means that they included a period of tribal rule (before 1595 BCE) limited in South Zagros that the list authors considered as opposed to the Amorite (usually known as the First) dynasty of Babylon. This demonstrates a fully separate, tribal-national identity and self-consciousness; it means that the Kassites lived as an independent sect among the Babylonians, during and after the fall of the Kassite dynasty.  About:





Unfinished kudurru (border stele) from the end of the Kassite period, attributed to the reign of Melishipak (1186–1172 BCE); it was unearthed in Susa, where it had been taken as war booty by the invading Elamite army in the 12th c. BCE (Louvre, Paris)


Written by a Kassite Babylonian scribe in the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BCE, the Chronicle P (named after its first editor, the English Assyriologist T. G. Pinches) offers a very biased interpretation of the incessant conflicts between the Kassite Babylonian rulers and the Assyrian kings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronicle_P

Kudurru dated to the reign of Marduk-apla-iddina I (1171-1159 BCE)

Reverse of clay cuneiform tablet, EA (el Amarna) 9, letter from Kassite Babylonian king Burna-Buriaš II of Karduniash (the Kassite name of Babylon) to Nibḫurrereya (the Assyrian-Babylonian version of the Pharaonic name of Tutankhamun) today in the British Museum; el Amarna is the modern Egyptian name of the location of Akhetaton, the new Pharaonic capital founded by the monotheist Akhenaten in the 14th c. BCE. Vast documentation (named ‘Tel Amarna Letters’) was found in the Pharaonic archives there, including more than 380 letters exchanged between the then world’s major emperors and kings and the Egyptian pharaohs Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV (renamed Akhenaten after the inauguration of the new religion), and his successors. All the letters were written in cuneiform Assyrian-Babylonian, which was the World History’s first international language. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarna_letters




Seal of the Kassite Babylonian king Burna-Buriash II (1359–1333 BCE)

Molded baked-brick bas-relief of the temple of Ishtar, which was rebuilt by the Kassite Babylonian king Karaindaš in Uruk; ca. 1410 BCE

The zikkurat of Dur Kurigalzu, original Kassite capital in Babylonia (in today’s Aqar Quf)

Cylinder seal of the Kassite Babylonian king Kurigalzu II (1332–1308 BCE)

VII. The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh

The monotheist Assyrians considered the Kassites as an execrable abomination and they viewed their rule as an abhorrent desecration of Babylon, the holiest city of Mesopotamia; after the collapse of Kassite Babylonia, the Assyrians incessantly interfered in, and repeatedly invaded, Babylon in order to purify the land, re-sanctify the local elements, and eliminate the Kassite priests. As the Kassite and post-Kassite rise of ‘Marduk’ was a blasphemy and an outrage, the Assyrians made of Assur the universal and only God, whose emanations were all the other divinities; for the monotheist Assyrians, the Marduk could only be the Babylonian copy of Assur. It was therefore normal for them to attempt to eliminate the Kassite polytheistic priesthood whose blasphemous interpretation of the Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual heritage demanded terminal solution and physical annihilation.

As the subsequent alliance between Babylon and Elam strengthened the anti-Assyrian, anti-monotheist front, the Sargonids (722-609 BCE), empowered by Prophet Jonah’s preaching in Nineveh, managed to vanquish Elam and exterminate all the Elamites who did not early escape far to the East. But they could not do the same in the most ancient and most venerable, yet corrupted city of Babylon; they could only eliminate the evil Kassite priests. This was what they did continuously for no less than 500 years.

An extensive comparative religious study would reveal that the fundamental traits of Kassite and post-Kassite Marduk (and notably the anthropomorphic traits) have been passed onto Yahweh of the J (Jahwist) source of the Pentateuch. But the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses was «ilu» (the Assyrian-Babylonian word for «God»), which was rendered as Elohim in Ancient Hebrew, and that is why the E (Elohist) source of the Torah prevails in the earlier stages of the text.   

Above: Marduk depicted on a 9th c. BCE cylinder seal of the post-Kassite Babylonian king Marduk-zakir-shumi I; the god of the Kassite Babylonian polytheists appears mounted on his permanent companion, the fierce snake Mush-khushu (Mušḫuššu). Below: 8th c. BCE Neo-Assyrian seal showing a worshipper between Nabu and Marduk, standing on their servant dragons

The zikkurat Etemenanki (lit. ‘Temple of the foundation of Heaven and Earth’) and, further south, the temple Esagila (: ‘temple with the lofty top’); by placing the statue of Marduk in the temple, the Kassites desecrated Babylon.

Air view






It is easy now to reconstruct what truly took place among the exiled Jews in Babylonia; the old Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood decided to hijack the Biblical heritage by

– sacrilegiously introducing their abomination under another divine name of Egyptian origin (Iah), lunar ascendancy, and Theban trinitarian association (many traits of Khonsu are apparent in both, Iah and Yahweh),

– systematically instituting their favorite stories as ‘Biblical’ narratives (notably their vicious hatred against Ut Napishtim / Noah, their overt predilection for the Giants / Nephilim, their worthless account of Cain’s descendants, which is totally useless for anyone to know, and their deliberate forgery which became known under the name of Table of Nations), and

– expressly demonstrating a very vivid interest for, and obdurate persistence in, certain locations, local presence, and control of land.

For the Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood’s eschatological projections, the importance of the location was paramount, and for this purpose, they introduced the Zion fanaticism among the exiled Jews; however, this process did not impact them all, and we know very well that, after the Achaemenid Iranian conquest of Babylon (539 BCE), few Jews returned to their ancestral land. The same concerned also the Jews who had fled to, and settled in, Egypt at the times of Psamtik II (595-589 BCE) and Wahibre/Apries (589-570 BCE), because they continued living in Aswan and Elephantine Island (in the South) as well as in the Delta region, without any apparent interest in the ‘Promised Land’.

I have here to markedly underscore that this is very reasonable, because as I already stated, the ‘Return to the Promised Land’, as a constituent element of the Assyrian Cosmology-Eschatology and therefore of the Biblical prophecy, concerns only the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel – not the Jews.  

More importantly, we have full proof that, in later periods, the non-Zionist Jews attempted even to attract other Jews from Jerusalem and Judaea to Egypt; there were no sacred prophecy, no religious need, and no national imperative for the Jews to further stay in Judaea/Palestine. This becomes evident thanks to the story of the land and the temple of Onias (Honiyyo) IV, the Zadokite high priest, who had a Jewish temple built in his name (ca. 170-150 BCE), near Iwnw (Heliopolis), Egypt’s most sacred site and most venerable temple–center of the Ennead, i.e. the Ancient Egyptian monotheism. He found it sensible to invite Jews from Judaea to settle there. It is not therefore strange that the Talmud and the Zionist Roman Jew Flavius Josephus contain many insults against Onias IV.

An important document of the Jewish community at the Elephantine Island, in Aswan, written in Imperial Aramaic; it is dated in the 17th year of reign of Darius II (407 BCE). Yedoniah and other priests dispatched this letter to Bagavahya (Bagoas), the Achaemenid Iranian governor of Judah, in order to demand his permission to rebuild the Jewish temple at the island, because it was destroyed by the Egyptians.

The southern end of the Elephantine Island where the Jewish temple was located

Marriage contract between Ananiah and Tamut (449 BCE); another document from the Elephantine Aramaic papyri (today in the Brooklyn Museum)

Zionism spread gradually among all Jewish communities as early as the Achaemenid times (550-330 BCE); the Maccabees (family of Mattathias ben Johanan) and the Pharisees (Prusim; priests) were controlled by the Zionist group that tried to infiltrate all the Jews in Palestine, Syria, Anatolia, Egypt and elsewhere. It is quite interesting that, following the Zionist-Jahwist infiltration, the Jews of Elephantine built a temple to Yahweh, also attaching to his cult that of his consort, the goddess Anat. About:




John Merlin Powis Smith, The Jewish Temple at Elephantine

The Biblical World, Vol. 31, No. 6 (Jun., 1908), pp. 448-459 (12 pages)









VIII. The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism  

Pretty much like the Kassites were a different ethnicity from the Semitic Babylonians, the Zionists who entered into mixed marriages with the exiled Jews formed a totally separate ethnic group. The few Kassite nouns and words that have been saved in cuneiform Babylonian texts do not allow us to form a conclusive opinion as regards the linguistic family and the ethnic group to which they belonged; selected Kassite nouns seem to be of Indo-European origin, but other words appear to have affinities with Turanian languages. The early settlements of the Kassites in the region of Zagros Mountains make it probable for them to have maintained contacts with other, closely related tribes and clans in Central Asia from where they seem to have originated.  

In their type of relationship with the land of their ancestors in Central Asia, the Kassites seem to have had predecessors and successors, namely tribal populations, which -despite their partly settlement in Mesopotamia- maintained contact with their relatives in their land of origin. Forerunners of the Kassites were certainly the Guti (known as Gutium in Sumerian), who played in 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia exactly the same role that the Kassites carried out during the 2nd millennium BCE: the blasphemous, ominous and sacrilegious non-humans who corrupt and destroy the principles, concepts and structures of civilization.

Inscription of Lugal-Anne-Mundu, king of Adab (a major Sumerian city near the modern town of Bismaya in Wasit, Iraq), who reigned for ca. 90 years in the 25th c. BCE; the text is a later copy from the reign of Ammi-Saduqa of Babylonia (17th c. BCE). Stating that he conquered the “four quarters of the world”, the Sumerian king enumerates the kingdoms and the peoples he subdued, mentioning the Guti among them. Their location was between Subartu (the Mesopotamian North) and Marhashe and Elam (in the Southeast), so clearly somewhere in the Middle-South Zagros Mountains.

Sar-e Pol-e Zohab, Western Iran near the Iraqi border: rock relief of Anubanini, king of the tribal realm of Lullubi in the 23rd c. BCE (at the time of Naram Sin of Akkad); Lullubi was part of the wider world of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization. The inscription (partly damaged during the Iran-Iraq war), written in Akkadian (: the earliest form of Assyrian-Babylonian), details the victory of the tribal ruler over a series of enemies in the Zagros Mountains. Anubanini evokes his faith to Inanna (: Sumerian equivalent of the Assyrian-Babylonian Ishtar) and to many other Sumerian-Akkadian aspects of divinity. The rock relief shows Anubanini trampling an enemy, most probably a Guti. A later (18th – 17th c. BCE) epic, known today as Cuthean Legend of Naram-Sin, which was named ‘tupshenna pitema’ (ṭupšenna pitēma; ‘Open the tablet box’) at the time, mentions the wars undertaken by Anubanini against the barbarian and unclean Guti,

Anubanini rock relief (photo taken by Ernst Herzfeld in 1913

The inscription of the Anubanini rock relief; about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuthean_Legend_of_Naram-Sin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubanini




Votive mace head of the Guti king La-erabum (ca. 2150 BCE) from Sippar, South Iraq; the inscription reads “La-eraab, great King of Guti” (la-e-ra-ab da-num lugal gutiim).

The Guti are mentioned also in the tablet of Lugalannatum (ca. 2130 BCE), who was the local ruler (‘patesi’) of the city-state of Umma (today’s Tell Jokha in the province Dhi Qar, in South Iraq). About: https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/articles/cdlb/2015-2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lugalannatum


The parallels are incredible; in the same manner the sinful and impious Kassites contaminated Babylon in the early 16th c. BCE, the wicked Guti desecrated Akkad (‘Agade’ in Assyrian-Babylonian), the world’s first universal and imperial capital of Sargon (Sharrukin) of Akkad at the end of the 23rd c. BCE. The Guti infiltration caused the ‘malediction of Akkad’ by Ishtar, the fall of the universal Akkadian Empire, and the Flood. This ‘curse’ is not only a spiritual fact, but also a critical historical text that details the collapse of the earliest Semitic rule at the end of the reign of Naram Sin (2254-2218 BCE), son of Rimush and grandson of Sargon of Akkad.

In the Malediction of Akkad (Old Babylonian edition, verses 140-155), it is stated that «the good sense left Agade», «Agade’s intelligence was removed», and «Enlil, the roaring storm that subjugates the entire land, the rising deluge that cannot be confronted, was considering what should be destroyed», whereas the Guti are described as «an unbridled people, with human intelligence but canine instincts and monkeys’ features». About:













For the time being and on the basis of hitherto found, studied and published texts, we cannot affirm that there is an ethnic connection between the Guti and the Kassites; their respective languages are scarcely known and only some nouns and words survived from both of them, written in cuneiform Akkadian (: Assyrian-Babylonian) texts. But on account of their vice, profanity, and barbarism, we can deduce that their behavioral resemblance may be possibly due to a tribal affinity that can be traced back to their land of origin somewhere in Central Asia or even Mongolia, Central and Eastern Siberia.

Similarly with the Kassites, the Guti had targeted the Mesopotamian civilization, descending from Middle Zagros (where they had first settled), raiding cities, and profaning whatever they touched; their control of Mesopotamia lasted almost a century (2141 – ca. 2050 BCE). As it happened following the collapse of Kassite Babylonia, after the fall of their rule, the Guti left bad memories that the Neo-Sumerians, notably Ur-Nammu (2112-2094 BCE) and the rulers of the Third Dynasty of Ur, as well as the Assyrians-Babylonians never forgot. About:



The association of the Guti with the Flood, which was first prophesied in Sumerian and Akkadian texts, then came to pass as an overwhelming event, and later was amply narrated in Assyrian-Babylonian historical, cosmological, and mythological texts, is of cardinal importance; in fact, the abominable deeds of the Guti were the true reason for the Flood. The limits of the present article do not allow me to expand further, but I have to point out that the narrative differences between the Sumerian and the Assyrian-Babylonian sacred texts about the Flood (notably Atrahasis, the Eridu Genesis, Gilgamesh, the Instructions of Shuruppak, etc.) and the Biblical story are in reality due to the perversion of the Kassite Babylonian-‘Jewish’ polytheistic sacerdotal class that we can describe as ‘Zionist priesthood’.

Above: cylinder seal of Ur-Nammu, founder of the Third Dynasty of Ur (Neo-Sumerian period), bearing an inscription part of which reads: “Ur-Nammu, the Great man, King of Ur”; below: stele of Ur-Nammu found in Ur in 1927 (currently in Penn Museum): only the lower part of the Sumerian king’s body is seen, as he is depicted standing in front of Nanna (Sumerian equivalent of Sin, who was symbolized by the Moon) and the Holy Tree.

Ur-Nammu’s Code of Laws: the oldest in World History About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Ur-Nammu and https://cdli-gh.github.io/year-names/HTML/T6K1.htm

Fully adjusted to their interests, the Biblical account is composed in a way to obscure the truth that the Guti did indeed survive during the Flood due to the full support offered to them by their masters, namely the Giants. This explains the force of the words that the Assyrians and the Babylonians used in order to describe the Guti so negatively, so badly and so pejoratively. The only reason for which the Assyrian and Babylonian monotheists, namely the high priests, the spiritual mystics and the wise scholars of Nineveh, Babylon and so many other high places, reviled the Guti, the Kassites and the Elamites so strongly is related to the sacrilege, the uncleanness, and the inhumanity that they discerned in those evil races. It is obvious that, in this context, ‘unclean’ refers to blood and semen; the use of the term involves the foremost transgression, therefore implying sexual intercourse with non-humans.

IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great   

Located in Central Asia, the forefathers of the Guti and the Kassites seem to have had an affinity with the clan of Gog which was mentioned few times in the Bible (Genesis 10:2; 1 Chronicles 5:4; Ezekiel 38:1-23; 39:1-29). The Old Testament has indeed only brief references to this clan; the bulk of them are to be found in the Book of Ezekiel, in the description of a clearly eschatological event. However, the ancient wickedness perpetrated by Gog, which may/might have been included in the original Biblical text, was duly erased from the text.

The Book of Ezekiel, which was composed and circulated in an early form in the 6th c. BCE, is the only Old Testament text that offers an insight into the end times’ clash between Israel (namely the ten lost tribes/ not the Jews) and the alliance set up by (the offspring of) Gog. This eschatological narrative may have played a role in the Kassite Babylonian polytheistic priests’ decision to convert to Judaism, impersonate the Jews, and thus effectively ‘transform’ themselves (and their scattered and unclean nation) into ‘Jews’, i.e. a ‘Chosen People’ supposedly predestined to ‘return’ to their ‘Promised Land’; this evildoing would and actually did function as the perfect smokescreen throughout ages. In this manner, the viciously anti-Semitic, Zionist priesthood of the unclean tribes or nations would posture as a Semitic, pious, and clean people that was chosen by God.  

It is however in the literary-epic-eschatological masterpiece that is conventionally known under the name ‘Alexander Romance’, and more particularly in the Syriac version (which is denoted rather as the ‘Syriac Alexander Legend’), as well as in a great multitude of valuable Islamic sources, that we first come across with the true identification of Gog (and ‘Magog’; in Arabic Yajuj and Majuj; يأجوج ومأجوج) and the characterization of this ‘ethnic group’ as an abhorrently ‘unclean nation’. With this enormous amount of textual narratives we reach the third historical stage of the impious, inhuman and sacrilegious populations (in Greek: ρυπαρά γένη); Gog is the apparent spiritual-intellectual-behavioral continuity of the Guti and the Kassites whose origin was, as I already said, in Central Asia. Due to the aforementioned abundant sources, we have a remarkable insight into what prevented the unclean nations from advancing their evildoing prior to the End of Times. I have however to add at this point that all the existing references to Gog are not historical, but either mythological or eschatological. About:









The profane pattern, the cultural rejection, and the civilizational abjuration of the Guti and the Kassites had become a constant parameter of the Assyrian-Babylonian History; irrespective of the monotheist opposition that these impious and inhuman populations generated, the faithful followers of monotheism and the numerous pious emperors encountered always great difficulty to prevent the infiltration in their state, the amalgamation with other nations, and the dissimulation undertaken by the evil and impious nations. This situation lasted from the end of the 3rd millennium BCE to the end of the 4th c. BCE, during the Neo-Sumerian times (2112-2004 BCE), the Old Assyrian times (2025-1701 BCE), the Old Babylonian times (2003-1595 BCE), the Middle Assyrian times (1700-1364 BCE), the Neo-Assyrian times (1363-722), the Sargonid Empire (722-609 BCE) and the Achaemenid Iranian Empire (550-330 BCE).

Representation of the monster of Gog and Magog from a miniature of the Walters manuscript W659190B: copy of the famous geographer and cosmographer Zakariya al-Qazwini’s masterpiece ‘Wonders of the Creation and Oddities of the Existence’ (Aja’ib al-makhluqat wa-ghara’ib al-mawjudat; عجائب المخلوقات وغرائب الموجودات) that was composed in the middle of the 13th c. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aja%27ib_al-Makhluqat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakariya_al-Qazwini

Alexander builds the wall against Gog and Magog; miniature of a manuscript of Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa (Quintet), ca. 1580-1590

The erection of the wall against Gog and Magog

Led by their Master, namely Satan, the unclean nations Gog and Magog attack and finally take hold of the Holy City: Miniature from the Russian book «Апокалипсис трехтолковый» (Apokalipsis trekhtolkoviy/The Apocalypse of Three Senses; chapter 63: ‘About Goz and Magoz’) that was printed in the Moscow Printing House of the Old Believers 1909; the miniature was taken from a manuscript of the first half of the 17th c. This Russian miniature reminds us that, according to several Christian Orthodox traditions, the unclean nations were expected to occupy Jerusalem for the span of one generation prior to the End of Times. The recurrent theme of the naked or quasi-naked appearance of the unclean nations in representations produced in different cultural, religious and artistic environments is not due to a certain artistic invention but to a historical hint; it reveals that the origin of their uncleanness was a lawless intercourse. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Believers

Emperor Theophilos of the Eastern Roman Empire (Θεόφιλος; reigned 829-842) as portrayed in the miniature of a manuscript of John Skylitzes’ Chronicle (Σύνοψις Ἱστοριῶν), which was written 200 years later. The basileus is meaningfully depicted as protected by two Varangian soldiers, who were rumored to be representatives of Gog and Magog. The rumors reveal however how falsehood is diffused by secret societies; evildoers project onto others what they inherently are, thus exempting themselves from the evil that inhabits them.

Gog and Magog today as per the intuition of a Russian artist; from: https://golosislama.com/news.php?id=4979

Details from the Catalan Atlas (1375), which is currently in the Bibliothèque Nationale, in Paris; this part of the map shows the land named ‘Gog i Magog’; there, we see the local king riding his horse while the people of the land follow in a procession. Quite interestingly, the map also includes a representation of Alexander’s Gate, Alexander himself, and the Antichrist (upside down), whereas the mechanical trumpeters herald the forthcoming ages. The eschatological dimension of the topic is ostensible.

Gog and Magog eating people; miniature from a 14th c. manuscript, fol. 60v, 63v, 65, leaves containing recension of Thomas de Kent, Roman de toute chevalerie (1308-1312), Bibliothèque nationale de France (24364); the recurrent theme of nakedness of the unclean nations is attested here as well.

The Alexander Romance is deliberately a most disrespected, most disregarded, and most evaded historical text that offers expansive description of how the Macedonian king Alexander the Great invaded Achaemenid Iran and substituted himself to the Achaemenid Shah in order to carry out the work that Cyrus I, Cambyses, Darius I and Xerxes I had failed to implement. The marvelous work involved the erection of a wall to separate the impious nations from Iran and the rest of the world. Around this narrative nucleus revolve many other mythical topics that reflect historical events in symbolic manner. It goes without saying that Alexander’s wall against Gog and Magog was a formidable spiritual obstacle that the impious nations would be unable to overcome until the End of Time.

The mystical wall of Alexander the Great has nothing to do with what centuries later proved to be the World History’s greatest monument after the Great Wall of China, namely the Great Wall of Gorgan; the majestic Sassanid imperial defense system, which is more than 200 km long, was built in the 5th and 6th c. CE, but during the Islamic times, it was often confused with Alexander’s wall against Gog and Magog because the location of the impious nations was thought to be in parts of Central Asia beyond Gorgan and more specifically around the northern coastlands of the Caspian Sea. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_Gorgan

The confusion of the Sassanid imperial wall with the mystical wall erected by the Macedonian King and Iranian Emperor Alexander the Great was overwhelming in the Islamic literature and art; however, this fact does not change in anything the functionality of the spiritual wall, which was erected in order to obstruct the Zionist scheme and to prevent the Kassite Babylonian polytheistic priests from achieving the targets of the secret plan that started with their conversion to Judaism, the formation of the class of the Prusim/Pharisees priests, and the elaboration of the paradoxical (as per the Ancient Hebrew religion’s criteria) books of Judaism (Talmud, Mishnah, etc.).

X. Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus  

At this point, I have to make it clear that one must never confuse the sacrilegious priesthood with the impious nation; the Kassite Babylonian polytheists, who impersonated the Jewish priests and carried out an extensive amalgamation -and therefore corruption- project due to intermarriages between the exiled Jews and the Guti and Kassite residents in 6th c. BCE Babylonia, were the evil ruling class that consciously implemented an eschatological plan to desecrate the Mankind and in the process destroy the Earth; the hijacked and corrupted nation was a mere tool in the priesthood’s hands.

As they intended to turn selected individuals from other nations into impious humans and corrupt beings, they ordered the mass conversion of the Kassite Babylonians to Judaism and they undertook the establishment of a network of small communities made up by amalgamated Babylonian Jews (i.e. fake Jews). After the formation of regular contact with their nucleus that had remained in the ancestral land (in Central Asia), the Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood started customarily dispatching numerous representatives (disguised as merchants) to faraway locations (Anatolia, Black Sea coastlands, Carthage, Western Mediterranean, etc.). The leading role played by the Aramaeans in the network of commercial roads within and beyond the Achaemenid Iran facilitated this process, because Aramaic, which has linguistic affinities with Babylonian and Ancient Hebrew, had already become a lingua franca from Western Anatolia to India to Central Asia. 

Within the vast Achaemenid Empire and, thanks to the emergence of the trade routes between China, India, East Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea, it became very easy and considerably safe for the amalgamated Babylonian ‘Jews’ to move across great distances. As many Jews had already relocated to different countries (notably to Egypt, but also in Media, as the Book of Tobit credibly informs us), the amalgamated Babylonian Jews were not easily accepted as genuine by the true Jews, and these developments generated divisions, strives, conflicts and killings.  

Diverse sources document these quarrels that lasted for hundreds of years and can be attested within Jewish or Christian religious environments. A typical example is offered by the Book of Revelation, in which (chapter 3) the Early Christian Church of Philadelphia (modern city of Alaşehir, near Magnesia/Manisa, Western Turkey) is mentioned (3:9; New International Version/NIV) as it follows: “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you”.

The Cave of the Apocalypse where John the Apostle, according to the Fathers of the Christian Church, wrote the Book of the Revelation

The composition of the Talmud and the other ‘sacred’ books of the so-called Talmudic-Rabbinic Judaism had basically one target, namely to ‘de-Hebraicize’ and ‘de-Semitize’ (and therefore Zionize) the religion of the genuine Jews, i.e. to totally eliminate the Semitic, Ancient Hebrew, monotheist nature of their religion and to greatly minimize the value and the validity of the Mosaic Law among them. Subsequently, the original Biblical spirituality, faith, and religion were indeed replaced by an endless talk about them; this was indeed a drastic and most calamitous change of religion, because the religious event itself lost its spiritual importance in the minds and the hearts of the believers, as it was supplanted by the rational, explanatory talk about it.

Representation of the “magnificent Persian-style villa” in Nehardea (Central Mesopotamia, then part of the Sassanid Empire of Iran) where the leading Talmudist and exilarch Rav Huna (216-297 CE) of the Pumbedita Talmudic Academy used to receive “the elders of the community”, teach Halakha, Aggadah, etc., and write further parts of the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli). Only in the first half of the 4th c., during the days of Abba ben Joseph bar Hama (known as Rava), the Talmudic Academy was transferred to Mahoze, as it was the Jewish Babylonian Aramaic name of Tesifun/Ctesiphon (today’s Al Mada’in), the second Sassanid imperial capital. From the Diaspora Museum (formerly known as Beit Hatfutsot; בית התפוצות) in Tel Aviv. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehardea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumbedita

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumbedita_Academy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmudic_academies_in_Babylonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rav_Huna





In this manner, due to their ethnic amalgamation with the Kassite Babylonian Zionists and following their religious alteration, the Jews turned out to be real ‘Goyim’ (Gentiles). For this reason, from that period (late Achaemenid and early Seleucid times), the Zionist Jews and their priesthood started an enormous effort in order to establish, propagate, and convince the other nations about the supposedly great, dramatic differentiation between them (self-styled as the ‘Chosen People’) and all the rest (goyim). It goes without saying that the supposed differentiation involved tons of arrogance, self-praise, and absurdity about those fake Jews’ supposed ‘superiority’.

The effort was entirely nonsensical and spiritually irrelevant; when the true Mosaic Law and the monotheist faith in Elohim prevailed among the Ancient Hebrews, they rightfully boasted about their acts, deeds and cult that made them different from the other nations. When post-exilic Jews lost their ethnic and religious identity, integrity, piety and purity, their supposed difference from the other nations was an outrageous lie and an evident expression of vicious hatred of the others. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy

That is why Flavius Josephus had to expand on the hypothetical (?) meeting between Alexander the Great and the (post-exilic Kassite Babylonian Zionist Jewish) high priest in Jerusalem; writing after a long period of clashes, uprising, rivalry and enmity between the Seleucids and the Maccabees, the Roman-Jewish military leader, renegade and historian was a consummate Zionist. By presenting Alexander the Great as expressing respect to the Zionist Pharisee, who was in charge of the edifice founded by Zerubbabel (זְרֻבָּבֶל‏‎) at the end of the 6th c. BCE, Josephus attempted to discredit the illustrious Seleucid imperial tradition and the staunch Seleucid Anti-Zionism, which in reality was a form of esteem and approbation of the Assyrian and Hebrew Biblical monotheism. About:







Zerubbabel rebuilds the temple; from 15th c. manuscript miniature of the Secreta secretorum (ff. 1-43)

It is interesting that the person of Zerubbabel gave birth to a 7th c. CE Rabbinical Apocalyptic literature of extreme anti-Christian and anti-Constantinopolitan rage. In the Book of Zerubbabel (ספר זרובבל/Sefer Zerubavel; also known as Apocalypse of Zerubbabel), Virgin Mary is explicitly insulted, the Christian Church slandered, and Emperor Heraclius is presented (by means of the anagram ‘Armilus’) as the true precursor of the Talmudic Antichrist. In this regard, Heraclius’ prophecy about the return of the Eastern Romans to Syria at the End of Time, as it is preserved in Tabari’s History, becomes highly meaningful. As you can easily understand in the light of the above mentioned, Armilus is associated with Gog by the author of the Sefer Zerubavel! About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_of_Zerubbabel https://pages.charlotte.edu/john-reeves/research-projects/trajectories-in-near-eastern-apocalyptic/sefer-zerubbabel/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armilus

All the same, the author of the Jewish Antiquities (Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία) needed apparently to portray (in the 11th book) the outstanding Anti-Zionist emperor as respectful of the anti-Hebrew and anti-Biblical cleric. This need may have been due to the early diffusion of mythological-eschatological narratives and oral traditions about the grand opus of Alexander the Great (namely the Alexander Romance). Many modern scholars and researchers date the earliest existing manuscripts back to the 3rd c. CE, but this date appears to be very late. The earliest traditions must go back to the early Seleucid times; these eschatological traditions must have made of Seleucid Antioch a most loathed capital for the Zionist Pharisees and the Kassite Babylonian Jewish converts. Contrary to what most historians believe, the rivalry was not religious, ethnic, cultural or imperial of nature; it was eschatological.

In addition, Josephus tried to depict Alexander the Great as the authenticator (or validator) of the Jewish Talmudic tradition; by stating that the respect was not personal but due to Jaddua’s tradition, heritage and religion, Josephus’ Alexander, as an ahistorical construct, gives substantive credit to 4th c. BCE Judaism, by offering to the distorted religion’s clerics an antiquity and an authenticity that were not theirs. 

XI. Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans  

The Romans proved to be fools by thinking that the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the kingdom of Judah would solve the problem; actually, the ‘problem’ was not the existence of the Jews in the Roman Empire, but the iniquitous presence of the Kassite Babylonian converts among the Jews. Without taking into account the increasing number of intermarriages between Jews and fake Jews (Guti-Kassite-Gog) and without uprooting the Talmudic Zionist priesthood of Pharisees, no one could put an end to all the troubles caused by that secret society. Unfortunately, only Jesus was shrewd enough and able to denounce the Pharisees in public; in parallel, he rejected any attitude similar that of the Sicarii (Zealots).

These facts fully demonstrate what happened at the time; the acts of the Sicarii triggered the Roman conquest and destruction of Jerusalem. Then, Jesus’ stance reveals that the Talmudic Zionist Pharisees had always the tendency to aptly utilize terrorists for their benefit; this mentality is inherent to them. One can be sure that by all means there was no parallel between Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest (587 BCE) and Titus’ invasion (70 CE) of Judah and Jerusalem. Important manuscripts, valuable books, and numerous cult items must have been taken out of the besieged city and transported to safe locations either within the Roman Empire or in Parthian Mesopotamia where the bulk of the fake Jews and the Kassite Babylonian Talmudic rabbis lived in peace and prospered.

Above: the so-called ‘Tower of Babel stele’, excavated by the German Assyriologist Robert Koldewey in 1911, shows Nebuchadnezzar standing in front of a miniature of the great zikkurat Etemenanki of Babylon. Below: fired mudbrick bearing cuneiform inscription with the name and titles of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon

Titus (Titus Caesar Vespasianus; reigned 79-81 CE); Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem was commemorated in Rome, and the booty was depicted in reliefs on the Arch of Titus.

As a matter of fact, the Roman military action played into the Pharisees’ game. The generalization of the anti-Jewish oppression throughout the Roman Empire put an end to the cosmopolitan Jews and the Sadducee priesthood that was the only real rival of the Pharisees, the repository of the Ancient Hebrew spiritual, religious and cultural tradition, and the major institution representing the clean, non-Zionist, Jews. A major spiritual and intellectual figure of the Sadducees was Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE – 50 CE; known as Yedidiyah ha-Alexandri in Hebrew); his teachings, doctrine and worldview stood at the very antipodes of those of the Zionist Pharisees, going rather in the same direction as the concepts, tenets, and deeds of several Gnostic mystics, and of all those who could be then described as spiritual ancestors of Modern Freemasonry.

Another catastrophic consequence of the Roman military action was the extinction of the Essenes, a sect of repentant Jews, who apparently understood much of what had been done to their hapless ancestors when they were exiled in Babylonia. For this very reason, rituals of purification were incessantly performed among them; the Essenes (אִסִּיִים‎; Isiyim) concluded that it was crucial and vital for all Jews to perform purification rituals and to thus break with the unclean amalgamation, counterfeit spirituality, and blasphemous tradition that had appeared among their ancestors at the time of the Babylonian exile. As one could easily expect, the Zionist rage and hatred of the Essenes was always unrestrainable; it so remains today. Example:


Consequently, to eliminate the real problem, a Roman Emperor would have to invade Mesopotamia where the Babylonian Talmud was being composed. This military target was achieved by Trajan (113-116 CE), but apparently this great ruler (who also fought against the ‘Jews’) did not have a clue about the long-term threat originating from that seemingly small and powerless college of Zionist priests.

In fact, the destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE) by the Romans, which is absolutely unrelated to the eschatological prophecy uttered by Jesus and recorded in the Gospels, helped both, the Zionist Pharisee priests to completely prevail among the Jews and the Kassite Babylonian converts to further infiltrate into the remaining clean communities of the Jewish Diaspora.

More: https://www.parthava.org/2023/04/23/roman-parthian-wars/

This means that, until the emergence of Roman Christianity and the rise of Islam, the bulk of the Zionist fake Jewish priests were active mainly in Asia, revolving around the Silk Road, and interacting with various elites in Iran, Mesopotamia, and Central Asia; however, they were never able to substantially advance their scheme. In other words, like the predecessors of the Freemasons and the Jesuits, the forerunners of the Zionists were located in the Orient – or, if you prefer, in the East.

XII. Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism  

During the successive Turanian migrations and invasions of Europe, which occurred throughout the Late Antiquity (539 BCE – 622 CE), we notice the beginning of what can be described as the major Zionist leap to the West; after the dissolution of the First Turkic Khaganate, the unclean tribes (already known as Gog and Magog among the then Christians) intermingled with the Khazars, entering into mixed marriages and becoming integral part of the nomad nation. This development enabled them to improve their position in Mesopotamia, namely the central province of the Islamic Caliphate (where they had lived for thousands of years), to impact the developments in the Islamic World, to infiltrate the Eastern Roman Empire, and to present themselves as potential allies of various rulers. About:





The narrative about the Khazar conversion to Islam (around 800 CE) reflects only the resolute intention of the old Guti-Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood to usher their unclean populations and communities to the next stage of eschatological scheme and to start moving to the west, settle in Europe, and further intermingle with the remaining clean Jews. It is therefore not strange that the ethnonym ‘Ashkenazim’ was given to the descendants of the Khazars; in Hebrew, it means ‘Scythian’. The Gog had already been associated to ‘Scythians’ in many sources, and the same occurred in the case of the Khazars.

Following this brief presentation, one understands clearly that when we, today, make the distinction between Ashkenazim Khazarians and Sephardic Jews, we rather approach the topic in an apparently conventional manner. In reality, the forefathers of the Ashkenazim, namely the Guti-Kassite Babylonian priests, had already implemented a vast amalgamation plan, arranging intermarriages of the exiled Jews in Babylonia with their unclean tribes that had settled there one millennium earlier; the plan was carried out incessantly ever since.

Western Turkic Khaganate (603-742 CE) and Eastern Turkic Khaganate (603-645 CE) as they emanated from the First Turkic Khaganate (552–603 CE)

The plan for contamination and desecration of the Jews and the extraordinary attachment to the ‘Promised Land’, Jerusalem and Zion are eschatologically crucial because, contrarily to all other nations, the Guti were not the descendants of Ut Napishtim / Noah. By impersonating the Jews (and therefore the ‘Chosen People’), the Zionists intend to occupy Palestine (that they called ‘Israel’, not ‘Judah’) and the wider Middle East (which is now called ‘Greater Israel’) in order to oppose the prophesied return of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel. As per the directives of their eschatological plans, they have nowhere else to go.

Khazar-Ashkenazi monument with representation of the menorah, unearthed in Sarkel, a fortress built (ca. 830-840 CE) with the help of the Eastern Romans on the left bank of the lower Don River in today’s Rostov Oblast, Russia. About: http://www.hagahan-lib.ru/library/hazariya-v-krosskulturnom-prostranstve-istoricheskaya-geografiya-krepostnaya-arhitektura-vibor-veri25.html




https://www.dasanderemittelalter.net/news/a-jewish-empire/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulan_(Khazar)

The clash between the three secret societies (Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists) is not a confrontation of interests, but a conflict among three eschatological strategies (or schemes); it takes the form of covert war between the unclean nations (namely Gog and Magog, controlled by the Zionists), and the descendants of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel, who are fooled and subdued by the Freemasons and the Jesuits. The modalities of the conflict involve also reciprocal infiltration among these organizations, splits of the three secret societies, and superposition of agendas.  

However, the essence of the confrontation is not only about the outcome of the end times; it is also the reflection of ages-old disputes that shaped World History. In fact, everything that happens today and more particularly the plans that are being now worked out, all are parameterized to events that took place in Mesopotamia and Egypt before 5000 years; for this reason, the slightest details of the past can matter greatly. For this reason, the overwhelming focus on, and the fallacious propaganda about, the so-called Greco-Roman world and the Judeo-Christian civilization, function merely as the smokescreen, preventing average people to understand the true origin of the conflict. In this regard, the diverse surprises comprised in the Book of Daniel may only confirm first, the importance of Alexander’s mystical deed, which was deliberately discredited as a ‘myth’ or even banned from our world, and second, the evocation of the Seleucid omen. That is why the ‘burden of Damascus’ will surely remain unfathomable for today’s fake Jews, as long as Syria is not in the right hands.

In a forthcoming article, I will reveal how important the Seleucid heritage will prove to be in the forthcoming, inevitable termination of the present world order and of the postdiluvian life that the true humans were forced to implacably experience due to their earlier inexcusable sins.


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Palestinians vs. Israelis: 11 Hidden Historical Truths about a Futile War

As I have been submerged by emails and questions sent by many friends, who asked me details about the ongoing war in Palestine/Israel, I decided to reply to all at once, by clarifying the major historical issues and religious factors that determine this conflict, which is predestined to bring the world to its knees one day or another.

Khazar coin from the Spillings Hoard recently found in Gotland, Sweden’s largest island (ca. 800 CE); the Arabic inscription reads “Moses is the messenger of God” in contrast to the typical Islamic coinage “Muhammad is the messenger of God”. Khazars and their offspring, namely the Ashkenazim, were not Hebrews and have therefore no right to the Promised Land. Even more importantly, their acceptance of Judaism seems to have been entirely false and deceitful.

I. No Religion subsists without Moral, and no Nation exists due to Fake History

The Palestinian problem is not an ethnic conflict and has no trait of religious war. This is so because neither the Palestinians have an ethnic identity nor the Israelis have a religion; for the former, few words of self-identification backed by compact ignorance do not constitute the expression of proper nation building; for the latter, theatrical performances supposedly of religious character do not consist in a religion.

No one is going to win this war, and when peace will be made, the World History’s most nefarious moments will start unfolding. A regrettable peace is by all means an unsolicited development. Fooled by pernicious propaganda, deceived by leaders and allies, attached to fake promises, and overwhelmed by delusions, people kill and are killed purposelessly due to the historical falsehood with which they have been indoctrinated, i.e. intoxicated.

When confusion prevails, no one has a clue of what truly happened in the past; this means that what he thinks that it happened in the past is rather a delusion necessary only to his indoctrination and to those who manipulate him for their own plans that they keep secret; there is no truth in such beliefs and convictions.

No human has the right to judge a disbeliever, who abhors even to speak about the Hereafter; men are not a substitute for God. Killing others without knowing either one’s own identity or the enemy’s is not a task entrusted by God but a madness assigned by the Evil. Only a fake believer thinks that he came to this world in order to kill others; but by so doing, he loses the Hereafter that he says that he believes in.

What is then the difference between two enemies of whom the first does not believe in God and in the Spiritual Universe, and the second says that he believes in, but acts as if he does not?

II. 11 Points of Historical Clarification about the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

In the present succinct presentation, I will only enumerate and briefly refute the lies spread and believed worldwide about the so-called ‘Palestinian Problem’. In fact, the quasi-totality of Mankind has no clue of what is going on there; instead, totally false narratives are systematically diffused in order to obscure and conceal the reality.

Point 1: the Israelis are not ethnically Hebrew

The Ancient Hebrews were Semites; Abraham was a Babylonian from Southern Mesopotamia who left his country, followed the trade road to Southern Canaan, crossed Euphrates River near Harran (SE Turkey) and proceeded southwestwards. His offspring made their way to Egypt only to later leave that country and settle in Southern Canaan. Ancient Hebrew is a Northwestern Semitic language very close to Canaanite languages and to Phoenician. Modern Israelis are a composite society; they are made of a) Sephardic Jews, who are the descendants of the Ancient Jews of Late Antiquity, and of b) Ashkenazim Khazarians, who have Turco-Mongolian affinities. Not a drop of Hebrew blood can be found in the veins of the Ashkenazim.

Point 2: the Israelis are not religiously Hebrew

Ashkenazim Khazarians and Sephardic Jewish Israelis pretend to be Jewish of religion; this is very critical, because their claim to the land of Palestine, which is the southern part of Canaan, is based on exclusively religious considerations, beliefs and excerpts. However, from the moment of the establishment of the state of Israel (1948) down to our days, under the scheme of ‘politics’, ‘democracy’, ‘civil rights’, ‘human rights’ and many other evil Modern European concepts, a great number of laws made it possible for the inhabitants of the so-called ‘Jewish’ state to live in a deeply ‘anti-Jewish’ manner and to have ‘right’ to what for the Ancient Biblical standards is a lethal sin, an abominable act, and a blasphemous abomination. As per the norms of the Ancient Hebrew religion that the Israelis evoke to justify their claim to their land, hundreds of thousands or even millions of Israelis must be immediately executed for extreme disbelief, appalling fornication, and foremost atrocities.

Point 3: ‘Judaism’ is not identical to the Ancient Hebrew religion

The Ancient Hebrew religion is the faith of Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Jonah; it existed as long as the Hebrews prospered and lived in Southern Canaan; it is essential to take into consideration that the three pillars of the Ancient Hebrew religion were the Kings, the Prophets, and the Priests. However, after the Assyrian conquest of Samaria (722 BCE) and the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem (587 BCE), there were no more kings and soon afterwards no more prophets. The exiled Jews in Babylonia and those who returned to Judaea after the Achaemenid conquest of Babylon (539 CE) had to rely only on the priesthood. This was a major change of religious character.

No Biblical texts have been saved from the times of the two Hebrew kingdoms (Israel with the ten tribes and Samaria as capital and Judah with the two tribes and Jerusalem as capital). From the Achaemenid, Seleucid, Ptolemaic and Roman times, we have substantive documentation about the Jewish religion (or Judaism) of those days. However, we easily realize that, except the Old Testament, they had many other religious books, notably the Aggadah, involving the Midrash and the Talmud, and the Halakha (i.e. various religious laws, including notably the Mishnah). Even more importantly, Ancient Hebrew was by then a dead language and all the Jews were speaking Aramaic dialects. That’s why they vitally needed the Targumim, i.e. the Aramaic translations of the Ancient Hebrew Biblical texts (like the Targum Onkelos and the Targum Jonathan).

Last but not least, many Aramaeans, particularly those relocated in Samaria and Galilee after the Assyrian conquest of Israel, accepted the Ancient Hebrew religion albeit with several variants. This is reflected in the New Testament references to the cult differences between the Samaritans (: the Aramaeans who were transported from Southern Mesopotamia and settled in the empty lands of Israel by Sargon II in period 722-718 BCE) and the Jerusalemite Jews.     

Point 4: Jews represented an apostate minority of the Hebrews

Immediately after the death of Solomon (930 BCE), his kingdom split into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel with the ten tribes and capital at Samaria (today’s Nablus) under Jeroboam and the tiny southern kingdom of Judah with the two tribes and capital at Jerusalem under Rehoboam. The prophets of Israel reprimanded both kingdoms for their faithlessness; contrarily to what one could assume, the priesthood in both kingdoms was corrupt, worthless and subordinate to the kings. That’s why they were also rejected by the prophets.

The two kingdoms entered into endless alliances with Aramaean, Phoenician, Neo-Hittite and Philistine kingdoms against the rising power of Assyria, often fighting against one another. In 722 BCE, Sargon of Assyria (722-705 BCE) conquered Samaria and transferred the entire population of the northern state (Israel) to the northeastern confines of Assyria (in today’s Eastern Turkey and NW Iran). After the collapse of Assyria (614-609 BCE), the transferred Israelites were not found any more there; they are customarily called ‘the ten lost tribes of Israel’. About these facts, there are Assyrian-Babylonian texts and also Hebrew Biblical narratives.

——————- Recapitulation ———————- 

It is therefore critical that people do not confuse the terms:

  • Hebrews are the Ancient Israelites (10 tribes) and the Ancient Jews (2 tribes).
  • After 722 BCE, we cannot use the terms ‘Hebrew’ and ‘Israelite’ anymore, because the outright majority of them were lost. For historical periods, we have to use only the term ‘Jew’ (or Judean).
  • Modern Israelis have nothing to do with the Ancient Israelites; only few among the citizens of Modern Israel are Jews (the Sephardic), but the Jews are the descendants of the Kingdom of Judah, not Israel.
  • Modern Israelis have nothing to do with the Ancient Hebrews; only few among the citizens of Modern Israel are descendants of the Kingdom of Judah, which included a minor part (no more than 2 out of the 12 tribes) of the nation of David and Solomon.
  • It is essential to understand that not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament and in the Quran, the two terms ‘Jews’ and ‘Israelites’ are not overlapping one another, but contain conflicting connotations. Those taking ‘Israelites’ for ‘Jews’, when reading the New Testament and the Quran, are either ignorant or liars.
  • The name ‘Israel’ for the modern state set up in Palestine by the Zionists in 1948 is entirely false and totally ridiculous. None of the inhabitants has right to that name. This is an outrageous and scandalous historical distortion.


Assyria, Aram-Dimashq, Israel and Judah; ca. 930 BCE

Point 5: the last historical state of the Jews was named Judah / Judaea, not ‘Israel’

Following the Achaemenid Iranian conquest of Babylon (539 BCE), the exiled Jews were allowed to return to the land of Judah; it is noteworthy that few did so. Many remained in Mesopotamia and their descendants stayed there down to Islamic and Modern times. It is also important to keep in mind that there were also Jewish communities in Egypt, notably in Aswan and the Elephantine Island, a major market and port of call in the trade roads between Egypt, Ancient Sudan (the historical Ethiopia), the Red Sea, and the Sahara. Later, with the foundation of Alexandria next to the Ancient Egyptian harbor of Rhacotis, numerous Jews settled there; two of the five districts of the Mediterranean city-harbor were entirely Jewish.

The existing material record helps us understand that, in the last pre-Christian centuries, the majority of the ethnic Jews lived outside Judaea. When the Hasmonean dynasty established a kingdom (ממלכת החשמונאים‎; Mamleket haḤashmona’īm) from 140 BCE to 37 CE, mostly a vassal state to the Seleucids and the Romans, its name was ‘Judah’ (or Judaea). This occurred irrespective of the fact that Hasmonean Judah controlled Samaria, Galilee, Peraea, and Idumea (Edom) in addition to Judaea itself. There was no reason to name the state ‘Israel’, because not one Israelite was left in Canaan after 722 BCE. This shows that it was totally absurd or irately intentional to name the Zionist state ‘Israel’ in 1948. In fact, they don’t represent the Ancient Israel in any sense.

Point 6: there is no right to the Promised Land for the Jews

Whereas the right to the Promised Land was bestowed on the Ancient Hebrews (the twelve tribes) whose majority went lost (the ten tribes of Israel), it is necessary to reveal now another well hidden historical truth. Based on the existing historical documentation, we realize that, in the aftermath of the Babylonian Exile, the Jews were a nation like all the others; they were greatly impacted by the Babylonians, the Aramaeans, the Iranians, the Egyptians, the Anatolians, and the Macedonians. Like the Phoenicians and the Aramaeans, they were involved in trade and they had a Diaspora living in many different countries. The Maccabee rebellion, which triggered the rise of the Hasmonean dynasty, was mainly directed against the cosmopolitan Jews who were ready to collaborate with the Macedonians and accept vast cultural, spiritual, intellectual and religious compromises. But there was no reference to any ‘right’ to the ‘Promised Land’ anymore; that is why the Hasmonean rulers reigned over lands that were not part of the territory, which Yahweh (or Elohim) had indeed accorded to their ancestors (as a tiny part of all the Hebrews) one millennium earlier. If the Maccabees did not lay claim to the Promised Land at the time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, it is absolutely ludicrous now that the ethnically non-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarians demand Palestine for them. Modern fake Israelis must therefore go.

Point 7: the entire Old Testament is a posterior fabrication full of distortions

Without their sacred scriptures, Ashkenazi Khazarians and Sephardic Jewish Israelis have no right to Palestine; but really, how authentic is the Old Testament? Western scholars raised similar questions about the Quran, which is supposed to have been uttered by prophet Muhammad in the early 7th c. CE, written subsequently by many copyists, and later established as a corpus. The earliest complete manuscripts date back to the late 8th c. and to 9th c. Only few manuscripts date indeed back to the 7th c. If this is considered as an academic problem in terms of manuscript authenticity and preservation, then both the Masoretic text (Hebrew Bible) and the Septuagint (Greek translation) make us raise serious questions about their originality, credibility and validity.

The Ketef Hinnom scrolls, which contain a variant of an excerpt from the Book of Numbers, are the only finding that date to the end of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th c. BCE. The Dead Sea Scrolls (2nd c. BCE – 2nd c. CE) contain the Pentateuch (Torah) and excerpts from the rest. Several other fragmentary findings contain small sections from different books of the Bible, but the complete Hebrew Bible’s earliest manuscripts (namely the Aleppo Codex, the Damascus Pentateuch, and the Leningrad Codex) date back to the 10th c.; this means almost 1500 years after the period during which most specialists believe today that these text were first written in the form they are presently found. Enormous gap of time!

When it comes to the Greek translation (the Septuagint), we know that the Codex Sinaiticus, the Codex Alexandrinus, and the Codex Vaticanus date back to the 4th- 5th c.; this means no less than 600-700 years after the translation was undertaken following the demand of Ptolemy II. Again, a really great gap of time! Taking into consideration the overwhelming religious changes that had taken place in the meantime, one can easily conclude that what we call the ‘Old Testament’ is the production of the exiled Jews in Babylon and that all earlier narratives and copies have been extensively rewritten, adjusted, altered and distorted.

Point 8: among today’s so-called ‘Jews’ only 10-15% are truly Jews: the Sephardi

There are four historical communities of Jewish Diaspora: Sephardic (originally from Spain, they spread throughout the Ottoman Empire after 1492), Mizrahi (from Egypt/Mizraim), Yemenite and Ethiopian (Falasha/Beta Israel). One can call them collectively as Sephardi in contrast to the Ashkenazi Khazarians. However, all of them constitute a tiny minority (10-15%) among all those who are denoted as Jews today, either in Israel or worldwide. As the execrable Zionist movement was an entirely Ashkenazi invention, the Sephardic Jews (who are the only true Jews in the world) are second class citizens in Israel; the fact that there are two chief rabbis, one Sephardi and one Ashkenazi, in the Chief Rabbinate of Israel means nothing. No major decision was ever made by a Sephardi in the bogus-state of Israel; Sephardi Jews are necessary only to be duly utilized and serve as an alibi for the establishment of the illegal state with the fake name. However, this key issue was never raised worldwide.

Point 9: today’s so-called ‘Jews’ are not ethnically Jewish: the Ashkenazim 

As I already pointed out, the Ashkenazim are thought to be Jewish, but they are not; due to their propaganda and because of their control of the worldwide mainstream media, they are believed to make ca. 85% of the so-called ‘world Jewry’, whereas they are not Jewish. They posture as ‘Jewish’, but they are of Turanian-Mongolian origin. This fact has not been duly comprehended by people worldwide. That is why people from different backgrounds fail to truly understand that the so-called Israelis have absolutely no right to Palestine. Khazars are very well known through numerous sources: Eastern Roman, Arabic, Farsi and Turkic texts mention them and describe their interaction with many other nations. In addition, the Khazar Correspondence is quite indicative in this regard; the Khazars never claimed to be the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel, and they never laid claim to Palestine. It happened only recently, when the Zionist Ashkenazi descendants of the Khazars launched their baseless eschatological project.

If we examine what the Khazars did over the past 1200 years, we will soon realize that it is tantamount to today’s North Koreans accepting -massively but fallaciously- Judaism as religion and ‘as a consequence’ claiming to have right to the Promised Land. This would be a joke; who would accept that just because of their conversion to Judaism the North Koreans have right to Palestine?

The example of the Aramaean populations of Adiabene (Hadyab), a Parthian vassal kingdom, is well-known; the inhabitants of Northeastern Mesopotamia and Transtigritane accepted Judaism as religion in the 1st c. CE. Queen Helena of Adiabene built a royal palace in Jerusalem, which has been recently excavated, but they did not lay any claim to the ‘Promised Land’.

There is no right to ‘return’ to the Promised Land for the Ashkenazi Khazarians, because their ancestors were never there. In other words, the evoked eschatological dimension of the Zionist project is nil; it is just a shameless gibberish with which the entire mankind has been overwhelmingly fooled and deceived particularly by the villainous Evangelicals, Anglicans, and other pseudo-Christian heretics who take pro-Zionist positions.

Khazars-Ashkenazim, Turanians and Eastern Slavs in trade negotiations, as the scene was envisioned and painted by the Russian painter Sergey Vasilyevich Ivanov (Сергей Васильевич Иванов; 1864-1910)

Point 10: Reform Judaism is not Judaism

The impact exerted by Western European intellectual, academic and philosophical systems on the Ashkenazi Khazarians and the Sephardic Jews was calamitous. In contrast to Zionism, which -at the ideological-political level- is a form of nationalism impossible to be consistent with historical Judaism, Reform Judaism is a devious ideological system that accepted a definitely non-Biblical theistic standpoint, the evil concept of a personal God, and a liberal, heretic, interpretation of the Biblical and the Talmudic texts. Calamitously impacted by German idealism, Reform Judaism shrunk ‘revelation’ to mere ‘inspiration’, thus exposing the Ashkenazim Khazarians and the Sephardic Jews to Renaissance, Classicist, Hellenist and Modernist ideas and notions. This was an outrage, as it distorted Jewish spirituality, compromised the traditional morality, modified the faith, and conditioned the religion.

Exposing adepts to the Western concept of Modernity, Reform Judaism forcefully promoted rationalism, scientific criticism of sacred texts, materialism, evolutionism and agnosticism among the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim alike. Conservative Judaism and Orthodox Judaism failed to oppose Reform Judaism, while Reform Zionism impacted Zionists by presenting Judaism as a universal religion. Nonsensical and disastrous, Reform Judaism promoted Americanization, while rejecting a return to Zion for religious-theological purposes. Compatible with the Jesuit eschatological agenda, Reform Judaism and Reform Zionism attracted followers among the US Democratic Party and dispatched Ashkenazi Khazarians to Israel only to wait for the Antichrist to come.  

Oppressed and persecuted by the czars, the Ashkenazi proceeded westwards.

Point 11: Modern Hebrew (Ivrit) is a fake, constructed, non-Semitic language 

As I explained in earlier parts of the present article, Ancient Hebrew was already a dead language at the time of the Macedonian Seleucid Empire of Syria; the mother tongue of Jesus was Aramaic, and this fact is easily demonstrated across the texts of the Gospels. Diaspora Jews spoke Aramaic, learned Ancient Hebrew as a religious language, and were familiar with the various local languages that were native in the various lands where they were dispersed. Mixed idioms were formed from place to place notably Judeo-Arabic (involving 5-6 dialects) and Ladino, which is Judaeo-Spanish. This concerns the Sephardic Jews, as well as the Mizrahi and the Yemenite Jews.

On the other hand, the Khazar language evolved into what we now call Yiddish, which is a linguistic amalgamation of German, Aramaic and Hebrew, Slavic, Turkic and Romance languages. Yiddish was the native language of the Ashkenazim since the 13th c., when the earliest documents are dated. For the Zionist project and the fake return that they wanted to produce, implementing their eschatological agenda, the existence of numerous dialects caused a serious problem; they needed one only language that would become the official language of the state that they envisioned to create. An even worse trouble was due to the fact that the grammatical structure of the Semitic languages is very different from that of the Turkic-Turanian and the Indo-Germanic linguistic groups, thus making the study of Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic very difficult for the Ashkenazim. On the contrary, the Jews, who spoke Judeo-Arabic (and therefore knew Arabic), could easily learn Ancient Hebrew, because the respective structures of grammar and syntax are almost identical.

For this reason, the earliest stage of the Zionist project does not start with the notorious World Zionist Congress (1897), but with the long process of the so-called ‘Revival of the Hebrew Language’, which has nothing to do with a proper ‘revival’. On the contrary, it concerns the fabrication of a hybrid language based on a) basic vocabulary extracted from Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic and b) Indo-Germanic grammar and syntax. Although the precursor of the movement lived in the 18th c. (Moshe Chaim Luzzatto; 1707-1746), the leading figures covered the span from the middle 19th c. to the middle 20th c. (Abraham Mapu, Mendele Mocher Sfarim, Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg, David Frischmann, Shaul Tchernichovsky, Micha Josef Berdyczewski, Uri Nissan Gnessin, Devorah Baron, Zevi Scharfstein, and above all Eliezer Ben-Yehuda). This absolutely fake and constructed language (like Modern Greek) is an ahistorical machination that became the official language of the fake state of Israel. Without it, there could never be a ‘state of Israel’.


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Pashtuns, (Sephardic) Jews, Fake-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionists, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, Mossad Propagandist Simcha Jacobovici & the UK-Israel secret services’ clash   

What follows is an extensive response that I sent to a Somali friend in Mogadishu, who asked my opinion about a video uploaded by an Iranian (Tajik, Dari-speaking) Afghani currently based in the US. The video concerns one of Afghanistan’s ethnic groups, namely the Pashtuns. The title of the video is ‘Pashtuns are Jews’; you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbpevAuZlbc


Dear B.,

Thank you for your question as regards that video about the Pashtuns and the theory that they are Jews! 

Since the video was a quite strange, composite fabrication (or forgery), I had to consider first how many people (or groups, intelligence services and countries) would benefit from a video like that.

1- Today’s Idiotic Humans fully justify Every Evil Plan Providing for World Depopulation 

However, and before responding about the topic, the case of that video is quite useful for anyone, who wants to understand why the world will soon be destroyed and many billions of people will be erased from the surface of the Earth in almost no time by means of nuclear conflagration.

You certainly know about the existing plans for reduction of the world population or world depopulation. You may also know the ‘Georgia Guidestones’ as per which humanity must be maintained under 500000000 people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones#Inscriptions

Many idiots speak against these evident plans that seem to have become the main concern of several secret societies that rule the world, while they implement their agendas that are in conflict with one another.

But what better proof (about the fact that the humanity must be depopulated) can we find other than the conditions of life, the mindset, the lifestyle, the mentality and the behavior of the average people of our days? 

This useless and stupid mankind must be destroyed.

In other words, the average people by themselves -with their stupidity- fully justify the plans providing for their elimination. Even worse, the world’s hidden rulers produced several sophisticated deceptions and delusions, as per which even those, who reject the present system, become -unwillingly and unconsciously- its servants and slaves.

A stupid, mentally defective, confused, disoriented mankind that abandoned its diverse, local roots, heritage, culture, moral, integrity and identity certainly cannot survive. Even worse, it must not survive because this sort of altered mankind is degenerate and rotten.

If people became so stupid as to believe that they will learn the truth in the YouTube and the Facebook, then certainly all these people must get lost in a nuclear conflagration as soon as possible. 

Many people ask me daily to offer interviews, to upload podcasts, and to organize online seminars. I always reject.

There is nothing that can be done in the YouTube.

The YT destroys people by confusing them due to tons of useless information.

Thinking that, even if you know the truth about a topic, you can say it on the YouTube is tantamount to desecrating the Truth and self-ridiculing. 

You cannot possibly diffuse the correct, the right, the just and the truthful via a filthy, vicious and distorting means. And this is exactly what the YouTube is (and the same is valid for many other sites). 

It spreads paranoia, dementia, corruption, moral depravity, and destruction of the sound character of most individuals who spend time on that. 

Every filthy liar working for a secret service, a propagandist organization or a criminal state can upload his filthy material to diffuse lies and distortions with a video. 

You cannot possibly imagine that 10 correct videos uploaded by some rightful persons can counterweigh the millions of videos uploaded daily on the YouTube by besotted fools, paranoid liars and vicious propagandists.

And it is not only a matter with the YouTube and some other sites; it is a matter with the Internet.

The Internet is not something good, but something inherently bad and evil.

It was invented only to destroy the Mankind. The Internet and Mobile Telephony are far worse than the pandemic. The Internet of Things, Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism are the gates of the extinction.

The pandemic killed only people. The Internet kills souls.

What is the definition of Transhumanism?

“Research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies”!

Well, there is no technology needed for human-enhancement; that’s an evil, Satanic thought. People with this thought should be killed at once as enemies of the mankind, if the mankind were to survive. But people became so passive and so useless that they don’t react vehemently, violently and flagrantly.

If people do not use uniquely unprecedented violence to annihilate to turn all centers of the present world to ashes, the criminal enemies of the mankind will pursue their evil plans. Then, the Almighty will administer the solution that made the filthy and rotten people of Sodom and Gomorrah to disappear.

What really human, morally integer, and spiritually conscious people nowadays can do in this regard is to stay away and to live a normal life far from modern urban centers and advanced technology in small towns and villages close to the nature.

The underdeveloped countries are the luckiest.

In fact, the myth of the development was invented in order to destroy the largest part of the mankind, by attracting them to the corrupt and devious Western mentality, behavior and lifestyle.

The day the electricity will be cut off, the entire world of the mobile phones, the computers, the laptops, the Internet, and the evil laboratories of today’s bogus-scientists will disappear — like a bad nightmare, when we wake up.

That day is not far. A small scale nuclear war is enough to make the electromagnetic waves be disrupted forever. 


2- Basics on Afghanistan, Tajik (or Dari) and the Pashtuns

As I already said, this video is bizarre and fabricated. As you can see, it is uploaded by an Iranian, who probably originates from Afghanistan. 

His name is typically Iranian (Hamed Qaderi) and so his face is.


So, I have first to give you some basic data about the country and the so-called nation of the Pashtuns.

Most people worldwide are misinformed and fooled in this regard, confused by tons and tons of multilayered (academic, journalistic, political) Western colonial propaganda.  

A- Afghanistan: a Fake Country

Afghanistan is an entirely fake country; it was made out of thin air.

There is no Afghan nation. And there is no Afghan language. 

The people of Afghanistan belong to the following nations: Tajik (Dari-speaking), Uzbek, Hazara (Turanians), Aimaq (Iranians) Turkmen, Baluch and Pashtun. The numbers and the maps published here are all lies: 


The reality is very different, but this is not the essential point now.

The entire fake state of Afghanistan was fabricated by the English colonials soon after they set foot in India (with the formation of the East India Company).

From the early days of their colonial settlement in parts of the coasts of the great Mughal Empire (when they cheated the local authorities to obtain permission), the filthy and incestuous English criminals started plotting against the Mughal Emperor, the Safavid Shah of Iran, and of course the Sultan at Constantinople. The English plots extended also in Central Asia. By fabricating an independent pseudo-kingdom in the mountains of Eastern Iran, they would only weaken Iran considerably. And this is what they did.

The fake names «Afghan» and «Afghanistan» have no historical foundation. They are a forgery. You cannot find the word «Afghan» in any historical text written in any language before the year 1600.

Everything that you can read here is typical Anglo-Saxon pseudo-academic rubbish and preposterous aberrations geared only to support the crimes of England: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_(ethnonym)

Simple and schematic map of Afghanistan, but correct; English colonial bogus-academics systematically produce fake maps to promote their criminal schemes.
In fake maps of Afghanistan that are prepared by academic outfits of the English intelligence services, the Pashtun (criminally and disastrously -for the world peace- supported by the English colonials) appear to be settled in larger parts of Afghanistan. Fake maps are the basics of all types of colonial propaganda and of every UK-US promoted historical forgery carried out for colonial profit; example: https://www.academia.edu/26130011/Islam_Makuria_Sudan_Ethiopia_and_Abyssinia_Map_Forgery_and_Historical_Falsification_at_Berkeley

The Tajik language is exactly the same as Dari; in fact, it is an Eastern Iranian version of Farsi (Persian). 

The use of these fake terms was entirely of English colonial invention. This happens always, when the Anglo-Saxon and the French gangsters attempt to divide local populations and turn them against one another: they launch different terms, label each group they want according to the plan, and then describe them as ‘opposite’ or ‘rival’ to one another. False History is immediately written by the criminal colonial academics and diffused locally in order to further foment discord and interminable wars.

The correction of the problem is simple: all Afghanis must reject their fake identity and achieve the proper expression of their nationhood.

The Uzbeks must unite with Uzbekistan.

A Turkmen enclave must be established and then unite with Turkmenistan.

Baluch must form a new country with the Baluch of Iran and Pakistan.

Hazaras must form an independent nation with a seat in the UN General Assembly – just like the Baluch.

In fact, the entire nation of Tajikistan and a very large part of Afghanistan must unite with Iran, because all these lands constitute the oriental periphery of the historical Iran.

Slightly distorted map of the various nations living in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with the Pashtun zone deliberately exaggerated and magnified. No Pashtuns live in Afghanistan near the borders of Iran, but apparently this falsehood corresponds to some yet publicly unknown plans of English involvement, manipulation, conflict and bloodshed in Iran.   

B- Pashtuns, a Fake Nation, and the Anglo-Saxon Colonial Fabrication

What will be left after the aforementioned developments take place?

The Pashtuns!

The Pashtuns are a fake nation, also fabricated by the English colonials in the early 18th c. In fact, the names «Pashtun» and «Pashto» are an English colonial forgery. They did not exist in any historical text before the 17th c. 

The fake name and nation «Pashtun», as an English colonial invention, were geared only for the needs of the fabrication of the fake state of Afghanistan. 

I will now explain why the evil English did not create a fake country named «Pashtunistan», but «Afghanistan».

Forged map of Afghanistan with the Pashtun zone extraordinarily enlarged

In fact, what the Anglo-Saxon criminals did was this:

1- They did not fabricate a term «Pashtunistan», as it would be «normal» after the fabrication of the Pashtun bogus-nation.

2- They fabricated the term «Afghanistan» as a wider concept, so that the Pashtuns ultimately control a wider area and populations, which belong to other nations, i.e. not only the land where the so-called «Pashtun» lived. 

3- They imposed a Pashtun cannibal as bogus-king (Ahmed Durrani) on Afghanistan to rule over a) the fake «Pashtun» nation and b) numerous populations that belonged to other nations.

4- Thus, they made of the fake nation of «Pashtun» the ruling class of a far larger realm, which contained more Iranian and Turanian lands. By strengthening the fake state of Afghanistan, they gravely diminished and weakened the Safavid Empire of Iran.

All this happened in the 18th c., and the subsequent colonial use of the fake country «Afghanistan» was very important for the colonial plans of England during the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries down to our days.

You may wish to ask about the different tribes and peoples that existed in the area, which the 18th c. English colonials started describing as «lands of the Pashtun» and «Afghanistan».

Well, there lived at the time (and still live today) ca. 400 different tribes, which were not united and each of them had a limited scope and control area. In every valley of the Hindu Kush, there was a different tribe. Among them, they had several different dialects and many of them, although they were/are Muslims, had/have bizarre habits and traditions that cannot be accepted in Islam.  

All the above mentioned points are the basic historical facts about the reality of the Pashtun and Afghanistan — a fake nation and a false country envisioned, fabricated, supported, manipulated and utilized by the English.



To make you understand with a Horn region parallel, I can say the following:

Fake Afghanistan in Central Asia is what Fake Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa.

Afghanistan’s Dari-speaking Tajiks are what Ogadenis are in Fake Ethiopia.

Afghanistan’s Hazaras are what Oromos are in Fake Ethiopia.

Afghanistan’s Uzbeks are what Afars are in Fake Ethiopia.

Last, Afghanistan’s evil Pashtuns are what evil Amhara are in Fake Ethiopia.

And similarly, Afghanistan’s Pashtuns are what Kikuyu are in Kenya.


Of course, all the Iranians and all the Tajiks know what I said before. 

If the rest of the world does not know that, this is due to the colonial structure of today’s world and to the stupidity of average people worldwide.

Why as that?

Viciously distorted map of Afghanistan prepared only to give viewers the impression that the Pashtun control more than half of the fake country’s territory.
Seeing maps like that, one shrewd observer can automatically understand that the Mankind hasn’t seen it all in Afghanistan and that the criminal English colonials intend to produce further bloodshed through use of their tool, namely the fake nation of the Pashtuns.

Because only if an average Moroccan, Spaniard or Italian is totally stupid, he can believe that to get access to authentic information about Abyssinia, Yemen, Pakistan and Tajikistan, he must read any of the major international newspapers.

If an average Moroccan, Spaniard or Italian wants to get access to authentic information about Abyssinia, Yemen, Pakistan and Tajikistan,the only correct and intelligent way to acquire that data is through local, indigenous newspapers, TV stations, sites, portals blogs and social media of those countries.  


3- Specific Comments about Hamed Qaderi and ‘his’ Videos  

The video (Pashtuns are Jews/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbpevAuZlbc) was apparently prepared by someone, who wanted to cut different clips from another video and mix them at will. However, the video was uploaded before approximately one year.

I already made it clear that the guy, who uploaded the video, is an Iranian (Tajik) originating from Afghanistan. Even the description of the video that you sent me is in Farsi (پشتون ها یهود هستند); it is the same as the title. From his own work, we can get a better idea. Example: in a video uploaded on 11th November 2020, he spent one hour talking and offering space to others in order to comprehensively reject and denounce the Karzai and Ghani gang crime (برنامه 175 در ارتباط سینمای پارک و جنایت باند کرزی و غنی/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r45PV4DFoqs). He is very right in doing this, because these criminal Pashtun pseudo-Muslim crooks and gangsters were puppets of the English and the Americans, and it is only thanks to them that the Americans left Afghanistan after making sure that their top puppets, i.e. the Taliban terrorists, were able to take full control of that cursed and wretched land.

So, automatically you can understand the need of this Iranian TV presenter to denounce and denigrate the devious Pashtun whose docility and servility toward the English (and more recently the Americans) destroyed Iran and Islam, while serving the evil colonial gangsters over the past 300 years. In other words, whatever was said in this video was already considered by the YT channel user as deprecatory and detrimental against the Pashtun. He then thought that he had good reason to upload this.

Hamed Qaderi launched Khorasan TV Farsi Chanel in 2002 and he seems to be safely based in Los Angeles (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamed-qaderi-20929325/). I bet that in Afghanistan the local Pashtun cannibals would eat him up either roasted or boiled, as soon as he released this video. However, this video is an exception in many ways.

First of all, in almost all of his videos, Hamed Qaderi presents a program personally; but this video appears to have been made as a documentary, and not as a typical TV program.  

Second, as documentary, this video is not the personal work of Hamed Qaderi, but of someone else. He does not appear and he does not speak at all in this video; in addition, it is clear that the technology involved dates back to the 1990s.

Third, most of his other videos have very limited audience (sometimes less than 10 views); but this video (as of today, 10th May 2022) has gone beyond 91000 views! You can find all the details and his videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2eo4pbggfHyxSvjfX9is1Q/videos

Fourth, little time after Hamed Qaderi uploaded the video that you sent me (which has a duration of 18:44 minutes), he uploaded another shorter (4:24 minutes) under the Farsi title ‘ فیلم پشتون و یهودی بودن’ (The film ‘Pashtuns are Jews’). Here is the link:

The very interesting thing is that this shorter video seems to be the continuation the clips taken from the same documentary from which clips were taken for the longer video that Hamed Qaderi uploaded (and which you sent me); this is bizarre. Why didn’t he make one video out of all the clips that he cut? Why didn’t he arrange a bilingual title since this possible and in any case the titles are brief (just three words each)?

This original documentary was evidently shot partly in Afghanistan and in Pakistan and partly in an undisclosed location, somewhere in an English-speaking country; this was apparently the venue where someone gave an open (?) lecture. Both the speaker and the audience are repeatedly shown in the original documentary and also in the clips cut by Hamed Qaderi for his two YT videos.

I happen to know by name the person, who gave the lecture (or rather the lectures) included in the original documentary. In the video that you sent me, one can see this person in several points, namely 2:35, 4:54, 6:43, 7:25, 9:16, 11:33, and 13:15. In the shorter video, you can see this lecturer in the following points: 1:12, 1:45, 2:11, 2:27 and 4:15. It is clear that the producer of the original documentary got several shots from different lectures given by that person, because he appears to wear different types of clothes every now and then.  


4- Simcha Jacobovici, and his Fraudulent Cinematographic Productions

This person is a world-famous crook, a villainous impostor, a ridiculous rascal, a low level propagandist, a filthy fraudster, a criminal liar, and -like all the Ashkenazi Khazarian pseudo-Jewish Zionist Israelis- a bastard. His degrees, certificates and diplomas are merely toilet paper used and disposed of. He is though very good in his job of professional hoaxer. His name is Simcha Jacobovici, and he is nowadays in his late 60s. About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simcha_Jacobovici#Film_career

His YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimchaJacoboviciTV/videos

It is noteworthy that several other Zionist and Israeli outfits and bogus-YT channels (in fact these are parts of the Mossad front office) repost and re-upload his stupid documentaries. Examples:



Here you have some samples of his documentaries that are reposted by others:

The Secret Voyage Of Jesus – Secrets Of Christianity 104 – The Lost Voyage Of Jesus


Was Saint Paul A Secret Agent? – The Naked Archaeologist 311 – Queen Esther And Purim

And this is a documentary that he wrote, directed and produced about the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israel, which are totally unrelated either to either today’s (Sephardi) Jews or the non-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionists. The film was released in 1998: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quest_for_the_Lost_Tribes

You can watch it (duration: 1:30:29) here:

Quest for the Lost (10) Tribes of Israel – Documentary [Full]

It is from this documentary that Hamed Qaderi cut several clips and fabricated his two videos, namely the longer (that you sent me) and the shorter (that I mentioned herewith).

Of course, Simcha Jacobovici’s bogus-productions constitute criminal Israeli governmental propaganda, as he is an identified mouthpiece of the Mossad, but the topic itself (the theory that the Pashtun are the descendants of one or more tribes of the Ancient Israel) has already been examined and discussed by many. The following video is an example:

Pashtuns and The Lost Tribe of Bani Israel | History of Pathans | پٹھان قوم کی تاریخ

(from Rah e Hidayat TV’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugTl2mKX5jrZtLxFVqDPRw)

As you can easily, safely and accurately assume, Simcha Jacobovici’s audience is not academic or intellectual. He attracts educationally low level people, who happen to be interested in mysteries, plots, unknown moments of History, ignored aspects of religions, legends, misinterpreted texts, unpublished manuscripts, unexplored topics, alternative interpretations, etc. This audience exists in big numbers throughout the developed countries, and this is the consequence of the wrong educational and academic systems of the Western or Westernized countries, which force people to excessively specialize on a topic in order to achieve a successful career, while however remaining in mysteries about a great number of topics, which were considered in the past as absolutely necessary educational foundations.

The main trait, which is omnipresent in all of Simcha Jacobovici’s videos (not only those that I examined closely in order to understand his intentions!), is the following: there is always an obscure point that he wants to personally unveil for his readers. Deliberately, there is a great dose of cinematographic charlatanism in all of his documentaries, because he ceaselessly tries to posture as sort of clownish ‘Indiana Jones’ (in search of valuable remnants, incredible stories, hidden treasures, unknown truths, and outstanding monuments). If you know nothing about the ridiculous cinematographic character ‘Indiana Jones’, you don’t miss anything. Here you can get some clues:



As character, ‘Indiana Jones’ is a lowly, hideous, vulgar, and extremely offensive Americanization of some of the 19th century’s leading Orientalists, Africanists and other explorers; as a matter of fact, this cinematographic character consists in a meaningless, preposterous and surely ‘ahistorical’ transplantation of 19th c. archaeological pioneers in the late 20th and early 21st c. There is nothing to admire there, except American ignorance and utter degradation of the man’s mental conditions and intellectual aptitudes.  

There is not one Israeli historian, philologist, ethnographer, historian of religions, archaeologist or linguist who would spend one minute on Simcha Jacobovici’s fraudulent and nonsensical videos; but on the other hand, you should not expect an explicit denunciation of his fraud either! The reason for this is that they all know that he is the propaganda arm of the Mossad and he merely does his job, carrying out his assigned tasks; so, his rubbish is not addressed to academics and researchers, but to average public either in Israel or throughout the English-speaking world (I have not noticed any version of video in other languages).


5- The Assyriologist Hayim Tadmor, Simcha Jacobovici, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the Jews, and the Misunderstanding of Hamed Qaderi  

Simcha Jacobovici’s method is an academic fraud. One can attest the same type of iniquity among other historical fraudsters everywhere; their method is invariably the same. They find well known and widely acclaimed scholars specializing in a field; they interview them for 30, 60 or 90 seconds about few details that concern their field but, at the same time, are related to some extent with the main topic/theme of the documentary under preparation; thus, they ‘extract’ undeniable academic credibility and present their premeditated, deviate and obnoxious ‘research’ as possibly based on authoritative scholars.

However, their claim to scholarly trustworthiness is trashy, because if after the release of the documentary, you present the entire film to the interviewed scholar, he will straightforwardly reject it and he will say that he bears responsibility only for the brief interview that he accorded to the producer; and of course, no other scholars will support any of the absurd (but eventually useful at the level of politics, worldwide infiltration, and intelligence services) claim made or conclusion drawn in the execrable ‘documentary’.

A- Hayim Tadmor, a Leading Assyriologist

As a matter of fact, the video that you sent me initially shocked me! In the very first minute! The reason for this is that, as soon as it started, I noticed that the producer(s) included an interview with a highly reputable and acclaimed scholar, namely the leading Israeli Assyriologist Hayim Tadmor (1923-2005), who was my professor in Jerusalem Mount Scopus University back in 1984. I was many times in the salon of his house and I remember with some nostalgia the noble way he treated me and the wisdom of his responses. But all of our discussions revolved around the Neo-Assyrian Empire (1200-609 BCE) and the Sargonid dynasty (722-609 BCE), which was the culmination point of the Pre-Islamic world and the permanent model for the Achaemenid Iranian, the Seleucid, and the Roman Empires.

Hayim Tadmor was acknowledged for his major contribution, namely the publication of the Annals of Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 BCE), Emperor of Assyria and Emperor of the Universe.












And here you can find many scholarly articles published by Hayim Tadmor (search: Tadmor, H.):


But I know very well that Hayim Tadmor (born in Harbin/Харбин/哈尔滨市, today’s Manchuria in NE China, at the time of Russian control: 1898-1932) never studied anything about the Pashtun and did not have a clue about Afghanistan – except of course general encyclopedic knowledge.

I therefore observed carefully and noticed that, in that clip, Hayim Tadmor speaks only about the Ancient Israelites (who are very different from either the Sephardic Jews or the Ashkenazim fake-Jewish Khazarians) and about some of the locations where they have been attested (on the basis of excavated cuneiform textual evidence) more than a century after they had been besieged, taken captive, and subsequently transported to NE Assyrian provinces (722-719 BCE). What Hayim Tadmor said is accurate: there are Babylonian texts of the early 6th c. BCE mentioning Ancient Israelite names of individuals in NE Mesopotamia.

But at the same time, I could not understand why this clip with Hayim Tadmor was necessary in a documentary about the Pashtuns being Jews. Later, I realized that the creator of that video (the Afghani Iranian expatriate Hamed Qaderi) did not cut only one part of Simcha Jacobovici’s documentary, but many small parts that he mixed together in the video he prepared and uploaded.

When I discovered Simcha Jacobovici’s documentary, I realized why Hayim Tadmor was necessary to the Israeli cinematographic fraudster; his documentary (see above) was not about the Jews (!!!), but about the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites, who are very different from the Jews as I already said. Look at the title:

Quest for the Lost (10) Tribes of Israel – Documentary [Full]



B- Hamed Qaderi’s Misunderstanding of Simcha Jacobovici‘s Documentary

Then, the entire problem at this level was the fact that Hamed Qaderi simply was never a historian; he did not study Ancient History of Assyria, Babylonia, Israel and Judah, and in addition, he misunderstood the entire video that he cut into small clips to create his own. In fact, Hamed Qaderi mistook the ‘Ancient Israelites’ (or ‘Ten Lost Tribes of Israel’) for …. Jews!

So, the title of the video that you sent me is totally wrong and misleading; the poor Afghani Iranian expatriate, out of his hatred of the Pashtun (which I can accept and tolerate) and in his effort to defame them as ‘Jews’, did not understand that the original video that he watched (that of Simcha Jacobovici) has nothing to do with Jews, but it concerns with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel whom the Ashkenazi Khazarian fake Jewish Modern Israeli Zionist fraudster tries to identify here and there, in Asia and in Africa.

Consequently, the correct title for the video that you sent me would have been (had ever the unfortunate Mr. Hamed Qaderi understood it properly): “Pashtuns are descendants of the Ancient Israelites”. And this is actually what Simcha Jacobovici tries to do in his documentary: he attempts to identify

a) names of Ancient Israelite (attention: not ‘Jewish’) tribes with names of the Pashtun tribes,

b) names of locations (mountains, rivers, etc.) where the Ancient Israelites have been exiled by Sargon II of Assyria (722-705 BCE) in NE Assyria with toponyms from the regions presently inhabited by Pashtun.

c) names of locations (mountains, rivers, etc.) where the Ancient Israelites have been attested later (during the times of Nabonid Babylonia (625-539 BCE) with toponyms from the regions presently inhabited by Pashtun.

Mr. Hamed Qaderi’s misunderstanding and confusion may to some extent be justified (as I said), because he did not study Ancient History, Assyriology, and Biblical Studies. All the same, for a Muslim this mistake is not permissible. Why?

Well, for the very simple reason that the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel are named Banu Isra’il (بني إسرائيل) in the Quran, whereas the Jews -who are unrelated to the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel – are called Yahud (يهود). This means that the colossal difference between the two ethnic groups is part of an average Muslim’s culture. In other words, a Muslim does not need to study History of the Ancient Orient in order to know the Ancient Israelites are very different (and viewed by Allah as such) from the (ancient or modern) Jews.

In this regard, look at the enormous difference that exists between the Russian Wikipedia and the English Wikipedia; it testifies to the ‘bras-de-fer’ between different secret organizations that promote different versions of World History.

This is correct: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бану_Исраил

This is totally false: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bani_Isra%27il

Jews or ‘Jewish people’ are NOT Banu Isra’il.

C- Simcha Jacobovici‘s Documentaries: Truth, Lies and Distortions

This said, I have now to persistently point out that one should not reject Simcha Jacobovici’s cinematographic production as entirely wrong. There is no absolute lie and there is no absolute forgery. In many cases (I speak about other documentaries), he presents plausible situations, possible interpretations, eventual facts, and even correct approaches. But one finds always (in Simcha Jacobovici’s documentaries) an exaggerated description, an unnecessary self-praise, and a certain concealment of other scholars and authors who published already (and sometimes much) about the topic of the documentary in question.

In fact, there is nothing new in what he says; all the topics that he presents had already been visited and revisited by numerous scholars and explorers who came up with fresh ideas and alternative interpretations. But the fraudster tries to persistently usurp other persons’ suggestions, ideas, and thoughts. In fact, he merely popularizes already expressed interpretations, trying always to extract undeserved credit and …. material benefit.  

Simcha Jacobovici’s way to reveal the truth by saying many lies also involves an overdose of conspiracy theory and a disproportionate effort to put the blame on others, who always happened to be enemies of the Jews. To conclude the topic, I can say that it is really a pity that, by presenting all these themes/subjects in the way he does, he discredits many correct approaches to and interpretations of facts. This Mossad agent and fraudster failed to grasp that the truth in each and every point (as in the aforementioned case of ‘the Secret Voyage of Jesus’) does not have an ‘enemy’, and it cannot be presented as ‘opposite’ to eventual lies or textual changes and alterations. It is quite possible that Jesus sailed to Western Mediterranean and to the Phoenician-Carthaginian city of Cadiz (in today’s Spain).


Cadiz (SW Spain): an ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian city initially named Gadir (i.e. ‘Wall’), later known as Gadeira (Γάδειρα) in Ancient Greek and Gades in Latin

The fact that all mentions to such a potential travel were erased from the Gospels is not a reason for us to hate or revile Christianity and any Christian Church. Revealing the truth about a text that may have been erased from the Gospels is not tantamount to justification of the preposterous insults contained in the ignominious Talmud against Jesus. But did the ignorant, uneducated, biased and treacherous Simcha Jacobovici produce any video to reveal even one of the fallacies and the monstrosities contained in the egregious and abominable Talmud? No!

The partial impostor finds evildoing and depravity only among his opponents!


6- The Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the (Sephardic) Jews, and the non-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarians

I must now highlight to you the eschatological / soteriological (or messianic) importance of the topic of the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel.

The Ancient Hebrew tribal kingdom of Saul (Sha’ul/طالوت) and David (Daud/ داوود) did not last long. After the death of Solomon (Sulayman/ سليمان) at ca. 930 BCE, the Ancient Hebrews were irrevocably divided and ever since organized in two different kingdoms:

a. the Northern Kingdom of Israel, in which 10 out the 12 Hebrew tribes gathered


b. the Southern kingdom of Judah, with the remaining 2 tribes.

Apparently, the Ancient Kingdom of Israel was significantly bigger than the kingdom of Judah; Israel’s capital was Samaria (today’s Nablus), whereas Judah’s capitals was Jerusalem. Around these two kingdoms, there were many other important kingdoms of those days:

i- Aram-Dimashq, the largest and strongest Aramaean kingdom;

ii- several other Aramaean kingdoms, like Bit Adini, Bit Zamani, etc., which occupied territories of today’s Syria and SE Turkey;

iii- several Phoenician kingdoms, like Tyre, Byblus, Arad, Beirut, etc., which occupied territories of today’s Lebanon, the coastal part of Syria, and the offshore territories of their colonies throughout the Mediterranean and across the Iberian and NW African coasts (due to their navigational expertise and commercial dexterity, the Phoenicians were extremely wealthy);

iv- several Neo-Hittite kingdoms, like Tabal, Que, Gurgum, and Kummuh;

v- the Semitic kingdoms of Ammon (around Amman), Moab and Edom (in today’s Jordan); and

vi- the Philistines in the southern part of the coast, around the cities Gaza, Ashkelon and Ashdod.

The Aramaean kingdom Aram-Dimashq (Damascus), the Semitic kingdoms Ammon, Moab and Edom, the Philistines, and the Hebrew kingdoms of Israel and Judah












The Aramaean kingdoms
Neo-Hittite, Western Aramaean, and Phoenician Kingdoms
Neo-Hittite, Western Aramaean, and Phoenician Kingdoms
The Assyrian Empire and its expansion

A- The Ancient Israelites taken in Captivity in Assyria and lost

All these small kingdoms existed within a context of ever changing alliances and never ending wars; in fact, their existence was extended only until the rise of Assyria to prevalence. Gradually, all these states and many other even larger kingdoms, like the Urartu (in today’s Eastern Turkey), the Phrygians and the Lydians (in today’s Western Turkey),, the Mannai (Mannaea) and the Medes (in today’s Northwestern and Western Iran), and even great historical empires like Elam (in today’s SW Iran), Babylonia (Central and Southern Mesopotamia), and Egypt become parts of Assyria, the world’s first and foremost imperial, universalist empire. In the process, Sargon of Assyria (also known as Sargon II) invaded the Northern Kingdom of Israel (722 BCE), transported the totality of the Ancient Israelites to the NE confines of his empire, and replaced them with Aramaeans who were transported from Southern Mesopotamia and resettled in Samaria and throughout the territory of the Ancient Israel.





Tiglat-pileser III (745-727 BCE)
Assurbanipal (669-625 BCE)

Several Assyrian cuneiform texts, dating back to the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 7th c. BCE, mention names of Ancient Israelites transported and settled in different locations throughout the NE Assyrian provinces. But after the end of the long reign (669-625 BCE) of Ashurbanipal, Ancient Assyria’s greatest monarch, the vast empire seems to have come to an end, in spite of all the incessant wars and astounding victories that the highly intellectual emperor and high priest achieved until 640 BCE, erasing every opponent of Assyria. Few years later, only around 614 BCE, Assyria seems to have been left with few garrisons of almost empty cities, and in the span of 5 years (614-609 BCE) all the major Assyrian cities and imperial capitals fell in the hands of the Babylonians and the Medes. The bulk of the Assyrian population was not there; the archaeological evidence demonstrates that mere skirmishes took then place and few casualties were recorded from both sides. But there were no scribes left to write Assyrian anymore; after 610 BCE, all the Mesopotamian cuneiform texts that have been discovered were Babylonian.

Neither Assyrians nor Israelites (transported to NE Assyria) have been found throughout the great empire, which was easily divided between the Babylonians and the Medes. Prophecies about their dispersion in various lands, their loss of identity, faith and language, and their miraculous return at the End of Time have been attested in Ancient Assyrian texts and in the Old Testament, whereas hints can be found in the Gospels and the Quran. The topic preserved its importance throughout the ages, and several Jews (Sephardi) expressed great interest in traveling to remote lands only for the sake of possibly identifying the remnants of the ‘Ten Lost Tribes’. Benjamin of Tudela (1135-1178) wrote down his findings in his Book of Travels, after traveling for many long years from Andalusia through the Eastern Roman Empire to the Abbasid Caliphate, and further on to Arabia, Iran, India, Yemen and Egypt. About:




The travels of Benjamin of Tudela
The travels of Benjamin of Tudela compared with those of Ibn Batuta and Marco Polo

B- Modern Times’ German Assyrianism and British Israelism

In modern times, several Northern European scholars and intellectuals raised the topic of the Ancient Assyrian origin of the Germans and of the Ancient Israelite origin of the English and of several other Northern European nations. German Assyrianism and British Israelism fascinated even leading mystics, artists and poets like William Blake.

Many otherwise inexplicable facts of Modern History can be illuminated due to these approaches, which have not yet brought forth conclusive evidence in support of the respective claims. All the same, this spiritual, academic and intellectual trend generated tremendous reaction from Jesuits and Zionists. If the real Israelites are the English and other Northern European nations, then the state of Israel is clearly a fraud.

Typical material of British Israelism and German Assyrianism

In the following links, you will get a general idea about these schools of historical interpretation:






C- Sephardic Jews

When the Ancient Israelites and the Jews lived in separate kingdoms for two centuries (930-722 BCE), they were often in conflict, as they were members of different alliances. The fact that they had common ancestry and language did not play an important role; I don’t even mention the monotheistic religion that Moses, which had been preached to their ancestors, because the kings of both Hebrew states, Israel and Judah, wanted to imitate the polytheistic kings of the Phoenician and the Aramaean states. Most of the Biblical prophets originated from Israel, and they gravely criticized both kingdoms for their religious apostasy and heresy.

What is definitely known and absolutely clear is the fact that the Sephardic Jews have nothing to do with the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites, because the Jews were never lost. After the Israelites were taken to NE Assyria, the tiny tributary kingdom of Judah, headquartered in Jerusalem, continued existing under Assyrian tutelage. After the end of the Assyrian Empire (609 BCE), the Babylonians targeted and finally invaded Judah, holding the entire population captive (587 BCE). But the Jews, who were transported to Babylonia, were later liberated by the Achaemenid Iranian Emperor Cyrus (Kurosh), when he invaded Babylonia (539 BCE). There is however a historical continuity of Jews from the Achaemenid Iranian times (550-330 BCE) down to the times of Jesus and the Roman Empire. Quite noticeably, the small kingdom that the Jews set up in Palestine at those days was named Judah (Judaea in Latin), and not Israel, because it was clear that the Jews had nothing to do with Ancient Israel.

It is also noteworthy that the Aramaeans, who were transported by Sargon II from Southern Mesopotamia and resettled in Samaria and throughout the territory of Ancient Israel, progressively accepted Jewish religion (like the Samaritan woman with whom Jesus had a critical conversation-proof of his overwhelming rejection of the then ethnic Jews), but they were always ethnically distinct. In later periods (after the 4th c. BCE), all ethnic Jews became linguistically Aramaized, and they lost their Ancient Hebrew language, which was then the religious language for both, the religiously Jewish Aramaeans and the ethnically and religiously Jews.

After the Roman Conquest of Jerusalem and its subsequent destruction (70 CE), the ethnic Jews were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire and also in several other kingdoms in Asia (Iran, Yemen, Arabia, India) and Africa (Axum). The rise of the Islamic Caliphate guaranteed a period of commercial prosperity and intellectual creativity for all the Jews of the Islamic realm. The remarkable position that the Jews had in the Islamic Caliphate of Andalusia (Iberian Peninsula), the Hebrew name for Spain (Sepharad) with the ensuing adjective (Sephardi), and the expulsion of all the Jews from the victorious Christian kingdom of Castille and Aragon (1492) are the reasons for which gradually all the Jews have been collectively named Sephardic.

D- Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists

Totally different and unrelated from the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites (who cannot be identified with any ethnic group until now) and from the (Sephardic) Jews are the Ashkenazi Khazarians, who -settled in the northern coastland of the Caspian Sea- decided to accept Judaism as their religion around the year 800 CE. They are widely known thanks to their interaction with the Abbasid Caliphate, early and later Turanian Khanates, later Islamic Sultanates, the Eastern Roman Empire, and Christian European kingdoms. In Farsi and in several other languages, the Caspian Sea is called ‘The Sea of the Khazars’ (Darya-ye Khazar). 

At this point, it is essential to underscore the fact that the Khazars were not the first nation or ethnic group that accepted Judaism as religion. I already stated that the Aramaeans, who were transported from Southern Mesopotamia to the territory of Ancient Israel after the Israelite Captivity to Assyria (722-719 BCE), gradually accepted Judaism.

Also the small Aramaean kingdom of Adiabene (Hadyab in Syriac Aramaic) in Northeastern Mesopotamia and Northern Transtigritane (the land beyond Tigris River) accepted Judaism in the 1st c. CE. The small Aramaean kingdom had Arbil as capital, and it was at times tributary to the Arsacid Parthian, Roman, and Sassanid Iranian empires. The kingdom survived from the middle of 2nd c. BCE until the end of the 4th c. CE when it was irrevocably incorporated (379) in the Sassanid Empire. Although the religiously Jewish Aramaean Queen Helena of Adiabene was known to have made donations to the temple of Jerusalem, the people and the rulers of Adiabene never claimed any right to the ‘Promised Land’ in the face of their conversion to Judaism.

Contrarily to this tradition, after the Khazars accepted Judaism, they started naming themselves ‘Ashkenazi’, which is a Biblical term for the ancient nation of Scythians; by identifying themselves with the Ancient Scythians, they thought that they could acquire credentials of historicity and by believing (or showing publicly that they do) in Judaism, they laid claim to the ‘Promised Land’. They early established contacts with the Sephardi Jews in Western Europe (10th-11th c.) and attempted to arrange mixed marriages only to strengthen their claim and to posture as ethnically Jewish, whereas they are not.





The identification of the Khazars with the ancestors of all those who today claim to belong to the so-called ‘Ashkenazi Judaism’ (a highly controversial term due to the rise of the forged ‘Reform Judaism’ and other utterly non-Jewish or un-Jewish or even anti-Jewish movements among the supposedly Jewish Ashkenazi) is not only a modern scholarly conclusion (as in the case of the illustrious 19th-20th Talmudic scholar Samuel Krauss), but also the common practice and absolute conviction of many 11th c. Ashkenazi Talmudic commentators like Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105; also known as Rashi). Only with the rise of Zionism at the end of the 19th c., these commonly known and widely accepted even among Ashkenazi Khazarians- truths became ‘conspiracy theories’ and ‘unfounded assumptions’. 







7- The Pashtuns are unrelated to the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the Sephardic Jews, and the Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists

The Pashtuns, as you may have already understood, do not constitute a historical nation; the modern scholars, who try to falsify World History and hypothesize about the relationship of the fake national name of the Pashtuns with selected words from ancient languages, execute disreputable orders of their colonial masters and do not work in order to explore the historical truth. They intend merely to serve the criminal and evil choices of the world’s most inhuman colonial forces, i.e. England and the US. All these idiotic pseudo-scholars, who desperately search in Achaemenid Iranian, Middle Persian, Sogdian, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Aramaean, Syriac Aramaic, Arabic, Farsi, etc. texts in order to find words that sound like ‘Pashtun’, know very well that they are impostors and that whatever they pretend and publish in this regard is nonsensical.

There has never been any ethnonym in any language to have an affinity with the fabricated term ‘Pashtun’. Even worse, there is no continuity between any proposed (by modern scholars) name taken from any ancient language and the name of the modern pseudo-nation of the Pashtuns.

Pretty much like the Pashtuns are not one nation but an assemblage of ca. 400 tribes, Pashto is not a language but a collection of dialects. The existence of these dialects is due to an enormous amalgamation made between descendants of ancient indigenous nations (mainly of Eastern Iranian substrate) and the numerous nomadic nations and / or armies that crossed the mountainous regions of today’s Eastern Afghanistan and NW Pakistan in order to reach the Indus Valley.

As a matter of fact, the territories currently inhabited by the so-called ‘Pashtun’ (i. e. the central part of the current Pakistan-Afghanistan borderline and all the adjacent lands) had always been the main passageway from Central Asia, Siberia and NE Asia to the Indus Valley and, in general, the subcontinent. This region was also preferable to cross even for armies and/or nomads coming from the Iranian plateau with the intention to reach the Indus Valley. This critical fact, which determined all major historical developments in the wider region, is entirely due to the geomorphological condition of the wider region of Baluchistan, which lies south of the mountainous territories inhabited by the Pashtuns.

Baluchistan comprises vast swathes of land in SE Iran, SW Pakistan, and Southern Afghanistan. Arid mountains, deserts and swamps along with high temperatures make of this territory an inhospitable land almost impossible for armies or nomads to cross. Contrarily to these geomorphological traits, the narrow valleys of Hindu Kush, generously fertilized by rivers, make a far preferable territory for all types of migrants to traverse.

That is why the region, which is currently inhabited by Pashtuns, was crossed by many ethnic groups and nations migrating to the subcontinent either during the Antiquity or after the early expansion of Islam. Furthermore, it was endlessly crossed by caravans moving for two millennia (500 BCE – 1500 CE) on the silk-, spice-, and incense-routes. The Pakistani province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa corresponds to the Achaemenid satrapy of Thatagush (Sattagydia); borderlines among kingdoms and tribal confederacies were drawn there more often than in any other part of Iran, India and Central Asia. Surviving descendants of ancient indigenous nations amalgamated with every new wave of shelters and migrants, and this fact produced the incredibly high number of tribes that the English colonials put together in order to fabricate a fake nation-tool of their disastrous policies.

The Achaemenid Empire of Iran

Quite noticeably, with the arrival of the Western colonials in Eastern Africa and South Asia (around ca. 1500 CE), the silk-, spice-, and incense-routes ceased to function, nomadic movements became scarce, and after the last crossing of the region, i. e. Nader Shah’s invasion of India (1739), the English came up with their colonial scheme, namely the ‘Pashtun’ nation and the fake country named ‘Afghanistan’.

On the basis of the aforementioned, it becomes clear that there cannot be any connection between any of the tribes that the English baptized as Pashtun and any of the earlier discussed historical nations, namely the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the Sephardic Jews, and the Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists. About:

Turkish & Mongolic Words and Turkish Lexical Elements in Pashto

Peştucada Türkçe/Moğolca Kelimeler ve Türkçe Di̇l Unsurlari








You may now wish to know how the Pashtun proved to be useful to their English and American masters over the past 40 years. This is very simple; there is a word, a name, which is widely known worldwide. But this name is in fact a fraudulent deception. The reality hidden behind this deception would shake the world, if it became known. You certainly heard about the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Well, there are no Taliban. All Taliban are Pashtun; there are no Taliban except the Pashtun puppets of the English and the Americans.

One may still identify a few groups of Taliban of Tajik origin (like that of the deliberately assassinated Ahmad Shah Massoud); these groups are a professional reaction to the original fact, namely the organization of the evil pseudo-Muslim force of the Taliban by the British Intelligence, the CIA, and their silly and corrupt Pashtun puppets. When such developments take place, it is necessary for other nations (Tajik, Uzbek, etc.) and also for other forces (France, Russia, China, Germany) and countries (secret services) involved to organize parallel structures (other ‘Taliban’ groups) in order to mainly monitor and contain the early established group through them.

There is nothing Islamic in post-Soviet Afghanistan; it is a new form of colonization that destroys the land and all the other nations, which have been imprisoned in that pseudo-state. All fake Muslim Pashtuns carry out colonial orders, which serve only the Anglo-Saxon agenda. There is no Talibanization of Afghanistan; it is merely a Pashtunization.


8- Why Khazaria (Fake Israel) is in war with England about the Pashtun?

You may finally wish to ask why this topic may offer the fake state of Israel an opportunity to be involved and why such documentaries are supported by Israeli and Zionist cinematographers, and by their financiers.

The topic of the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians is at the epicenter of the eschatological beliefs and agendas of all the major secret societies of today’s world, namely the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists.

In fact, everything undertaken and done by the Western Europeans after the Fall of Constantinople (1453) was only the implementation of eschatological plans and agendas. In other words, different powerful organizations diffused tons of lies, forgeries and fake sciences in order to acquire wealth, obtain material force, and mainly achieve prevalence over the then existing empires (Ming – Qing China, Mughal Empire/Hindustan, Safavid/Afshar/Qajar Empire of Iran, the Ottoman Empire, the Aztecs and the Incas). Deliberately, they reduced the rest of the world into abject poverty and utmost misery in order to carry out their soteriological / messianic plans and schemes.

In this manner, they would impose their order worldwide and usher the entire mankind into a fake End of Times (al Yom al Akhar / اليوم الآخر or Akhir uz-zaman/ آخر الزمان) with their, fake, Messiah at the end. And this is what they exactly did, without anyone noticing it at some early moment. However, these forces, which attempted and achieved these developments, were in open conflict with one another, having opposite agendas, conflicting stories, and divergent interpretations of the Biblical (Ancient Hebrew) and Christian prophecies.   

Spanish and Portuguese colonialism reflected the agenda of the Jesuits.

Dutch, French and English colonialism reflected the agenda of the Freemasons.

Ashkenazi fake-Jewish Khazarian colonialism reflected the agenda of the Zionists.

With the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Rome divided all the seas of the world into either Spanish o Portuguese, turning the surface of the Earth into an imaginary lake and all the continents into de facto islands. This was the papal response to both, the Eastern Roman Empire (defunct in 1453-1461) and the divided Islamic world. The various Muslim empires failed first to be duly informed and updated and second to react. Their end would be inevitable because in reality this treaty terminated 2000 years of silk-, spice-, and incense routes.
Rome drew only two lines to separate the seas: from Brazil to the Philippines all seas ‘belonged’ to Portugal, whereas all the rest was considered as being under the control of the king of Spain.
Spain and Portugal were entirely controlled by the Jesuits and the pope.
The first and the second French colonial empires
The English Empire; the French and the English colonial empires were tools in the hands of the English and the French Freemasonry,

After WWI and WWII, these secret societies penetrated one another and managed to infiltrate the opposite society’s ‘territory’; this means that, in great contrast with what happened in the past, now all three organizations are powerful almost everywhere within the Western world, and at the same time, they are in contrast with one another everywhere (whereas Imperial Germany was at the hands of the Jesuits, whereas Freemasonry totally controlled France and England in 1914).

Freemasons and Zionists are now powerful in Spain whereas this would be totally inconceivable before 100 or 400 years; similarly, Jesuits are very influential in France and England, whereas this would be unbelievable before 100 or 200 years. This new situation forces all these three societies to use proxies for their wars – something that did not happen in the past.

Why is the topic of the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians at the epicenter of the eschatological beliefs and agendas of these three powerful secret societies?

This is very simple to answer: it is so, because for the Biblical and the Christian prophecies, the End of Time is the period during which, after unprecedented wars, destructions, famines, natural disasters, and diseases, the Messiah will identify the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians, and then, in a miraculous manner, he will bring them back to their respective lands of origin, i.e. in Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia. The texts are very clear on this topic, and at times they offer indeed fascinating descriptions. There are no messianic times without a ‘return’!

Where do these three organizations stand as regards the eschatological excerpts of the Old and New Testaments that concern the ‘Return of the Ten Lost Tribes’? Well, before replying briefly, I would suggest you to make your own research, starting with “Return of the Ten Lost Tribes” (all the words within brackets) in a search engine!

A- Jesuits and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes

The Jesuits, who persistently try nowadays to unify all branches and churches of today’s destitute Christianity under their own, diabolical, auspices, fully reject the topic because they view this development (or eventuality) as fully opposed and detrimental to Christianity (that they pretend to represent).

To the Jesuits, an eventual “Return of the Ten Lost Tribes” would automatically turn Jesus into anything else except the Messiah or Christ, which -as belief- consists in the foundation stone of Christianity. You may then wish to ask me why the Jesuits do not fabricate their own fake ‘Ten Lost Tribes’ so that eventually their (currently under preparation) false Messiah takes them back to the ‘Promised Land’. This question is easy to respond.

The Jesuits (and their spiritual, sacerdotal and theological predecessors) never believed a word of the Old Testament. By the way, they didn’t believe a word of the New Testament either; they only managed to seize the Roman sacerdotal hierarchy of Christianity and to progressively hijack through infiltration all the other Christian churches. In fact, the Jesuits deeply revile the Ancient Hebrews (the united kingdom of 12 tribes), the Ancient Israelites (the Ten Lost Tribes), the (Sephardic) Jews, and the Ashkenazi fake-Jewish Khazarians. Useless to add that the Jesuits deeply hate all the prophets, Jesus, and -last but not least- prophet Muhammad!

The Jesuits constitute a form of survival of ancient idolatrous and polytheistic beliefs and cults within Christianity; this statue represents Virgin Mary as Black Madonna with the infant Jesus. Ignacio de Loyola, the Benedictine monk and founder of the Jesuits, prayed to this statue for an entire night, before launching the Order of the Jesuits. 
In reality, the Jesuits constitute a heliocentric Roman priesthood which transferred within Christianity all the major cults and narratives of Mithraism, an ancient Iranian religion, which spread throughout Europe and the Roman Empire before Christianity.
Solar cult is omnipresent in the pseudo-Christian order of the Jesuits.

B- Freemasons and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes

The Freemasons (and their spiritual, sacerdotal and theological predecessors) were terribly persecuted in Western Europe during the Christian times, but they managed to survive mainly in England, an island that the Catholic Church never achieved to fully put under control. Originating from Isiac (Ancient Egyptian cults diffused and practiced in Greece, Rome and throughout the Roman Empire), Gnostic, Hermetic, and Arian Christian backgrounds, the spiritual, sacerdotal and theological ancestors of modern Freemasons went extinct in the powerful Eastern Roman Empire.

All the same, they were widely present in Abbasid Baghdad and in Umayyad Andalusia. The Brethren of Purity (إخوان‌ الصفا) demonstrate that the concept of Universal Man survived from Sargonid Assyria through Achaemenid Iran, Ptolemaic Egypt, Imperial Rome, and Sassanid Iran down to the golden era of Islamic civilization. When, at the times of the Crusades, the Knights Templar (an ancestral stage of the modern Freemasons) contacted the Isma’iliyah in various parts of the Orient, their spiritual purity had already been conditioned because of their interconnection with several Frankish tribes and more notably the Merovingian dynasty. Muslim mystics of those days were in a position to understand this situation; since that time, it should have been clear to Muslim erudite scholars and spiritual masters that nothing from the Genius of the Orient could remain intact in the irrevocably corrupted West. If the then Muslims did not realize this troublesome condition of the pseudo-Christian, rotten Western Europe, they certainly caused a tremendous collateral damage to the Islamic world (but this is another topic).

The Lia Fail stone (‘stone of destiny’), which is inserted in the English coronation throne, is a focal point of British Israelism and of the true speculative Freemasons.

Associated with several anti-Christian or anti-papal groups (the Cathars, the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, etc.), the modern Freemasons have been infiltrated by the Jesuits, split, engaged in fratricidal conflicts, and spiritually contaminated with the exception of only few lodges. The spiritual contamination of today’s fake (or rather Apostate) Freemasons relates to the preposterous and blasphemous narrative as per which Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had an offspring that happens to be the ancestor of the Merovingians.




The Return of the Ten Lost Tribes has always been a most cherished belief among Freemasons; it was viewed in purely material terms as the “return” (and salvation) of the Northern European elites (Dutch, Belgians, Northern French, English, Irish, Scots and Scandinavians) and the pro-European part of the American elite in the wider region of Mashreq (SE Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq), following cataclysmic human-made destructions that would be inflicted in the vast area in question by means of advanced technology, therefore  involving the extermination of the outright majority of the present inhabitants. You may eventually think that what I am narrating now is a replica of the ‘Greater Israel Project’, but this is in fact wrong! It is the other way round! The ‘Greater Israel Project’ is a counterfeit Zionist project at the very antipodes of the Freemasonic agenda for the Orient (see also below!). Both projects are evil indeed, but they stand in direct conflict with one another.

British Israelism and German Assyrianism are only some of the indications about Freemasons’ particular interest in the topic. English colonialism seemed to work for the interests of the English and French Freemasonic lodges in the 19th c., but the rise of the Zionist movement generated a problem. Instead of preparing the path for an English and West European return to the ‘Promised Land’, the calamitous labyrinth of the English political system turned against the interests of the English elites and favored the Zionist project. Dates like 1948 and 1956 turned the Freemasonic dream of ‘British Palestine’ into a nightmare. In fact and despite all appearances, after 1956, the world’s most opposite forces and most inimical states are England (UK) and ‘Israel’. It is not a mere coincidence that Queen Elizabeth II, who traveled almost in every country in the world, never visited Israel.




Every anti-Israeli Iranian (Ayatollah) rhetoric and policy is merely English Freemasonic anti-Zionist inducement and incitement. That little, smiley and asinine caricature of Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran’s former -thank God!- Foreign Minister) confused many people worldwide; they did not know whether he functioned as the official representative of Iran or the UK!

C- Zionists and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes

The slow rise of the Ashkenazi fake Jewish Khazarian elite to world prominence brought the Zionist concepts to the forefront. As per the Zionist narrative, there isn’t going to be any Messiah to come to this world as a human being. For the Zionists, who hate the Sephardic Jews and the Biblical tradition more than anyone else in the world, the only ‘true’ Messiah of the Biblical prophecies is … ‘Eretz Israel’ (the state of Israel) itself. Zionists interpret the Biblical prophecies about the ‘Messianic era’ as referring to (and being fulfilled in) the modern times, and more specifically in the period after the inception of their fake Israel in 1948.

According to the Zionist story, there is nothing to wait anymore from the Biblical prophecies. It goes without saying that the majority of the Sephardic Jews, who live in fake Israel as truly second class citizens, and all the religious ‘Orthodox’ (who are also known as Haredi) Ashkenazi Khazarians do not accept this heretical approach and peremptory interpretation; however, they are cheated, marginalized, persecuted and outmaneuvered by the dictatorial Zionist elite. The Zionists do not act as a secular political force (as they pretend), but as deeply rancorous, highly vindictive, totally anti-Biblical, and hysterically anti-religious sect of dogmatically recalcitrant lunatics.

Haredi Ashkenazi family (above); Zionists in the streets of Tel Aviv (below)

Beyond the aforementioned religious polarizations and discrepancies, the Zionist elites are divided due to the Freemasonic and the Jesuit infiltration tendencies among them; one group of them sides with the richest Zionist families of the world and the Jesuit Pope Francis I, whereas the other side of the Zionist establishment (typically expressed by Netanyahu) is a strong and committed ally of the Freemasonic part of the English, French and American establishments (W. Churchill, F. D. Roosevelt, Ch. de Gaulle, and more recently M. Thatcher, R. Reagan, and D. Trump).

D- The Eschatological Use of the Pashtuns and the Zionist Project

Of course, the ‘Greater Israel Project’ is a fact on which Zionist politicians, academics, military, agents, journalists, etc. have been working on daily basis over the past decades. You understand that preparing many options for an enormous project like that is not an easy affair; among other issues, the Zionist schemers have to find out the populations that will inhabit the vast territory after Israel takes control over it (if this ever happens).

There is a messianic prophecy in the Bible as per which there will be a vast state “from Euphrates to the Nile”. The reference is the Book of Prophet Isaiah 27:12; the Biblical verse reads: “In that day, from the river Euphrates to the Brook of Egypt, the Lord will thresh out the grain, and you will be gleaned one by one, oh people of Israel”! This is taken by the Zionists as “full Biblical corroboration and justification of the Greater Israel Project”.

There are several versions (or scenarios) of Greater Israel; but the beginning is the same always: the so-called ‘Greater Middle East’ – where –supposedly- all the indigenous nations and ethnic-religious groups will enjoy freedom and self-determination.
Fragmentation heralds restructuring and reunification, after many dozens of millions die.

If today’s Zionist plan is to achieve the formation of a vast state like that, they will have to guarantee a detrimental increase in the ‘Aliyah’ movement; this Modern Hebrew term denotes the immigration of Ashkenazi Khazarians and Sephardic Jews from the ‘Jewish Diaspora’ to the state of Fake Israel. If they cannot rely much on this perspective, they will surely have to fill it up with deceived and flattered victims from Asia and Africa to whom the old story about the “Return of the Ten Lost Tribes” will be told not as historical truth but as a mischievous parody. Actually, you already know very well how a similar operation was undertaken in the past (for different purposes; that is true). That operation was also useful as a guideline or a manual. I am referring now to the story of the Falashas (or ‘Beta Israel’), which started in 1979 and culminated in 1991 with the notorious Operation Solomon (24-25 May 1991).





The so prosperous destiny of the Falashas (eulogized as a first, ‘identified’, part of the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel) in the streets of Tel Aviv – always under the auspices of the Zionist state!

So, you have to see Simcha Jacobovici’s documentary in its real dimensions; in fact, it is just one of the numerous propaganda items with which the Zionist establishment tries over the time to prepare the population of the fake state of Israel subliminally and consciously about the forthcoming ‘arrival’ of their ‘brethren’. I am sure that you already have an idea about the racist treatment that the Falashas have faced in the Zionist state; something similar will also happen to all the naïve Pashtuns and others who one day may find it opportune to move to the ‘Greater Israel’.

In any case, it is not only a matter of documentaries, books, articles and features in Israeli newspapers; neither is it an issue of educational brainwash and sociopolitical propaganda. It is also a vast undertaking at the level of academic research; hundreds of Zionist students (either from Israel or the US or other countries) get every year stipendiums and scholarships to travel to various countries and there to study all possible details of Ethnography, Social Anthropology, History, History of Religion, Literature, and Linguistics that concern various tribes with traits, rites, rituals, traditions and cults that appear even slightly similar with those of the Ashkenazi Khazarians.

After the early collected data is duly studied, secret agents undertake a different approach, trying to explain the benefits for the tribe in question to eventually relocate to the fake state of Israel. At this level, even elementary courses of Modern Hebrew are taught locally. This process lasts long, eventually several decades. Then, these earlier heedless tribal chieftains come to ‘learn’ that they are something incredibly important and that they can find the Paradise on Earth, just in the Zionist state!!!

It is not only about the Pashtuns; surely the Mossad targets indeed several Pashtun tribes in view of a beneficial relocation to the Zionist state in the future. But they are not the only. There are many other tribes contacted and targeted here and there. This ongoing program involves people from Kashmir, India, Japan, South Africa, Nigeria and even America (Native Amerindians).



In fact, the Zionists found in the issue of the “Return of the Ten Lost Tribes” an embarrassing concept that could function as dynamite in the foundations of their state, but they tried to turn it against the Freemasons. Finally, the filthy and corrupt Pashtuns, who operated for 300 years as agents of the English colonials, can surely perform as lackeys of the Ashkenazi Khazarians for another 300 years and eventually relocate to Iraq, Syria or Jordan anytime the opportunity may be offered to them. Why not? An apartment in Tel Aviv is surely more comfortable than the makeshift huts of Peshawar in which the fake Muslim Pakistani politicians and military undeservedly condemned their people for their lifetime.

After all, the Pashtun relocation as a phantasmagoric pseudo-return may surpass that of the unfortunate Falashas! And who knows? From Khyber Pass, some Afridi Pashtuns may one day find themselves enjoyably settled in Khaybar, a lovely oasis which is presently located in NW Saudi Arabia. I must confess that over the span of the last decades, I have noticed that the Ashkenazi Khazarians express so much love and nostalgia for the NW part of today’s Arabia!!! Look at the links below:










You may eventually ask me what will happen with the religion of the Afridi Pashtuns, who still happen to be Muslim; I guess that little money will solve this problem. After all, if the sexually perverse sheikhs of Bahrain, Emirates and Oman established already relations with the Zionist state, why should the impoverished Afridi Pashtuns be so adamant and intransigent?

At the end of the day, they may even learn in some well-organized seminars that Islam is just a Jewish heresy, and that the Quran was merely copied from several sacred books, eventually the Gospel of the Nazarenes, i.e. the Christian Jews who were mentioned by Fathers of the Christian Church in the 4th c. Known as based in Syria, the Nazarenes were still view as noxious heretics by the increasingly intolerant Christian Church; it is therefore quite plausible that some of them migrated to Hejaz and more particularly to Yathrib.

Other Western scholars pretend that the Ebionites exercised a more determinant impact on the formulation of the Quran and the formation of Early Islam. Currently,

a great number of scholars undertake extensive and often biased research about the Jewish involvement in the formation of Islam and the elaboration of the Quran. If not one Muslim scholar can oppose them, and if the uneducated and useless Muslim sheikhs do not even monitor (let alone refute) these publications, why should the Afridi Pashtuns bother to care after all?










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